Body Count: A Comparative Quantitative Study of Mass Killings in History
Book Chapter
Sheikh, N. (2015). Body Count: A Comparative Quantitative Study of Mass Killings in History. In Islam and the Law of Armed Conflict. Edward Elgar Publishing
All Outputs (69)
Ages and stages: the place of theatre in the lives of older people (2015)
Journal Article
Rickett, M., Bernard, M., Munro, L., Murray, M., Rezzano, J., & Amigoni, D. (2015). Ages and stages: the place of theatre in the lives of older people. Ageing and society, 1119 - 1145. the growing interest amongst gerontologists and literary and cultural scholars alike, in arts participation, ageing and the artistic outputs of older people, comparatively little attention has yet been paid to theatre and drama. Likewise, com... Read More about Ages and stages: the place of theatre in the lives of older people.
Curiosity kills the categories: A dilemma about categories and modality (2015)
Journal Article
Allen. (2015). Curiosity kills the categories: A dilemma about categories and modality. Metaphysica, 211 - 229.
Unlikely bedfellows?: Collingwood, Carnap and the internal/external distinction (2015)
Journal Article
D'Oro. (2015). Unlikely bedfellows?: Collingwood, Carnap and the internal/external distinction. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 802-817. is often associated with the kind of metaphysical system building which was successfully disposed of by logical positivism. As Hume’s fork was intended to deliver a serious blow to Leibnizian metaphysics so logical positivism invoked the ver... Read More about Unlikely bedfellows?: Collingwood, Carnap and the internal/external distinction.
Bulgarians in Macedonia and Macedonians in Bulgaria - Do They Exist? (2015)
Digital Artefact
(2015). Bulgarians in Macedonia and Macedonians in Bulgaria - Do They Exist?
Andalusiasation: Is Iran on the Trajectory of De-Islamisation? (2015)
Journal Article
Shahi, A., & Saleh, A. (2015). Andalusiasation: Is Iran on the Trajectory of De-Islamisation?. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 42(4), 500-519. is a critical concept in the Islamic Republic's security discourse that implies the gradual de-Islamisation of cultural structures, which will eventually constitute an existential threat to the political domination of the Islamists. T... Read More about Andalusiasation: Is Iran on the Trajectory of De-Islamisation?.
PCCs, roads policing and the dilemmas of increased democratic accountability (2015)
Journal Article
Wells. (2015). PCCs, roads policing and the dilemmas of increased democratic accountability. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 274-292. the era of the Police and Crime Commissioner, when the benefits of democratic accountability are placed centre stage, and the public are encouraged to believe that they should dictate the type of policing they receive, this article considers the p... Read More about PCCs, roads policing and the dilemmas of increased democratic accountability.
A Gramscian analysis of the employability agenda (2015)
Journal Article
Arora, B. (2015). A Gramscian analysis of the employability agenda. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(4), 635 - 648.
Statebuilding and the Politics of Non-Recognition (2015)
Book Chapter
Richards, R., & Smith, R. (2015). Statebuilding and the Politics of Non-Recognition. In Recognition in International Relations Rethinking a Political Concept in a Global Context. (1). springer. Studies in International Relations Series General Editors: Knud Erik Jørgensen, Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark Audie Klotz, Department of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public ...
Review Article: Capitalism with Islamic Characteristics (2015)
Journal Article
Gokay, B. (2015). Review Article: Capitalism with Islamic Characteristics. Political Quarterly, 331-333. review of New Capitalism in Turkey: The Relationship between Politics, Religion and Business, by Ayse Bugra and Osman Savaskan, Edward Elgar, 224 pp. £60.00.
O co naprawe chodzi w pytaniu o sens zycia [The Real Question of the Meaning of Life] (2015)
Journal Article
Tartaglia. (2015). O co naprawe chodzi w pytaniu o sens zycia [The Real Question of the Meaning of Life]
Monitoring Students' Engagement with an Online Course: Reflections and Implications for Practice (2015)
Book Chapter
Hayes, A. (2015). Monitoring Students' Engagement with an Online Course: Reflections and Implications for Practice. In Innovations in Technology Enhanced Learning. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
The Possibility of Critical Mini-Publics: Realpolitik and Normative Cycles in Democratic Theory (2015)
Journal Article
Böker, M., & Elstub, S. (2015). The Possibility of Critical Mini-Publics: Realpolitik and Normative Cycles in Democratic Theory. Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy, 51(1), 125-144. years ago, democratic theory was largely devoid of normative impulse, and was dominated by the realpolitik and positivist approaches of competitive elitism and rational and social choice theory. Whilst the rise of participatory democratic theor... Read More about The Possibility of Critical Mini-Publics: Realpolitik and Normative Cycles in Democratic Theory.
Challenges in finding and measuring behavioural determinants of childhood obesity in Europe. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Challenges in finding and measuring behavioural determinants of childhood obesity in Europe. Childhood obesity is an important concern for child health. However, despite widespread concern about the increase in childhood obesity, its causes are not monitored systematically in Europe. In 2007, the Scientific Platform Project on Lifestyle... Read More about Challenges in finding and measuring behavioural determinants of childhood obesity in Europe..
When action learning doesn't "take": reflections on the DALEK Programme (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). When action learning doesn't "take": reflections on the DALEK Programme. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 89-97. article describes the use of ‘business-driven’ action learning in a healthcare setting. It reviews and reflects on an example where action learning does not ‘take’, identifying the likely causes of this. It also poses four questions – whether ac... Read More about When action learning doesn't "take": reflections on the DALEK Programme.
La evolución de los mercados penales en tiempos de austeridad: el caso de Inglaterra y Gales (2015)
Journal Article
Corcoran, M. (2015). La evolución de los mercados penales en tiempos de austeridad: el caso de Inglaterra y Gales. Crítica Penal y Poder, 8,Objetivo: El artículo revisa el actual giro económico de la criminología para contextualizar la importancia de las racionalidades de mercado en la privatización y la externalización penal en Inglaterra y Gales, ilustrando cómo la crisis fiscal y la a... Read More about La evolución de los mercados penales en tiempos de austeridad: el caso de Inglaterra y Gales.
Disparities in public protection measures against sexual offending in England and Wales: an example of preventative injustice? (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Disparities in public protection measures against sexual offending in England and Wales: an example of preventative injustice?. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 561-577. article analyses the use of criminal justice measures aimed at the prevention of sexual offending across England and Wales. Specifically, it focuses on measures such as the ‘sex offenders register’ and sexual offences prevention orders (SOPOs) a... Read More about Disparities in public protection measures against sexual offending in England and Wales: an example of preventative injustice?.
Disparities in public protection measures against sexual offending in England and Wales: an example of preventative injustice? (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Disparities in public protection measures against sexual offending in England and Wales: an example of preventative injustice?. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 561-577.
Religious literacy in higher education (2015)
Book Chapter
Jones, S. H. (2015). Religious literacy in higher education. In Religious Literacy in Secular Society: Theories, Policies and Practices of Faith in the Public Realm (187-206). Bristol: Policy Press. recent years, a number of authors have highlighted the role that universities could potentially play in improving the public conversation about religion and belief (Gilliat-Ray, 2000, p 59; Prothero, 2008, p 173; Woodhead, 2009, p 28). Ford (2004,... Read More about Religious literacy in higher education.
All you need is love and £18,600: class and the new UK family migration rules (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). All you need is love and £18,600: class and the new UK family migration rules. Critical Social Policy, 228-247. July 2012 the Conservative–Liberal Democrat Coalition government introduced a new set of family migration rules. These rules set a sharp increase in the minimum income threshold for people sponsoring partners and children to join them in the UK. C... Read More about All you need is love and £18,600: class and the new UK family migration rules.