Obesity prevalence in aboveground and underground workplaces among employees in singapore: a cross-sectional study
Presentation / Conference
Nazeha, N., Sathish, T., Visvalingam, N., Dunleavy, G., Divakar, U., Soljak, M., …Car, J. (2018, June). Obesity prevalence in aboveground and underground workplaces among employees in singapore: a cross-sectional study. Paper presented at Occupational Health 2018
All Outputs (2)
The humanistic and economic burden of wounds in Singapore: a multi-ethnic sample (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Olsson, M., Bajpai, R., Upton, Z., & Jarbrink, K. (2018, March). The humanistic and economic burden of wounds in Singapore: a multi-ethnic sample. Poster presented at 3rd Singapore International Conference on Skin Research & 9th Pan Asian-Pacific Skin Barrier Symposium, MATRIX BUILDING, 30 BIOPILIS STREET, 138671, SINGAPORE