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Pain management in people with inflammatory arthritis: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope (2024)
Journal Article
Scott, I. C., Babatunde, O., Barker, C., Beesley, R., Beesley, R., Birkinshaw, H., …Shenker, N. G. (in press). Pain management in people with inflammatory arthritis: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(4), Article rkae128.

Lay Summary: What does this mean for patients? Inflammatory arthritis includes conditions causing swollen and painful joints. The main types are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It... Read More about Pain management in people with inflammatory arthritis: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope.

Systematic review of prognostic factors for poor outcome in people living with dementia that can be determined from primary care medical records (2024)
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Jordan, J. L., Bajpai, R., Nimmons, D., Smith, T. M., Campbell, P., & Jordan, K. P. (2024). Systematic review of prognostic factors for poor outcome in people living with dementia that can be determined from primary care medical records. BMC Geriatrics, 24(1), Article 801.

Background: Dementia has a major impact on individuals, their families and caregivers, and wider society. Some individuals experience a faster decline of their function and health compared to others. The objective of this systematic review was to det... Read More about Systematic review of prognostic factors for poor outcome in people living with dementia that can be determined from primary care medical records.