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All Outputs (78)

GPR and bulk ground resistivity surveys in graveyards: Locating unmarked burials in contrasting soil types (2014)
Journal Article
Hansen, J. D., Pringle, J. K., & Goodwin, J. (2014). GPR and bulk ground resistivity surveys in graveyards: Locating unmarked burials in contrasting soil types. Forensic Science International, 237, e14 - e29.

With graveyards and cemeteries globally being increasingly designated as full, there is a growing need to identify unmarked burial positions to find burial space or exhume and re-inter if necessary. In some countries, for example the U.S. and U.K., b... Read More about GPR and bulk ground resistivity surveys in graveyards: Locating unmarked burials in contrasting soil types.

Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls (2014)
Journal Article
Ruffell, A., Pringle, J. K., & Forbes, S. (2014). Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls. Forensic Science International, 237, 137 -145.

The burial of objects (human remains, explosives, weapons) below or behind concrete, brick, plaster or tiling may be associated with serious crime and are difficult locations to search. These are quite common forensic search scenarios but little has... Read More about Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls.

The Precambrian–Cambrian nonconformity at the Ercall Quarries, The Wrekin, Shropshire, UK (2013)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., & Stimpson, I. G. (2013). The Precambrian–Cambrian nonconformity at the Ercall Quarries, The Wrekin, Shropshire, UK. Geology Today, 29(5), 195 - 199 (5).

The Precambrian–Cambrian boundary is iconic, marking the first appearance of shelly fauna in the fossil record, and opening the Phanerozoic Eon. In England and Wales, the transition from predominantly Precambrian igneous rocks to Cambrian sedimentary... Read More about The Precambrian–Cambrian nonconformity at the Ercall Quarries, The Wrekin, Shropshire, UK.

Educational environmental geoscience e-gaming to provide stimulating and effective learning (2013)
Journal Article
Pringle. (2013). Educational environmental geoscience e-gaming to provide stimulating and effective learning. Planet, 27(1), 21 - 28 (7).

Current Higher Education students mostly comprise so-called Generation Y who have grown up with personal computer and e-gaming technologies. As such, they may respond positively to educational gaming as stimulating and effective complementary learnin... Read More about Educational environmental geoscience e-gaming to provide stimulating and effective learning.

Long term time-lapse microgravity and geotechnical monitoring of relict salt-mines, Marston, Cheshire, UK. (2012)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Styles, P., Howell, C. P., Branston, M. W., Furner, R., & Toon, S. M. (2012). Long term time-lapse microgravity and geotechnical monitoring of relict salt-mines, Marston, Cheshire, UK. Geophysics, 77(6), B287 - B294 (8).

The area around the town of Northwich in Cheshire, U. K., has a long history of catastrophic ground subsidence caused by a combination of natural dissolution and collapsing abandoned mine workings within the underlying Triassic halite bedrock geology... Read More about Long term time-lapse microgravity and geotechnical monitoring of relict salt-mines, Marston, Cheshire, UK..

The use of geoscience methods for terrestrial forensic searches (2012)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Ruffell, A., Jervis, J., Donnelly, L., McKinley, J., Hansen, J., …Harrison, M. (2012). The use of geoscience methods for terrestrial forensic searches. Earth-Science Reviews, 114(1-2), 108 - 123 (17).

Geoscience methods are increasingly being utilised in criminal, environmental and humanitarian forensic investigations, and the use of such methods is supported by a growing body of experimental and theoretical research. Geoscience search techniques... Read More about The use of geoscience methods for terrestrial forensic searches.

Geophysical Monitoring of Simulated Clandestine Graves Using Electrical and Ground-Penetrating Radar Methods: 0–3 Years After Burial (2012)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Jervis, J. R., Hansen, J. D., Jones, G. M., Cassidy, N. J., & Cassella, J. P. (2012). Geophysical Monitoring of Simulated Clandestine Graves Using Electrical and Ground-Penetrating Radar Methods: 0–3 Years After Burial. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(6), 1467 - 1486.

This study provides forensic search teams with systematic geophysical monitoring data over simulated clandestine graves for comparison to active cases. Simulated "wrapped" and "naked" burials were created. Multigeophysical surveys were collected over... Read More about Geophysical Monitoring of Simulated Clandestine Graves Using Electrical and Ground-Penetrating Radar Methods: 0–3 Years After Burial.

Confined to unconfined: Anatomy of a base of slope succession, Karoo Basin, South Africa (2012)
Journal Article
Brunt, R. L., Hodgson, D. M., Flint, S. S., Pringle, J. K., Di Celma, C., Prélat, A., & Grecula, M. (2013). Confined to unconfined: Anatomy of a base of slope succession, Karoo Basin, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 41, 206-221.

Two contemporaneous weakly confined deepwater systems form Unit B of the Permian Laingsburg Formation are sufficiently well-exposed to allow investigation of the down dip passage from channelized base of slope to distributive deposits over a 25 km di... Read More about Confined to unconfined: Anatomy of a base of slope succession, Karoo Basin, South Africa.

Establishing forensic search methodologies and geophysical surveying for the detection of clandestine graves in coastal beach environments (2012)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Holland, C., Szkornik, K., & Harrison, M. (2012). Establishing forensic search methodologies and geophysical surveying for the detection of clandestine graves in coastal beach environments. Forensic Science International, 219(1-3), e29 - e36.

A 2010 UK police search for a clandestine burial highlighted the need for more information and quantitative data to aid coastal beach searches. This study aimed to address this by establishing relevant forensic search methodologies to aid the search... Read More about Establishing forensic search methodologies and geophysical surveying for the detection of clandestine graves in coastal beach environments.

Geophysical and intrusive site investigations to detect an abandoned coal-mine access shaft, Apedale, Staffordshire, UK (2011)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., & Banham, S. (2011). Geophysical and intrusive site investigations to detect an abandoned coal-mine access shaft, Apedale, Staffordshire, UK. Near Surface Geophysics, 9(5), 483 - 496 (14).

Derelict coal mine workings at Apedale in Staffordshire, United Kingdom were the focus for a multi-disciplinary geophysical and intrusive site investigation. Objectives were to: 1) locate the surface entrance to a coal mine access shaft, 2) determine... Read More about Geophysical and intrusive site investigations to detect an abandoned coal-mine access shaft, Apedale, Staffordshire, UK.

Comparisons of magnetic and electrical resistivity surveys over simulated clandestine graves in contrasting burial environments (2010)
Journal Article
Juerges, A., Pringle, J., Jervis, J., & Masters, P. (2010). Comparisons of magnetic and electrical resistivity surveys over simulated clandestine graves in contrasting burial environments. Near Surface Geophysics, 8(6), 529 -539.

Determining the effectiveness and limitations of near-surface, non-invasive geophysical techniques is imperative when attempting to locate clandestine burials. Unlike in archaeology, there has been limited forensic research with regard to optimum met... Read More about Comparisons of magnetic and electrical resistivity surveys over simulated clandestine graves in contrasting burial environments.

Interpreting complex, three-dimensional, near-surface GPR surveys: An integrated modelling and inversion approach (2010)
Journal Article
Millington, T., Cassidy, N., Nuzzo, L., Crocco, L., Soldovieri, F., & Pringle, J. (2011). Interpreting complex, three-dimensional, near-surface GPR surveys: An integrated modelling and inversion approach. Near Surface Geophysics, 9(3), 297-304.

With the increasing computational power of modern personal computers, sophisticated modelling and inversion techniques are becoming popular tools for the interpretation of high-resolution, fully three-dimensional GPR surveys. In this paper, we presen... Read More about Interpreting complex, three-dimensional, near-surface GPR surveys: An integrated modelling and inversion approach.

Preliminary soilwater conductivity analysis to date clandestine burials of homicide victims (2010)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Cassella, J. P., & Jervis, J. R. (2010). Preliminary soilwater conductivity analysis to date clandestine burials of homicide victims. Forensic Science International, 198(1-3), 126 - 133.

This study reports on a new geoscientific method to estimate the post-burial interval (PBI) and potential post-mortem interval (PMI) date of homicide victims in clandestine graves by measuring decomposition fluid conductivities. Establishing PBI/PMI... Read More about Preliminary soilwater conductivity analysis to date clandestine burials of homicide victims.

Imaging and monitoring tree-induced subsidence using electrical resistivity imaging (2009)
Journal Article
Jones, G., Cassidy, N., Thomas, P., Plante, S., & Pringle, J. (2009). Imaging and monitoring tree-induced subsidence using electrical resistivity imaging. Near Surface Geophysics, 7(3), 191 -206.

Tree-induced subsidence is a natural ground movement phenomenon that arises when tree roots absorb water from clay-rich soils, causing them to shrink. Tree-induced subsidence is particularly problematic for buildings and structures in close proximity... Read More about Imaging and monitoring tree-induced subsidence using electrical resistivity imaging.

Time-lapse geophysical investigations over a simulated urban clandestine grave (2008)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Jervis, J., Cassella, J. P., & Cassidy, N. J. (2008). Time-lapse geophysical investigations over a simulated urban clandestine grave. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53(6), 1405 -1416.

A simulated clandestine shallow grave was created within a heterogeneous, made-ground, urban environment where a clothed, plastic resin, human skeleton, animal products, and physiological saline were placed in anatomically correct positions and re-co... Read More about Time-lapse geophysical investigations over a simulated urban clandestine grave.

Geophysical characterization of derelict coalmine workings and mineshaft detection: a case study from Shrewsbury, United Kingdom (2008)
Journal Article
Stimpson, Pringle, Pringle, J., Stimpson, I., Toon, S., Caunt, S., …Styles, P. (2008). Geophysical characterization of derelict coalmine workings and mineshaft detection: a case study from Shrewsbury, United Kingdom. Near Surface Geophysics, 6(3), 185 -194.

A study site of derelict coalmine workings near Shrewsbury, United Kingdom was the focus for multi-phase, near-surface geophysical investigations. Investigation objectives were: 1) site characterization for remaining relict infrastructure foundations... Read More about Geophysical characterization of derelict coalmine workings and mineshaft detection: a case study from Shrewsbury, United Kingdom.

GPR-derived sedimentary architecture and stratigraphy of outburst flood sedimentation within a bedrock valley system, Hraundalur, Iceland (2007)
Journal Article
Carrivick, J. L., Pringle, J. K., Russell, A. J., & Cassidy, N. J. (2007). GPR-derived sedimentary architecture and stratigraphy of outburst flood sedimentation within a bedrock valley system, Hraundalur, Iceland. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 12(1), 127 -143.

Jökulhlaups and lahars are both types of outburst flood that commonly comprise a glacial meltwater and volcaniclastic sediment mix, and have discharges that are typically several orders of magnitude greater than perennial flows. Both types thus const... Read More about GPR-derived sedimentary architecture and stratigraphy of outburst flood sedimentation within a bedrock valley system, Hraundalur, Iceland.