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Directional control of neurite outgrowth: emerging technologies for Parkinson's disease using magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic field gradients.

Dhillon, K; Aizel, K; Broomhall, TJ; Secret, E; Goodman, T; Rotherham, M; Telling, N; Siaugue, JM; Ménager, C; Fresnais, J; Coppey, M; El Haj, AJ; Gates, M

Directional control of neurite outgrowth: emerging technologies for Parkinson's disease using magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic field gradients. Thumbnail


K Dhillon

K Aizel

TJ Broomhall

E Secret

T Goodman

M Rotherham

JM Siaugue

C Ménager

J Fresnais

M Coppey

AJ El Haj


A challenge in current stem cell therapies for Parkinson's disease (PD) is controlling neuronal outgrowth from the substantia nigra towards the targeted area where connectivity is required in the striatum. Here we present progress towards controlling directional neurite extensions through the application of iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) labelled neuronal cells combined with a magnetic array generating large spatially variant field gradients (greater than 20 T m-1). We investigated the viability of this approach in both two-dimensional and organotypic brain slice models and validated the observed changes in neurite directionality using mathematical models. Results showed that MNP-labelled cells exhibited a shift in directional neurite outgrowth when cultured in a magnetic field gradient, which broadly agreed with mathematical modelling of the magnetic force gradients and predicted MNP force direction. We translated our approach to an ex vivo rat brain slice where we observed directional neurite outgrowth of transplanted MNP-labelled cells from the substantia nigra towards the striatum. The improved directionality highlights the viability of this approach as a remote-control methodology for the control and manipulation of cellular growth for regenerative medicine applications. This study presents a new tool to overcome challenges faced in the development of new therapies for PD.


Dhillon, K., Aizel, K., Broomhall, T., Secret, E., Goodman, T., Rotherham, M., …Gates, M. (2022). Directional control of neurite outgrowth: emerging technologies for Parkinson's disease using magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic field gradients. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 19(196),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 19, 2022
Publication Date Nov 9, 2022
Journal Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Print ISSN 1742-5689
Electronic ISSN 1742-5662
Publisher The Royal Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Issue 196
Keywords magnetic nanoparticles; regenerative medicine; tissue engineering; neurite outgrowth
Publisher URL


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