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Outputs (9)

Should the relationship between leaf margin and temperature be re‐defined for areas with colder climates? (2024)
Journal Article
Iszkuło, G., Tyrała‐Wierucka, Ż., Thomas, P. A., Terlecka, M., Walas, Ł., & Tomaszewski, D. (in press). Should the relationship between leaf margin and temperature be re‐defined for areas with colder climates?. Journal of Biogeography,

The well-proven positive correlation between the increased proportion of entire-leaved woody dicotyledonous species and increased mean annual temperature has been commonly used to estimate temperature in the past. However, in regions of colder c... Read More about Should the relationship between leaf margin and temperature be re‐defined for areas with colder climates?.

Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes, bunkers, tunnels and firing ranges (2024)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Ruffell, A., Styles, P., Stringfellow, M., Stimpson, I. G., Banham, S. G., …Thompson, J. (2024). Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes, bunkers, tunnels and firing ranges. Forensic Science International, 359, Article 112033.

Recent events in conflict zones have emphasized that the successful detection and characterisation of buried clandestine complexes, bunkers and tunnels is vitally important for forensic investigators globally, to reduce or solve criminal activities,... Read More about Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes, bunkers, tunnels and firing ranges.

Going Down The Local The Challenges Of Place-Based Net Zero Governance Final (2023)
Journal Article
Catney, P., Bedford, T., & Robinson, Z. (2023). Going Down The Local The Challenges Of Place-Based Net Zero Governance Final. Journal of the British Academy, 11(s4), 125–156.

Place-based decarbonisation is emerging as a significant element in the UK government’s net zero agenda, specifically through central government devolution deals. Such localised governance has the potential to reap social and economic benefits for co... Read More about Going Down The Local The Challenges Of Place-Based Net Zero Governance Final.

Evolutionary history of Castanea sativa in the Caucasus driven by Middle and Late Pleistocene paleoenvironmental changes (2023)
Journal Article
Beridze, B., Sękiewicz, K., Walas, Ł., Thomas, P. A., Danelia, I., Kvartskhava, G., …Dering, M. (2023). Evolutionary history of Castanea sativa in the Caucasus driven by Middle and Late Pleistocene paleoenvironmental changes. AoB PLANTS, 15(5),

Due to global climate cooling and aridification since the Paleogene, members of the Neogene flora were extirpated from the Northern Hemisphere or were confined to a few refugial areas. For some species, the final reduction/extinction came in the Plei... Read More about Evolutionary history of Castanea sativa in the Caucasus driven by Middle and Late Pleistocene paleoenvironmental changes.

Investigation into the Role of Long-Non-Coding RNA MIAT in Leukemia (2023)
Journal Article
Ostini, A., & Mourtada-Maarabouni, M. (2023). Investigation into the Role of Long-Non-Coding RNA MIAT in Leukemia. Non-Coding RNA, 9(4), Article 47.

Myocardial Infarction Associated Transcript (MIAT) is a nuclear long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) with four different splicing variants. MIAT dysregulation is associated with carcinogenesis, mainly acting as an oncogene regulating cellular growth, invasio... Read More about Investigation into the Role of Long-Non-Coding RNA MIAT in Leukemia.

Platelets bridging the gap between gut dysbiosis and neuroinflammation in stress-linked disorders: A narrative review. (2023)
Journal Article
Rust, C., Malan-Muller, S., van den Heuvel, L. L., Tonge, D., Seedat, S., Pretorius, E., & Hemmings, S. M. J. (2023). Platelets bridging the gap between gut dysbiosis and neuroinflammation in stress-linked disorders: A narrative review. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 382, Article 578155.

In this narrative review, we examine the association between gut dysbiosis, neuroinflammation, and stress-linked disorders, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and investigate whether tryptophan (TRP) metabolism... Read More about Platelets bridging the gap between gut dysbiosis and neuroinflammation in stress-linked disorders: A narrative review..