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All Outputs (4)

The development of a collaborative virtual environment for 3D reconstruction of cuneiform tablets (2014)
Conference Proceeding
Ch'ng, E., Woolley, S. I., Hernandez-Munoz, L., Collins, T., Lewis, A., & Gehlken, E. (2014). The development of a collaborative virtual environment for 3D reconstruction of cuneiform tablets. .

The efficient reconstruction of ancient cuneiform tablets has been a challenging problem over many decades, which if an approach is found to speed up the rate of potential fragment joins, will lead to a discovery of rich historical records of knowled... Read More about The development of a collaborative virtual environment for 3D reconstruction of cuneiform tablets.

Observed methods of cuneiform tablet reconstruction in virtual and real world environments (2014)
Journal Article
Lewis, A., Woolley, S., Ch'ng, E., & Gehlken, E. (2015). Observed methods of cuneiform tablet reconstruction in virtual and real world environments. Journal of Archaeological Science, 53, 156-165.

The reconstruction of fragmented artefacts is a tedious process that consumes many valuable work hours of scholars' time. We believe that such work can be made more efficient via new techniques in interactive virtual environments. The purpose of this... Read More about Observed methods of cuneiform tablet reconstruction in virtual and real world environments.