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All Outputs (71)

Planet Utopia: Utopia, Dystopia, Globalisation (2017)
Featherstone. (2017). Planet Utopia: Utopia, Dystopia, Globalisation. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

The key figure of the capitalist utopia is the individual who is ultimately free. The capitalist’s ideal society is designed to protect this freedom. However, within Planet Utopia: Utopia, Dystopia, Globalisation, Featherstone argues that capitalist... Read More about Planet Utopia: Utopia, Dystopia, Globalisation.

Planet Utopia (2017)
Featherstone, M. (2017). Planet Utopia. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

The key figure of the capitalist utopia is the individual who is ultimately free. The capitalist’s ideal society is designed to protect this freedom. However, within Planet Utopia: Utopia, Dystopia, Globalisation, Featherstone argues that capitalist... Read More about Planet Utopia.

Local Citizenship in the Global Arena Educating for community participation and change (2016)
(2016). Local Citizenship in the Global Arena Educating for community participation and change

Educating for community participation and change Sally Findlow ... Citizenship in the Global Arena Educating for community participation and change Sally Findlow Local Citizenship in the Global Arena Educating for community participation.

US Climate Change Policy (2016)
(2016). US Climate Change Policy

The United States is often perceived as sceptical, if not hostile, to the need to address man-made climate change. US government policy has undoubtedly disappointed environmentalists and scientists who believe more concerted action is needed, but a c... Read More about US Climate Change Policy.

Climate Change in World Politics (2015)
Vogler. (2015). Climate Change in World Politics. Springer

John Vogler examines the international politics of climate change, with a focus on the United Nations Framework Convention (UNFCCC). He considers how the international system treats the problem of climate change, analysing the ways in which this has... Read More about Climate Change in World Politics.

Sexing War/Policing Gender Motherhood, Myth and Women’s Political Violence (2015)
(2015). Sexing War/Policing Gender Motherhood, Myth and Women’s Political Violence

Overall, this book argues that maternalist war stories function to reiterate traditional heteronormative gender roles. This is how a ‘body politics’ of war is not only policing gender norms but actually writing ‘sex’ itself.

Understanding Statebuilding Traditional Governance and the Modern State in Somaliland (2014)
Richards, R. (2014). Understanding Statebuilding Traditional Governance and the Modern State in Somaliland. Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Much analysis of state building focusses on dissecting specific projects and attempting to identify what has gone ’wrong’ in states such as Afghanistan and Iraq. What draws less attention is what has gone ’right’ in non-interventionist statebuilding... Read More about Understanding Statebuilding Traditional Governance and the Modern State in Somaliland.

Ages and Stages: the cultural value of older people’s experiences of theatre making (2014)
(2014). Ages and Stages: the cultural value of older people’s experiences of theatre making

Ageing, Drama and Creativity is a critical review focused on the cultural value older people derive from their involvement in theatre and drama. Though there are existing published reviews on the impact of participatory arts on older people, there is... Read More about Ages and Stages: the cultural value of older people’s experiences of theatre making.

Globalization and Work (2013)
Williams, S., Bradley, H., Devadason, R., & Erickson, M. (2013). Globalization and Work. Wiley

This engaging book offers a lively and rigorous synthesis of the varied interconnections between work and globalization. Drawing on relevant sociological insights, and based on extensive, up-to-date research studies of work and employment, it brings... Read More about Globalization and Work.

Progressive Education : A critical introduction (2013)
Howlett, J. (2013). Progressive Education : A critical introduction. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Sustainable School Transformation: An Inside-Out School Led Approach explores how we can best build a truly world class education system. It presents a theoretical and practical case for an alternative approach that combines the rigour of traditional... Read More about Progressive Education : A critical introduction.