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All Outputs (27)

Migration and the Sensuous Geographies of Re-emplacement in the Philippines (2006)
Journal Article
McKay. (2006). Migration and the Sensuous Geographies of Re-emplacement in the Philippines. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 75 - 91.

This paper explores migrant returns to homeplaces, examining affective understandings of place and subjectivity in an intercultural context. Drawing on data gathered in migrant sending communities in the Philippines, it examines how local ‘structures... Read More about Migration and the Sensuous Geographies of Re-emplacement in the Philippines.

Practices of place-making: Globalisation and locality in the Philippines (2005)
Journal Article
McKay, D., & Brady, C. (2005). Practices of place-making: Globalisation and locality in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 89 - 103.

Global flows of people and information in the Asia–Pacific region are creating new forms of place that stretch across national boundaries and rural–urban distinctions. These new mobile forms of place link long-inhabited rural areas to cities, nationa... Read More about Practices of place-making: Globalisation and locality in the Philippines.

Reading remittance landscapes: Female migration and agricultural transition in the Philippines (2005)
Journal Article
McKay. (2005). Reading remittance landscapes: Female migration and agricultural transition in the Philippines. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 89 - 99.

In the Philippines, female migration for overseas contract work is transforming local agricultural landscapes. Yet the changes in land, labour, crops and cropping patterns that are occurring may not reflect local ecology or economic opportunity as mu... Read More about Reading remittance landscapes: Female migration and agricultural transition in the Philippines.

Rethinking Locality in Ifugao: Tribes, Domains and Colonial Histories (2005)
Journal Article
McKay. (2005). Rethinking Locality in Ifugao: Tribes, Domains and Colonial Histories

In the context of lfugao municipalities applying for ancestral domain, a review of the oral histories collected within a community of precolonial "migrants" allows this article to locate an indigenous group on quite a different terrain, one with no c... Read More about Rethinking Locality in Ifugao: Tribes, Domains and Colonial Histories.

Cultivating New Local Futures: Remittance Economies and Land-use Patterns in Ifugao, Philippines. (2003)
Journal Article
McKay. (2003). Cultivating New Local Futures: Remittance Economies and Land-use Patterns in Ifugao, Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 285 - 306.

In the Philippines, female migration for contract domestic work transforms the local landscape. The changes in land, labour, crops and cropping patterns that are occurring may not reflect local ecology or economic opportunity as much as they represen... Read More about Cultivating New Local Futures: Remittance Economies and Land-use Patterns in Ifugao, Philippines..

Migration and Masquerade: Gender and Habitus in the Philippines. (2001)
Journal Article
McKay. (2001). Migration and Masquerade: Gender and Habitus in the Philippines

Globalization recreates translocalities from what were previously imagined as isolated, peripheral communities. In the Philippines, a remote indigenous community incorporates new practices of gender brought by female circular migrants from urban 'abr... Read More about Migration and Masquerade: Gender and Habitus in the Philippines..