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Outputs (65)

Awareness of HPV infection and attitudes toward HPV vaccination among Latvian adolescents (2017)
Journal Article
Patel, H., Pčolkina, K., Rezeberga, D., Moss, E., Strazdina, K., Viberga, I., …Redman, C. (2017). Awareness of HPV infection and attitudes toward HPV vaccination among Latvian adolescents. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 138-144.

To evaluate awareness of HPV and its vaccine among Latvian adolescents.

A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a 2-week period in September 2015 among 270 adolescents attending a secondary school in Riga, Latvia. All student... Read More about Awareness of HPV infection and attitudes toward HPV vaccination among Latvian adolescents.

Assessing Music Perception in Young Children: Evidence for and Psychometric Features of the M-Factor (2017)
Journal Article
Lamont. (2017). Assessing Music Perception in Young Children: Evidence for and Psychometric Features of the M-Factor. Frontiers in Neuroscience,

Given the relationship between language acquisition and music processing, musical perception (MP) skills have been proposed as a tool for early diagnosis of speech and language difficulties; therefore, a psychometric instrument is needed to assess mu... Read More about Assessing Music Perception in Young Children: Evidence for and Psychometric Features of the M-Factor.

How does a newly encountered face become familiar? The effect of within-person variability on adults' and children's perception of identity (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). How does a newly encountered face become familiar? The effect of within-person variability on adults' and children's perception of identity. Cognition, 19-30.

Adults and children aged 6 years and older easily recognize multiple images of a familiar face, but often perceive two images of an unfamiliar face as belonging to different identities. Here we examined the process by which a newly encountered face b... Read More about How does a newly encountered face become familiar? The effect of within-person variability on adults' and children's perception of identity.

What do national flags stand for?: an exploration of associations across 11 countries (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). What do national flags stand for?: an exploration of associations across 11 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 335-352.

We examined the concepts and emotions people associate with their national flag, and how these associations are related to nationalism and patriotism across 11 countries. Factor analyses indicated that the structures of associations differed across c... Read More about What do national flags stand for?: an exploration of associations across 11 countries.

Data-driven region-of-interest selection without inflating Type I error rate (2017)
Journal Article
Brooks, J., Zoumpoulaki, A., & Bowman, H. (2017). Data-driven region-of-interest selection without inflating Type I error rate. Psychophysiology, 54(1), 100 -113.

In ERP and other large multidimensional neuroscience data sets, researchers often select regions of interest (ROIs) for analysis. The method of ROI selection can critically affect the conclusions of a study by causing the researcher to miss effects i... Read More about Data-driven region-of-interest selection without inflating Type I error rate.