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All Outputs (128)

Stellar Evolution and Convection in 3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Complete Burning Phase (2024)
Journal Article
Rizzuti, F., Hirschi, R., Varma, V., Arnett, W. D., Georgy, C., Meakin, C., …Rauscher, T. (in press). Stellar Evolution and Convection in 3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Complete Burning Phase. Galaxies, 12(6), 87.

Our understanding of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis is limited by the uncertainties coming from the complex multi-dimensional processes in stellar interiors, such as convection and nuclear burning. Three-dimensional stellar models can improve... Read More about Stellar Evolution and Convection in 3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Complete Burning Phase.

New Wolf–Rayet wind yields and nucleosynthesis of Helium stars (2024)
Journal Article
Higgins, E. R., Vink, J. S., Hirschi, R., Laird, A. M., & Sander, A. A. C. (2024). New Wolf–Rayet wind yields and nucleosynthesis of Helium stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(1), 1095-1110.

Strong metallicity-dependent winds dominate the evolution of core He-burning, classical Wolf–Rayet (cWR) stars, which eject both H and He-fusion products such as $^{14}$N, $^{12}$C, $^{16}$O, $^{19}$F, $^{22}$Ne, and $^{23}$Na during their evolution.... Read More about New Wolf–Rayet wind yields and nucleosynthesis of Helium stars.

Shell mergers in the late stages of massive star evolution: new insight from 3D hydrodynamic simulations (2024)
Journal Article
Rizzuti, F., Hirschi, R., Varma, V., Arnett, W. D., Georgy, C., Meakin, C., …Rauscher, T. (in press). Shell mergers in the late stages of massive star evolution: new insight from 3D hydrodynamic simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(1), 687-704.

One-dimensional (1D) stellar evolution models are widely used across various astrophysical fields, however they are still dominated by important uncertainties that deeply affect their predictive power. Among those, the merging of independent convecti... Read More about Shell mergers in the late stages of massive star evolution: new insight from 3D hydrodynamic simulations.

3D simulations of a neon burning convective shell in a massive star (2024)
Journal Article
Georgy, C., Rizzuti, F., Hirschi, R., Varma, V., Arnett, W. D., Meakin, C., …Rauscher, T. (2024). 3D simulations of a neon burning convective shell in a massive star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531(4), 4293–4310.

The treatment of convection remains a major weakness in the modelling of stellar evolution with one-dimensional (1D) codes. The ever increasing computing power makes now possible to simulate in 3D part of a star for a fraction of its life, allowing u... Read More about 3D simulations of a neon burning convective shell in a massive star.

Experimental Determination of α Widths of ^{21}Ne Levels in the Region of Astrophysical Interest: New ^{17}O+α Reaction Rates and Impact on the Weak s Process. (2024)
Journal Article
Hammache, F., Adsley, P., Lamia, L., Harrouz, D. S., de Séréville, N., Bastin, B., …Wirth, H.-F. (2024). Experimental Determination of α Widths of ^{21}Ne Levels in the Region of Astrophysical Interest: New ^{17}O+α Reaction Rates and Impact on the Weak s Process. Physical Review Letters, 132(18), Article 182701.

The efficiency of the weak s process in low-metallicity rotating massive stars depends strongly on the rates of the competing ^{17}O(α,n)^{20}Ne and ^{17}O(α,γ)^{21}Ne reactions that determine the potency of the ^{16}O neutron poison. Their reaction... Read More about Experimental Determination of α Widths of ^{21}Ne Levels in the Region of Astrophysical Interest: New ^{17}O+α Reaction Rates and Impact on the Weak s Process..

Very massive star models: I. Impact of rotation and metallicity and comparisons with observations (2023)
Journal Article
Martinet, S., Meynet, G., Ekström, S., Georgy, C., & Hirschi, R. (2023). Very massive star models: I. Impact of rotation and metallicity and comparisons with observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 679, Article A137.

Context. In addition to being spectacular objects, very massive stars (VMSs) are suspected to have a tremendous impact on their environment and on cosmic evolution in general. The nucleosynthesis both during their advanced stages and their final expl... Read More about Very massive star models: I. Impact of rotation and metallicity and comparisons with observations.

The Nuclear Reaction Network WinNet (2023)
Journal Article
Reichert, M., Winteler, C., Korobkin, O., Arcones, A., Bliss, J., Eichler, M., …Thielemann, F. (2023). The Nuclear Reaction Network WinNet. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 268(2), Article 66.

We present the state-of-the-art single-zone nuclear reaction network WinNet, which is capable of calculating the nucleosynthetic yields of a large variety of astrophysical environments and conditions. This ranges from the calculation of the primordia... Read More about The Nuclear Reaction Network WinNet.

Slow Neutron-Capture Process in Evolved Stars (2023)
Book Chapter
Hirschi, R. (2023). Slow Neutron-Capture Process in Evolved Stars. In Handbook of Nuclear Physics (3537-3571). Springer.

The slow neutron-capture process (s process) contributes to the production of roughly half of the elements heavier than iron. The main component of the s process takes place in the late phases (AGB phase) of low-mass stars and is the topic of most re... Read More about Slow Neutron-Capture Process in Evolved Stars.

Stellar wind yields of very massive stars (2023)
Journal Article
Higgins, E. R., Vink, J. S., Hirschi, R., Laird, A. M., & Sabhahit, G. N. (in press). Stellar wind yields of very massive stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(1), 534–547.

The most massive stars provide an essential source of recycled material for young clusters and galaxies. While very massive stars (VMS, M>100 $\rm {\rm M}_{\odot }$) are relatively rare compared to O stars, they lose disproportionately large a... Read More about Stellar wind yields of very massive stars.

3D stellar evolution: hydrodynamic simulations of a complete burning phase in a massive star (2023)
Journal Article
Rizzuti, F., Hirschi, R., Arnett, W. D., Georgy, C., Meakin, C., Murphy, A. S., …Varma, V. (2023). 3D stellar evolution: hydrodynamic simulations of a complete burning phase in a massive star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(2), 2317-2328.

Our knowledge of stellar evolution is driven by one-dimensional (1D) simulations. 1D models, however, are severely limited by uncertainties on the exact behaviour of many multidimensional phenomena occurring inside stars, affecting their structure an... Read More about 3D stellar evolution: hydrodynamic simulations of a complete burning phase in a massive star.

Turbulence and nuclear reactions in 3D hydrodynamics simulations of massive stars (2023)
Journal Article
Rizzuti, F., Hirschi, R., Georgy, C., Arnett, D., Meakin, C., & Murphy, A. (2023). Turbulence and nuclear reactions in 3D hydrodynamics simulations of massive stars. EPJ Web of Conferences, 279, 05001.

Our knowledge of massive star evolution and nucleosynthesis is limited by uncertainties related to multi-dimensional processes taking place in stellar interiors. Recently, theoretical works have started to improve 1D stellar evolution codes through t... Read More about Turbulence and nuclear reactions in 3D hydrodynamics simulations of massive stars.

The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution: IV. Grids of models at Solar, LMC, and SMC metallicities (2022)
Journal Article
Keszthelyi, Z., de Koter, A., Götberg, Y., Meynet, G., Brands, S. A., Petit, V., …ud-Doula, A. (2022). The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution: IV. Grids of models at Solar, LMC, and SMC metallicities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(2), 2028 - 2055.

Magnetic fields can drastically change predictions of evolutionary models of massive stars via mass-loss quenching, magnetic braking, and efficient angular momentum transport, which we aim to quantify in this work. We use the MESA software instrument... Read More about The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution: IV. Grids of models at Solar, LMC, and SMC metallicities.

Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope Al-26 (2022)
Journal Article
Hirschi. (2022). Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope Al-26. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Context. The 26Al short-lived radioactive nuclide is the source of the observed galactic diffuse ?-ray emission at 1.8 MeV. While different sources of 26Al have been explored, such as asymptotic giant branch stars, massive stellar winds, and supernov... Read More about Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope Al-26.

Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope 26Al (2022)
Journal Article
Martinet, S., Meynet, G., Nandal, D., Ekström, S., Georgy, C., Haemmerlé, L., …Dwarkadas, V. (2022). Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope 26Al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 664, A181.

Context. The 26Al short-lived radioactive nuclide is the source of the observed galactic diffuse γ-ray emission at 1.8 MeV. While different sources of 26Al have been explored, such as asymptotic giant branch stars, massive stellar winds, and supernov... Read More about Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope 26Al.

Realistic 3D hydrodynamics simulations find significant turbulent entrainment in massive stars (2022)
Journal Article
Rizzuti, F., Hirschi, R., Georgy, C., Arnett, W. D., Meakin, C., & Murphy, A. S. (2022). Realistic 3D hydrodynamics simulations find significant turbulent entrainment in massive stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(3), 4013-4019.

Our understanding of stellar structure and evolution coming from one-dimensional (1D) stellar models is limited by uncertainties related to multidimensional processes taking place in stellar interiors. 1D models, however, can now be tested and improv... Read More about Realistic 3D hydrodynamics simulations find significant turbulent entrainment in massive stars.

Very Massive Stars: Near and Far (2022)
Book Chapter
Martinet, S., Meynet, G., Ekström, S., Georgy, C., Haemmerlé, L., Nandal, D., & Hirschi, R. (2022). Very Massive Stars: Near and Far. In Strong Gravitational Lensing in the Era of Big Data (369-375). Cambridge University Press.

In addition to being spectacular objects, very massive stars (VMS) are suspected to have a tremendous impact on their environment and on the whole cosmic evolution. The nucleosynthesis both during their advanced stages and their final explosion likel... Read More about Very Massive Stars: Near and Far.

Constraining physical processes in pre-supernovae massive star evolution (2022)
Book Chapter
Higgins, E. R., Vink, J. S., Sander, A., & Hirschi, R. (2022). Constraining physical processes in pre-supernovae massive star evolution. In Strong Gravitational Lensing in the Era of Big Data (224-229). Cambridge University Press.

While we have growing numbers of massive star observations, it remains unclear how efficient the key physical processes such as mass loss, convection and rotation are, or indeed how they impact each other. We reconcile this with detailed stellar evol... Read More about Constraining physical processes in pre-supernovae massive star evolution.

The impact of O-17 + alpha reaction rate uncertainties on the s-process in rotating massive stars (2022)
Journal Article
Frost-Schenk, J., Adsley, P., Laird, A. M., Longland, R., Angus, C., Barton, C., …Setoodehnia, K. (2022). The impact of O-17 + alpha reaction rate uncertainties on the s-process in rotating massive stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(2), 2650 - 2657.

Massive stars are crucial to galactic chemical evolution for elements heavier than iron. Their contribution at early times in the evolution of the Universe, however, is unclear due to poorly constrained nuclear reaction rates. The competing 17O(a, ?)... Read More about The impact of O-17 + alpha reaction rate uncertainties on the s-process in rotating massive stars.

The p-process in exploding rotating massive stars (2022)
Journal Article
Choplin, A., Goriely, S., Hirschi, R., Tominaga, N., & Meynet, G. (2022). The p-process in exploding rotating massive stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 661, Article A86.

Context. The p-process nucleosynthesis can explain proton-rich isotopes that are heavier than iron, which are observed in the Solar System, but discrepancies still persist (e.g. for the Mo and Ru p-isotopes), and some important questions concerning t... Read More about The p-process in exploding rotating massive stars.

Dynamics in a stellar convective layer and at its boundary: Comparison of five 3D hydrodynamics codes (2022)
Journal Article
Andrassy, R., Higl, J., Mao, H., Mocak, M., Vlaykov, D. G., Arnett, W. D., …Woodward, P. (2022). Dynamics in a stellar convective layer and at its boundary: Comparison of five 3D hydrodynamics codes. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659, Article ARTN A193.

Our ability to predict the structure and evolution of stars is in part limited by complex, 3D hydrodynamic processes such as convective boundary mixing. Hydrodynamic simulations help us understand the dynamics of stellar convection and convective bou... Read More about Dynamics in a stellar convective layer and at its boundary: Comparison of five 3D hydrodynamics codes.