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‘Scallywag Bunkers’: Geophysical Investigations of WW2 Auxiliary Unit Operational Bases (OBs) in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Carr, S., Pringle, J. K., Doyle, P., Wisniewski, K. D., & Stimpson, I. G. (2020). ‘Scallywag Bunkers’: Geophysical Investigations of WW2 Auxiliary Unit Operational Bases (OBs) in the UK. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 15(1),

In 1940, with the fall of France imminent, Britain prepared for invasion. After Dunkirk, with most armour and transport lost, a defence ‘stop line’ (GHQ Line) was prepared. Local Defence Volunteers (later Home Guard) were raised to buy time for the H... Read More about ‘Scallywag Bunkers’: Geophysical Investigations of WW2 Auxiliary Unit Operational Bases (OBs) in the UK.

Geophysical site assessment of an active urban development site, South Eastern Suburb of Cairo, Egypt (2020)
Journal Article
Medhat, N. I., Atya, M., Ragab, E. A., El-Kenawy, A. A., Abdel Zaher, M., & Pringle, J. (2020). Geophysical site assessment of an active urban development site, South Eastern Suburb of Cairo, Egypt. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 54(1), Article ARTN qjegh2018-151.

There has been significant structural damage of newly-built residential buildings in Quarter-27 District in the South of Cairo, Egypt. The proximity of an active limestone quarry may also be affecting ground stability. This paper shows how a near-sur... Read More about Geophysical site assessment of an active urban development site, South Eastern Suburb of Cairo, Egypt.

Geophysical monitoring of simulated homicide burials for forensic investigations (2020)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Stimpson, I., Wisniewski, K., Davenward, B., Heaton, V., Mirosch, N., …Jervis, J. (2020). Geophysical monitoring of simulated homicide burials for forensic investigations. Scientific reports, 10, Article 7544.

Finding hidden bodies, believed to have been murdered and buried, is problematic, expensive in terms of human resource and currently has low success rates for law enforcement agencies. Here we present, for the first time, ten years of multidisciplina... Read More about Geophysical monitoring of simulated homicide burials for forensic investigations.

Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody (2020)
Journal Article
Mitten, A., Howell, L., Clarke, S., & Pringle, J. (2020). Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody. Sedimentary Geology,

Architectural elements of fluvial multi-storey sandbodies provide principal controls on the distribution of meso-scale (100–101?m scale) heterogeneity and reservoir quality. Consequently, it is valuable to understand the deposition and preservation o... Read More about Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody.

Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models (2020)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Mitten, A., Mullins, J., Howell, J., & Clarke, S. (2020). Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113, Article ARTN 104156.

Fluvial deposits create significant hydrocarbon reservoirs, although their characterisation can be difficult due to their differing scales of heterogeneity. Whilst numerical modelling methods have advanced to statistically honour fluvial input datase... Read More about Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models.

The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins (2020)
Journal Article
Howell, L., Leslie, G., Clarke, S., Mitten, A., Pringle, J., & Egan, S. (2020). The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins. Geology Today,

The Carboniferous North Pennine Basin remains the type locality for the ‘block and basin’ tectonic framework model. It has been widely believed that during periods of tectonic extension, large low-density bodies within the basement permit buoyant blo... Read More about The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins.

Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems (2019)
Journal Article
Priddy, C., Pringle, J., Pettigrew, R., & Clarke, S. (2019). Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems. Photogrammetric Record,

Outcrop studies are often used as analogues to subsurface sedimentary reservoirs, with photogrammetry representing a useful technique to obtain quantitative geometrical data of sedimentary architectures. Digital photogrammetry techniques were used to... Read More about Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems.

Testing Application of Geographical Information Systems, Forensic Geomorphology and Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Investigate Clandestine Grave Sites in Colombia, South America (2019)
Journal Article
Martin Molina, C., Wisniewski, K. D., Drake, J., Baena, A., Guatame, A., & Pringle, J. K. (2020). Testing Application of Geographical Information Systems, Forensic Geomorphology and Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Investigate Clandestine Grave Sites in Colombia, South America. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 65(1), 266-273.

Colombian forensic investigators required assistance locating clandestine burials of missing persons related to human right atrocities from 14 years ago. Geoscientific search methods were trialled, including a predictive spatial statistical model, us... Read More about Testing Application of Geographical Information Systems, Forensic Geomorphology and Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Investigate Clandestine Grave Sites in Colombia, South America.

Electrical resistivity tomography array comparisons to detect cleared-wall foundations in brownfield sites (2019)
Journal Article
Stimpson, & Pringle. (2019). Electrical resistivity tomography array comparisons to detect cleared-wall foundations in brownfield sites. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,

Electrical resistivity surveys are commonly used to detect and characterise near-surface buried objects in commercial developments of brownfield sites. 2D ERT profiles arrays predominate in such surveys due to their relatively rapid deployment, good... Read More about Electrical resistivity tomography array comparisons to detect cleared-wall foundations in brownfield sites.

Electrical resistivity tomography array comparisons to detect cleared-wall foundations in brownfield sites (2019)
Journal Article
Eissa, R., Cassidy, N., Pringle, J., & Stimpson, I. (2019). Electrical resistivity tomography array comparisons to detect cleared-wall foundations in brownfield sites. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 53(1), 137-144.

Electrical resistivity surveys are commonly used to detect and characterise near-surface buried objects in commercial developments of brownfield sites. 2D ERT profiles arrays predominate in such surveys due to their relatively rapid deployment, good... Read More about Electrical resistivity tomography array comparisons to detect cleared-wall foundations in brownfield sites.

The long arm of the (geoforensic) law (2019)
Journal Article
Ruffell, A., Pringle, J., & Morgan, R. (2019). The long arm of the (geoforensic) law. Geoscientist, 26-27.

A recent meeting in London considered both the conventional and unusual applications of geoscience to forensic investigation. Alastair Ruffell, Jamie Pringle and Ruth Morgan discuss the global expansion of forensic geoscience, and how this field is c... Read More about The long arm of the (geoforensic) law.

The Search for “Fred”: An Unusual Vertical Burial Case (2019)
Journal Article
D. Wisniewski, K., Cooper, N., Heaton, V., Hope, C., Pirrie, D., J. Mitten, A., & Pringle, J. K. (2019). The Search for “Fred”: An Unusual Vertical Burial Case. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64(5), 1530-1539.

This case reports details of a multi-phased, geophysical survey to assist in a cold case search. The Police Service received witness intelligence that had stated an adult male “Fred” had been lured to an isolated area, killed and then buried vertical... Read More about The Search for “Fred”: An Unusual Vertical Burial Case.

Wildlife Crime: The application of forensic geoscience to assist with criminal investigations (2019)
Journal Article
D. Wisniewski, K., K. Pringle, J., Allen, D., & E. Wilson, G. (2019). Wildlife Crime: The application of forensic geoscience to assist with criminal investigations. Forensic Science International, 11-18.

Wildlife crime is a growing problem in many rural areas. However, it can often be difficult to determine exactly what had happened and provide evidential Court material, especially where evidence is ephemeral. This paper presents a case study where a... Read More about Wildlife Crime: The application of forensic geoscience to assist with criminal investigations.

Geophysical assessment of illegally buried toxic waste for a legal enquiry: A case study in Northern Ireland (UK) (2018)
Journal Article
Ruffell, A., Pringle, J. K., Graham, C., Langton, M., & Jones, G. M. (2018). Geophysical assessment of illegally buried toxic waste for a legal enquiry: A case study in Northern Ireland (UK). Environmental Forensics, 19(4), 239-252.

Buried illegal waste and uncontrolled legal waste dumps are a major problem throughout the world, both in developing and more economically developed countries. Criminal investigations can effectively use geoscience investigations to assist them to be... Read More about Geophysical assessment of illegally buried toxic waste for a legal enquiry: A case study in Northern Ireland (UK).

Geophysical investigations of WWII air-raid shelters in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Ainsworth, J., Pringle, J., Doyle, P., Stringfellow, M., Roberts, D., Stimpson, I., …Goodwin, J. (2018). Geophysical investigations of WWII air-raid shelters in the UK. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 13(3), 167-197.

Just before WW2, the British government prepared for an aerial onslaught that was predicted to raze cities and cause mass casualties. By 1938, the Air Raid Precautions Act officially stated that population protection would be through dispersal, meani... Read More about Geophysical investigations of WWII air-raid shelters in the UK.

Inorganic elemental analysis of decomposition fluids of an in situ animal burial (2018)
Journal Article
Dick, H. C., & Pringle, J. K. (2018). Inorganic elemental analysis of decomposition fluids of an in situ animal burial. Forensic Science International, 289, 130-139.

In homicide investigations, it is critically important that post-mortem (PMI) and post-burial interval (PBI) of buried victims are determined accurately. However, clandestine graves can be difficult to locate; and the detection rates for a variety of... Read More about Inorganic elemental analysis of decomposition fluids of an in situ animal burial.

GPR and ERT detection and characterization of a mass burial, Spanish Civil War, Northern Spain (2018)
Journal Article
Rubio-Melendi, D., Gonzalez-Quirós, A., Roberts, D., del Carmen García García, M., Caunedo Domínguez, A., Pringle, J. K., & Fernández-Álvarez, J. (2018). GPR and ERT detection and characterization of a mass burial, Spanish Civil War, Northern Spain. Forensic Science International, 287, e1-e9.

Around 27,000 people were killed in the province of Asturias during the Spanish Civil War, with several thousands killed after the war ended. There are currently over 2,000 known mass burial locations throughout Spain, but many more are unknown. Geop... Read More about GPR and ERT detection and characterization of a mass burial, Spanish Civil War, Northern Spain.

Determining geophysical responses from burials in graveyards and cemeteries (2017)
Journal Article
Dick, H. C., Pringle, J. K., Wisniewski, K. D., Goodwin, J., van der Putten, R., Evans, G. T., …Hansen, J. D. (2017). Determining geophysical responses from burials in graveyards and cemeteries. Geophysics, 82(6), B245 - B255 (11).

Graveyards and cemeteries around the world are being increasingly designated as full. There is a growing requirement to identify burial spaces or to exhume and then re-inter burials if necessary. Near-surface geophysical methods offer a potentially n... Read More about Determining geophysical responses from burials in graveyards and cemeteries.

Multidisciplinary Investigations at P.O.W. Camp 198, Bridgend, S. Wales: Site of a Mass Escape in March 1945 (2017)
Journal Article
Rees-Hughes, L., Pringle, J., Russill, N., Wisniewski, K., & Doyle, P. (in press). Multidisciplinary Investigations at P.O.W. Camp 198, Bridgend, S. Wales: Site of a Mass Escape in March 1945. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 11(2-3),

The largest escape of German Prisoner of War (P.O.W.) in WW2 was in March 1945 from Camp 198, situated in Bridgend, South Wales, UK. Since camp closure the site has become derelict, and has not been scientifically investigated. This paper reports on... Read More about Multidisciplinary Investigations at P.O.W. Camp 198, Bridgend, S. Wales: Site of a Mass Escape in March 1945.