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All Outputs (71)

The Politics of Truth Management in Saudi Arabia (2013)
Shahi, A. The Politics of Truth Management in Saudi Arabia. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Exploring the management of ‘truth’ in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this book aims to investigate the ways in which the official ‘truth’ is constructed and institutionalised in the country.

The Politics of Truth Management in Saudi Arabia argues t... Read More about The Politics of Truth Management in Saudi Arabia.

Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International (2013)
Doherty, B., & Doyle, T. (2013). Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International. Palgrave Macmillan.

Drawing from a rich mix of survey data, interviews, and access to internal meetings, Brian Doherty and Timothy Doyle show how FoEI has developed a distinctive environmentalism, which allows for the differences in context between regions and across th... Read More about Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International.

Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption (Ed. L Martens) (2013)
Martens, L. (2013). S. O'Donohoe, M. Hogg, P. Maclaran, L. Martens, & L. Stevens (Eds.). Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption (Ed. L Martens). Taylor and Francis Group.

It takes more than a baby to make a mother, and mothers make more than babies. Bringing together a range of international studies, Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption examines how marketing and consumer culture constructs particular images of what m... Read More about Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption (Ed. L Martens).

Reasons and Causes (2013)
Laitinen, A., Sandis, C., & D'oro, G. (Eds.). (2013). Reasons and Causes. Springer

Are the reasons for which we act the causes of our actions? In the nine essays collected here (including a major historical overview by the editors), experts in the field re-evaluate the history and current state of the reasons/causes debate.

Kant on Practical Justification: Interpretive Essays (2013)
Timmons, M., & Baiasu, S. (Eds.). (2013). Kant on Practical Justification: Interpretive Essays. Oxford University Press.

The literature on Kantian accounts of practical justification has been growing of late. This is not surprising given that Kant’s approach seems so promising: he claims to be able to justify unconditional normative claims without recourse to assumptio... Read More about Kant on Practical Justification: Interpretive Essays.

The Extreme Right in Western Europe: Success or Failure? (2011)
Carter, E. (2011). The Extreme Right in Western Europe: Success or Failure?. Manchester University Press.

Parties of the extreme Right have experienced a dramatic rise in electoral support in many countries in Western Europe over the last two and a half decades. This phenomenon has been far from uniform, however, and the considerable attention that the m... Read More about The Extreme Right in Western Europe: Success or Failure?.

The Europeanization of National Political Parties (Ed. by E. Carter, R. Ladrech) (2006)
Carter, E., & Ladrech, R. (2007). T. Poguntke, N. Aylott, E. Carter, R. Ladrech, & K. R. Luther (Eds.). The Europeanization of National Political Parties (Ed. by E. Carter, R. Ladrech). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This is a detailed exploration of how national political parties have responded to the increasing relevance of European governance.

The Europeanization of National Political Parties is the first empirical study to examine the effects of the Europe... Read More about The Europeanization of National Political Parties (Ed. by E. Carter, R. Ladrech).

Philosophy in a meaningless life: a system of nihilism, consciousness and reality
Tartaglia, J. (2015). Philosophy in a meaningless life: a system of nihilism, consciousness and reality

This book combines an account of the autonomy of philosophy with a new theory of consciousness. The account of philosophy is rooted in the question of the meaning of life. This question, it is argued, is neither obscure nor obsolete, but rather refle... Read More about Philosophy in a meaningless life: a system of nihilism, consciousness and reality.