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The option of transosseous distal suture placement during minimally invasive Achilles tendon repair for high-risk patients can improve outcomes, however does not prevent re-rupture (2024)
Journal Article
Carmont, M. R., Nilsson-Helander, K., & Carling, M. (in press). The option of transosseous distal suture placement during minimally invasive Achilles tendon repair for high-risk patients can improve outcomes, however does not prevent re-rupture. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 25(1), Article 610.

Purpose: Achilles tendon ruptures (ATRs) close to the insertion, in high-level athletes, and in patients at high risk of re-rupture, may be better suited to operative repair. Minimally Invasive Repair (MIR) of the Achilles tendon has excellent outcom... Read More about The option of transosseous distal suture placement during minimally invasive Achilles tendon repair for high-risk patients can improve outcomes, however does not prevent re-rupture.

Musculotendinous ruptures of the achilles tendon had greater heel-rise height index compared with mid-substance rupture with non-operative management: a retrospective cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Carmont, M. R., Gunnarsson, B., Brorsson, A., & Nilsson-Helander, K. (2023). Musculotendinous ruptures of the achilles tendon had greater heel-rise height index compared with mid-substance rupture with non-operative management: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of ISAKOS,

Achilles Tendon Ruptures (ATR) may occur at varying locations with ruptures at the mid-substance (MS) of the tendon most common, followed tears at the musculotendinous (MT) junction. There is scant li... Read More about Musculotendinous ruptures of the achilles tendon had greater heel-rise height index compared with mid-substance rupture with non-operative management: a retrospective cohort study.