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All Outputs (69)

Climate Change in World Politics (2015)
Vogler. (2015). Climate Change in World Politics. Springer

John Vogler examines the international politics of climate change, with a focus on the United Nations Framework Convention (UNFCCC). He considers how the international system treats the problem of climate change, analysing the ways in which this has... Read More about Climate Change in World Politics.

Gendered dynamics of mentoring (2015)
Book Chapter
Corcoran. (2015). Gendered dynamics of mentoring. In Women and Criminal Justice: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation (153 - 172)

Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales (2015)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S. (2015). Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,

Since the inception of local government in the UK, there have been continuous attempts to reorganise and revise its distinctive characteristics, with successive reforms differing in their intended effects. In Wales, a further round of local governmen... Read More about Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales.

Grey areas and fine lines: negotiating operational independence in the era of the police and crime commissioner (2015)
Journal Article
Wells. (2015). Grey areas and fine lines: negotiating operational independence in the era of the police and crime commissioner. Safer Communities, 193-202.

– The purpose of this paper is to explore the negotiation of boundaries of strategic vs operational responsibility between Chief Constables and Police Crime Commissioners (PCCs).

– The discussion reflects on i... Read More about Grey areas and fine lines: negotiating operational independence in the era of the police and crime commissioner.

When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs,

This article looks at identity constructions of mainland Chinese undergraduate students in a Hong Kong university. These students shared a “Hong Kong Dream” characterised by a desire for change in individual outlooks, a yearning for international exp... Read More about When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong.

Initial findings from a mixed-methods feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the 'Breaking Free Health an Justice' treatment and recovery programme for substance misuse in prison settings (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Initial findings from a mixed-methods feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the 'Breaking Free Health an Justice' treatment and recovery programme for substance misuse in prison settings. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 176-185.

Reshaping substance misuse treatment in prisons is central to the UK Government’s drive to address substance dependence in the prison population and reduce substance-related offending and recidivism. Therefore, a through-care project to support priso... Read More about Initial findings from a mixed-methods feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the 'Breaking Free Health an Justice' treatment and recovery programme for substance misuse in prison settings.

Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail (2015)
Journal Article
Tartaglia, J. (2015). Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail

This paper is a critique of the new paradigm in analytic philosophy for investigating the meaning of life, focusing on Meaning in Life as the definitive example. Metz relies upon intuition, and reflection upon recent analytic literature, to guide him... Read More about Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail.

Identity concealed or revealed?: the use of photography in the Victorian criminal justice system (2015)
Presentation / Conference
(2015, August). Identity concealed or revealed?: the use of photography in the Victorian criminal justice system. Presented at British Association of Victorian Studies, Leeds

Photography promised 'an enhanced mastery of nature' and was adopted by the police and prison services as a means of identifying suspects who endeavoured to conceal their names and previous convictions. The end of transportation to the colonies was p... Read More about Identity concealed or revealed?: the use of photography in the Victorian criminal justice system.

Stakeholder citizenship: the complexities of Polish migrants' citizenship attachments in the context of the Scottish independence referendum (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Stakeholder citizenship: the complexities of Polish migrants' citizenship attachments in the context of the Scottish independence referendum. Citizenship Studies, 115 - 129.

This article focuses on the experiences of Scotland’s largest foreign-born minority group, namely Poles, in the run-up to the Scottish independence referendum in 2014. We draw on 20 in-depth interviews to explore our participants’ intentions and just... Read More about Stakeholder citizenship: the complexities of Polish migrants' citizenship attachments in the context of the Scottish independence referendum.

Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Explain Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine among Hong Kong Chinese in Britain (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Explain Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine among Hong Kong Chinese in Britain. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-6.

The UK Chinese are known for their underutilisation of western healthcare services. Reasons for this underutilisation are complex. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is a widely used model of social cognition, which in the present study is being a... Read More about Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Explain Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine among Hong Kong Chinese in Britain.

Integrated Offender Management: A Microcosm of Central and Local Criminal Justice Policy Turbulence (2015)
Book Chapter
Worrall, A., & Corcoran, M. (2015). Integrated Offender Management: A Microcosm of Central and Local Criminal Justice Policy Turbulence. In The Management of Change in Criminal Justice (259-274). Palgrave Macmillan.

For more than a decade, the government in England and Wales has insisted that a very small proportion of offenders (around 10%) are committing a very large proportion of crime (around 50%) at any point in time (Home Office, 2001; 2003; 2004). Althoug... Read More about Integrated Offender Management: A Microcosm of Central and Local Criminal Justice Policy Turbulence.

Social Relationships and Relationships in Context: Post-Accession Poles in Southampton (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Social Relationships and Relationships in Context: Post-Accession Poles in Southampton. Population, Space and Place, 433 - 445.

In this article, we examine post-accession Poles' shifting identity practices through the lens of their attitudes to other Poles in a high-density post-accession Polish migration destination, namely the city of Southampton on England's south coast. W... Read More about Social Relationships and Relationships in Context: Post-Accession Poles in Southampton.

Reclaiming Jihad as a Strategy of Conflict Transformation (2015)
Journal Article
S. Sheikh, N. (2015). Reclaiming Jihad as a Strategy of Conflict Transformation. Peace Review, 27(3), 288-295.

The imagery of “jihad” provokes persistent unease within a global society that increasingly subscribes to a liberal conception of order, centered in part on the constriction of violence in (and to) matters political. The Westphalian state system that... Read More about Reclaiming Jihad as a Strategy of Conflict Transformation.