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Public Involvement in a study to improve patient empowerment in musculoskeletal care using an online health portal: The MSK-Tracker

Blackburn, Steven; Tempest, Katie; Stevenson, Kay; Dziedzic, Krysia; Tooth, Stephanie; Hill, Jonathan


Steven Blackburn

Katie Tempest

Kay Stevenson

Stephanie Tooth


Introduction: New musculoskeletal (MSK) care models are required that are patient-centred and better reflect patients’ individual needs. The Arthritis Research UK Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ) is a recently validated outcome measure to evaluate an individual’s MSK health-status across the care pathway. The aim of this paper is to describe how people with MSK conditions have been involved in a study to test the feasibility and impact of implementing the MSK-HQ using an innovative IT platform, the MSK-Tracker.

Methods: As part of the study team and in advisory groups, people with MSK conditions contributed to the co-design and delivery of the study, including:
•a stakeholder workshop to determine the MSK-Tracker’s requirements within a clinical setting
•study design, including recruitment methods and outcome measures
•co-design and informal testing of the MSK-Tracker platform
•development of participant information
•project management
•interpretation of results

Results: Public contributors actively shaped this project at every stage. For example, by identifying the MSK-Tracker's potential to give patients a “start-point for the consultation” by providing “an opportunity to discuss the things important to you”. They also suggested having a secondary outcome to examine how the nature of the consultation conversation changed with the platform’s introduction. Through co-design and informal testing, public contributors have been instrumental in improving the MSK-Tracker’s usability and functions. Public contributors have actively supported the troubleshooting of difficult recruitment issues and are helping to explore the wider value of the MSK-Tracker to patients in the future. Some challenges existed with public co-applicant involvement in project management meetings and sustaining regular feedback with other public contributors.

Discussion: People with MSK conditions made important contributions throughout this study. Future activities will focus on ways to share findings with patients and the wider public and how other studies can similarly embrace public involvement.


Blackburn, S., Tempest, K., Stevenson, K., Dziedzic, K., Tooth, S., & Hill, J. (2019, October). Public Involvement in a study to improve patient empowerment in musculoskeletal care using an online health portal: The MSK-Tracker. Presented at 5th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC 2019), Brighton, UK

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 5th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC 2019)
Conference Location Brighton, UK
Start Date Oct 6, 2019
End Date Oct 9, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 20, 2023
Publisher Springer Verlag
Publisher URL