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Vaccination for monkeypox prevention in persons with high-risk sexual behaviours to control on-going outbreak of monkeypox virus clade 3.

Petersen, E; Zumla, A; Hui, DS; Blumberg, L; Valdoleiros, SR; Amao, L; Ntoumi, F; Asogun, D; Simonsen, L; Haider, N; Traore, T; Kapata, N; Dar, O; Nachega, J; Abbara, A; Al Balushi, A; Kock, R; Maeurer, M; Lee, SS; Lucey, DR; Ippolito, G; Koopmans, MPG

Vaccination for monkeypox prevention in persons with high-risk sexual behaviours to control on-going outbreak of monkeypox virus clade 3. Thumbnail


E Petersen

A Zumla

DS Hui

L Blumberg

SR Valdoleiros

L Amao

F Ntoumi

D Asogun

L Simonsen

T Traore

N Kapata

O Dar

J Nachega

A Abbara

A Al Balushi

R Kock

M Maeurer

SS Lee

DR Lucey

G Ippolito

MPG Koopmans


Petersen, E., Zumla, A., Hui, D., Blumberg, L., Valdoleiros, S., Amao, L., …Koopmans, M. (2022). Vaccination for monkeypox prevention in persons with high-risk sexual behaviours to control on-going outbreak of monkeypox virus clade 3. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 569 - 571.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 2, 2022
Publication Date 2022-09
Publicly Available Date May 30, 2023
Journal International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Print ISSN 1201-9712
Publisher Elsevier
Pages 569 - 571
Public URL
Publisher URL


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