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Testing a newly developed activity pacing framework for chronic pain/fatigue: a feasibility study (2021)
Journal Article
Antcliff, D., Keenan, A., Keeley, P., Woby, S., & McGowan, L. (2021). Testing a newly developed activity pacing framework for chronic pain/fatigue: a feasibility study. BMJ Open, 11(12), e045398.

Objectives To test the feasibility of using a new activity pacing framework to standardise healthcare professionals’ instructions of pacing, and explore whether measures of activity pacing/symptoms detected changes following treatment.

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“Pacing does help you get your life back”: The acceptability of a newly developed activity pacing framework for chronic pain/fatigue (2021)
Journal Article
Antcliff, D., Keenan, A., Woby, S., Keeley, P., & McGowan, L. (2021). “Pacing does help you get your life back”: The acceptability of a newly developed activity pacing framework for chronic pain/fatigue. Musculoskeletal Care, 20(1), 99-110.

We have developed and feasibility tested an activity pacing framework for clinicians to standardise their recommendations of activity pacing to patients with chronic pain/fatigue. This study aimed to explore the acceptability and fidelity... Read More about “Pacing does help you get your life back”: The acceptability of a newly developed activity pacing framework for chronic pain/fatigue.