Beata Orlecka-Sikora
An open data infrastructure for the study of anthropogenic hazards linked to georesource exploitation
Orlecka-Sikora, Beata; Lasocki, Stanisław; Kocot, Joanna; Szepieniec, Tomasz; Garcia-Aristizabal, Alexander; Schaming, Marc; Urban, Paweł; Jones, Glenda; Stimpson, Ian; Dineva, Savka; Sałek, Piotr; Leptokaropoulos, Konstantinos; Lizurek, Grzegorz; Olszewska, Dorota; Schmittbuhl, Jean; Kwiatek, Grzegorz; Blanke, Aglaja; Chodzińska, Karolina; Rudziński, Łukasz; Dobrzycka, Izabela; Mutke, Grzegorz; Barański, Adam; Pierzyna, Aleksandra; Kozlovskaya, Elena; Nevalainen, Jouni; Kinscher, Jannes; Sileny, Jan; Sterzel, Mariusz; Cielesta, Szymon; Fischer, Tomas
Stanisław Lasocki
Joanna Kocot
Tomasz Szepieniec
Alexander Garcia-Aristizabal
Marc Schaming
Paweł Urban
Glenda Jones
Ian Stimpson
Savka Dineva
Piotr Sałek
Konstantinos Leptokaropoulos
Grzegorz Lizurek
Dorota Olszewska
Jean Schmittbuhl
Grzegorz Kwiatek
Aglaja Blanke
Karolina Chodzińska
Łukasz Rudziński
Izabela Dobrzycka
Grzegorz Mutke
Adam Barański
Aleksandra Pierzyna
Elena Kozlovskaya
Jouni Nevalainen
Jannes Kinscher
Jan Sileny
Mariusz Sterzel
Szymon Cielesta
Tomas Fischer
Mining, water-reservoir impoundment, underground gas storage, geothermal energy exploitation and hydrocarbon extraction have the potential to cause rock deformation and earthquakes, which may be hazardous for people, infrastructure and the environment. Restricted access to data constitutes a barrier to assessing and mitigating the associated hazards. Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards (TCS AH) of the European Plate
Observing System (EPOS) provides a novel e-research infrastructure. The core of this infrastructure, the Induced Seismicity IS-EPOS Platform (, is connected to international data storage nodes offering open access to large grouped datasets (here termed
episodes), comprising geoscientific and associated data from industrial activity along with a large set of embedded applications for their efficient data processing, analysis and visualization. The novel team-working features of the IS-EPOS Platform facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary scientific research, public understanding of science, citizen science applications, knowledge dissemination, data-informed policy-making and the teaching of anthropogenic hazards related to georesource exploitation. TCS AH is one of 10 thematic core services forming EPOS, a solid earth science European Research Infrastructure Consortium
(ERIC) (
Orlecka-Sikora, B., Lasocki, S., Kocot, J., Szepieniec, T., Robert Grasso, J., Garcia-Aristizabal, A., …Fischer, T. (2020). An open data infrastructure for the study of anthropogenic hazards linked to georesource exploitation. Scientific Data,
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Feb 27, 2020 |
Publication Date | Mar 11, 2020 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 26, 2023 |
Journal | Scientific Data |
Publisher | Nature Publishing Group |
DOI | |
Keywords | infrastructure, anthropogenic hazards, georesource exploitation, seismology, tectonics |
Publisher URL | |
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