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What do students do? Training, research and learning: developing skills for the next generation of near-surface geophysicists (2010)
Journal Article
Pringle. (2010). What do students do? Training, research and learning: developing skills for the next generation of near-surface geophysicists. Near Surface Geophysics, 445 -450.

In the past decade, degree programmes throughout Europe have changed dramatically and near-surface geophysics is now commonly taught as a minor component of other undergraduate geoscience and related degree programmes. As a consequence, there has bee... Read More about What do students do? Training, research and learning: developing skills for the next generation of near-surface geophysicists.

Capturing stratigraphic and sedimentological complexity from submarine channel complex outcrops to digital 3D models, Karoo Basin, South Africa (2010)
Journal Article
Pringle. (2010). Capturing stratigraphic and sedimentological complexity from submarine channel complex outcrops to digital 3D models, Karoo Basin, South Africa. Petroleum Geoscience, 307 - 330 (24).

Submarine slope channel-fills form complicated stratigraphy and lithofacies distributions through repeated phases of erosion and deposition. This provides a challenge to accurate 3D modelling, particularly in representing lithofacies transitions with... Read More about Capturing stratigraphic and sedimentological complexity from submarine channel complex outcrops to digital 3D models, Karoo Basin, South Africa.

Geophysics and the search of freshwater bodies: a review (2010)
Journal Article
Pringle. (2010). Geophysics and the search of freshwater bodies: a review. Science and Justice, 141 -149.

Geophysics may assist scent dogs and divers in the search of water bodies for human and animal remains, contraband, weapons and explosives by surveying large areas rapidly and identifying targets or environmental hazards. The most commonly applied me... Read More about Geophysics and the search of freshwater bodies: a review.

Electrical resistivity survey to search for a recent clandestine burial of a homicide victim, UK. (2010)
Journal Article
Pringle. (2010). Electrical resistivity survey to search for a recent clandestine burial of a homicide victim, UK. Forensic Science International, e1 - e7.

This case report details an electrical resistivity survey to assist the search for a suspected 1-year-old clandestine burial of a murder victim in North Wales in the UK. Conventional search techniques (victim recovery dogs and probing) proved unsucce... Read More about Electrical resistivity survey to search for a recent clandestine burial of a homicide victim, UK..

Training the next generation of near-surface geophysicists: team-based, student-led, problem-solving field exercises, Cumbria, UK (2010)
Journal Article
Pringle. (2010). Training the next generation of near-surface geophysicists: team-based, student-led, problem-solving field exercises, Cumbria, UK. Near Surface Geophysics, 503 -517.

Discussions with employers of graduate applied geophysicists (reinforced by recent literature) indicate a progressive reduction in the numeracy and literacy of graduating students. In particular, there is a perception that problem-solving and quantit... Read More about Training the next generation of near-surface geophysicists: team-based, student-led, problem-solving field exercises, Cumbria, UK.