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Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Mengshoel, A. M., Sallinen, M., Sim, J., & Ahlsen, B. (2025). Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 7, 1-8.

Objective: Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that has major impact on people’s lives. This study examines individuals’ illness trajectories, with a particular focus on daily life experiences and self-managing.
Methods: Narrative interviews were co... Read More about Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis.

Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database (2025)
Journal Article
Chan, S. H. Y., Fitzpatrick, R. W., Layton, D., Webley, S., & Salek, S. (in press). Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database. Cancers, 17(2), 1-17.

Background: The accelerated development of novel cancer therapies necessitates a thorough understanding of the associated cardiotoxicity profiles, due to their significant implications for the long-term health and quality of life of cancer survivors.... Read More about Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database.

Long-range directional growth of neurites induced by magnetic forces (2025)
Journal Article
Nahar, T., Gates, M., Secret, E., Siaugue, J.-M., Fresnais, J., Rotherham, M., …Telling, N. D. (in press). Long-range directional growth of neurites induced by magnetic forces. Acta biomaterialia,

The ability to control the growth and orientation of neurites over long distances has significant implications for regenerative therapies and the development of physiologically relevant brain tissue models. In this study, the forces generated on magn... Read More about Long-range directional growth of neurites induced by magnetic forces.

Sulfide, Sulfoxide, and Sulfone Derivatives of Usnic Acid as Inhibitors of Human TDP1 and TDP2 Enzymes (2024)
Journal Article
Filimonov, A. S., Mikhailova, M. A., Dyrkheeva, N. S., Chernyshova, I. A., Kornienko, T. E., Naumenko, K. A., …Reynisson, J. (in press). Sulfide, Sulfoxide, and Sulfone Derivatives of Usnic Acid as Inhibitors of Human TDP1 and TDP2 Enzymes. Chemistry, 6(6), 1658-1679.

Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterases 1 and 2 (TDP1 and TDP2) are important DNA repair enzymes that remove various adducts from the 3′- and 5′-ends of DNA, respectively. The suppression of the activity of these enzymes is considered as a promising adjuvant... Read More about Sulfide, Sulfoxide, and Sulfone Derivatives of Usnic Acid as Inhibitors of Human TDP1 and TDP2 Enzymes.

Simulation-based education at level 4: The role of multidisciplinary team input in the design and facilitation of a simulated radiographic placement. (2024)
Journal Article
Scott, R., Monaghan, E., Chebsey, D., Meighan-Davies, S., & Gebbett, C. (in press). Simulation-based education at level 4: The role of multidisciplinary team input in the design and facilitation of a simulated radiographic placement. Radiography, 30 Suppl 2, 158-165.

Simulation based education (SBE) and creatively designed placements are becoming increasingly well established in radiography pedagogy and allow a more efficient use of clinical resources in the training of new radiographers to meet workforce demands... Read More about Simulation-based education at level 4: The role of multidisciplinary team input in the design and facilitation of a simulated radiographic placement..

Everyday living with osteoarthritis in the global South: A qualitative focus group inquiry in Nigeria. (2024)
Journal Article
Owoyemi, T., Alonge, I., Adetunji, O., Ogbu, E., Ogunbanjo, A., White, S., …Dziedzic, K. (2025). Everyday living with osteoarthritis in the global South: A qualitative focus group inquiry in Nigeria. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 7(1), Article 100555.

Africa contributes significantly to the increasing global prevalence (>37%), unmet need and treatment burden for people with osteoarthritis. Despite this, little research has examined the expressed needs of patients with osteoarthritis (OA... Read More about Everyday living with osteoarthritis in the global South: A qualitative focus group inquiry in Nigeria..

Quantifying Morphological Changes in Middle Trapezius With Ultrasonography and Histogram Matching for Participants With and Without Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy (2024)
Journal Article
Philp, F., Meilak, E., Seyres, M., Willis, T., Winn, N., & Pandyan, A. (2024). Quantifying Morphological Changes in Middle Trapezius With Ultrasonography and Histogram Matching for Participants With and Without Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography,

Objective: Echogenicity is a biomarker in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). Currently, it is not possible to compare echogenicity values, derived using quantified muscle sonography capture, based on different equipment instrumentation se... Read More about Quantifying Morphological Changes in Middle Trapezius With Ultrasonography and Histogram Matching for Participants With and Without Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy.

Development of a framework of interpersonal communication skills for MPharm students: a UK eDelphi study (2024)
Journal Article
Towle, I. C., Gifford, A., Allinson, M., & White, S. (2024). Development of a framework of interpersonal communication skills for MPharm students: a UK eDelphi study. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 32(Supplement_2), ii7-ii7.

Introduction The importance of communication skills for pharmacists in their daily activities, particularly in patient-centred care, is paramount. Effective healthcare, including complex tasks such as health promotion and medication reviews, heavily... Read More about Development of a framework of interpersonal communication skills for MPharm students: a UK eDelphi study.

Working across boundaries (2024)
Journal Article
White, S., McKenzie, C. A., Bond, C., Guirguis, A., & Donyai, P. (2024). Working across boundaries. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 32(Supplement_2), ii1-ii1.

We are delighted to publish the abstracts presented at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Annual Conference 2024 in this International Journal of Pharmacy Practice Issue Supplement. The conference entitled ‘Working across boundaries: Embracing ne... Read More about Working across boundaries.

Associations among frailty conditions and pain indicators: Data from 22 356 European older adults (2024)
Journal Article
Sentandreu‐Mañó, T., Marques‐Sule, E., Deka, P., Tomás, J. M., Andrés Romero Pintado, L., Klompstra, L., & Atef, H. (2024). Associations among frailty conditions and pain indicators: Data from 22 356 European older adults. Geriatrics and Gerontology International,

Aim: Recent studies supported the presence of a relationship between pain and frailty, but more research is needed to highlight the pain–frailty association. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence and the influence of different pain indicators... Read More about Associations among frailty conditions and pain indicators: Data from 22 356 European older adults.

Intra-Articular Injection of Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Reduces Radiographic Osteoarthritis in an Ovine Model (2024)
Journal Article
Perry, J., Mennan, C., Cool, P., McCarthy, H. S., Newell, K., Hopkins, T., …Roberts, S. (2024). Intra-Articular Injection of Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Reduces Radiographic Osteoarthritis in an Ovine Model. Cartilage,

Objective To determine if mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from human umbilical cords (hUC) could reduce degeneration developing when injected into the knee of a large animal model of osteoarthritis (OA). Design Ten million culture-expanded U... Read More about Intra-Articular Injection of Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Reduces Radiographic Osteoarthritis in an Ovine Model.

Interventions for people with perceptual disorders after stroke: the PIONEER scoping review, Cochrane systematic review and priority setting project (2024)
Journal Article
Hazelton, C., Todhunter-Brown, A., Campbell, P., Thomson, K., Nicolson, D. J., McGill, K., …Brady, M. C. (2024). Interventions for people with perceptual disorders after stroke: the PIONEER scoping review, Cochrane systematic review and priority setting project. Health Technology Assessment, 28(69), 1-141.

Stroke often affects recognition and interpretation of information from our senses, resulting in perceptual disorders. Evidence to inform treatment is unclear. To determine the breadth and effectiveness of interventions for stroke-related perceptual... Read More about Interventions for people with perceptual disorders after stroke: the PIONEER scoping review, Cochrane systematic review and priority setting project.

Impact of the Preservation of Residual Kidney Function on Hemodialysis Survival: Results from the BISTRO Trial (2024)
Journal Article
Belcher, J., Coyle, D., Lindley, E. J., Keane, D., Caskey, F. J., Dasgupta, I., …Davies, S. J. (2024). Impact of the Preservation of Residual Kidney Function on Hemodialysis Survival: Results from the BISTRO Trial. Kidney360,

Preservation of residual kidney function (RKF) in dialysis patients has been associated with improved survival. RKF in the BISTRO trial was relatively well preserved and here we describe its association with survival during the trial and extended fol... Read More about Impact of the Preservation of Residual Kidney Function on Hemodialysis Survival: Results from the BISTRO Trial.

Patient and public involvement in an evidence synthesis project: description of and reflection on involvement (2024)
Journal Article
Thomson, K., Todhunter-Brown, A., Brady, M. C., Campbell, P., Dorris, L., Hunter, S. M., …Hazelton, C. (2024). Patient and public involvement in an evidence synthesis project: description of and reflection on involvement. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), 1-11.

Background: We conducted an NIHR-funded evidence synthesis project, reviewing evidence relating to interventions for perceptual disorders following stroke. This related paper describes how people with lived experience of stroke-related perceptual dis... Read More about Patient and public involvement in an evidence synthesis project: description of and reflection on involvement.

Quality Indicators for the Primary and Community Care of Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review: Quality Indicators for MSK Conditions. (2024)
Journal Article
Braybrooke, A., Baraks, K., Burgess, R., Banerjee, A., & Hill, J. (in press). Quality Indicators for the Primary and Community Care of Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review: Quality Indicators for MSK Conditions. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

To identify, appraise, and synthesise common themes from quality indicator (QI) sets designed for the assessment, management, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions in primary and community care contexts. A systematic search was performed o... Read More about Quality Indicators for the Primary and Community Care of Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review: Quality Indicators for MSK Conditions..

Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT (2024)
Journal Article
Zanganeh, M., Belcher, J., Fotheringham, J., Coyle, D., Lindley, E. J., Keane, D. F., …Andronis, L. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 1-45.

The BioImpedance Spectroscopy to maintain Renal Output randomised controlled trial investigated the effect of bioimpedance spectroscopy added to a standardised fluid management protocol on the risk of anuria and preservation of residual k... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT.

Study on the Focal Boost to the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesions Using Proton Therapy in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients with Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation: Assessing Toxicity Using the Accumulated Dose Fitted NTCP Models (2024)
Journal Article
Ong, A., Knight, K., Panettieri, V., Dimmock, M., Tuan, J., Tan, H., & Wright, C. (in press). Study on the Focal Boost to the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesions Using Proton Therapy in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients with Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation: Assessing Toxicity Using the Accumulated Dose Fitted NTCP Models. International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics, 120(2), Article e571.

This feasibility study investigated focal boosts to the DILs and assessed the clinical impact based on physical dose-volume (DV) and biological metrics compared to the non-boost plans. The bio... Read More about Study on the Focal Boost to the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesions Using Proton Therapy in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients with Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation: Assessing Toxicity Using the Accumulated Dose Fitted NTCP Models.

Exploring stroke survivors’ and physiotherapists’ perspectives of the potential for markerless motion capture technology in community rehabilitation (2024)
Journal Article
Faux-Nightingale, A., Philp, F., Leone, E., Boreman Helliwell, B., & Pandyan, A. (2024). Exploring stroke survivors’ and physiotherapists’ perspectives of the potential for markerless motion capture technology in community rehabilitation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 21(1), Article 168.

Introduction: Many stroke survivors do not receive optimal levels of personalised therapy to support their recovery. Use of technology for stroke rehabilitation has increased in recent years to help minimise gaps in service provision. Markerless moti... Read More about Exploring stroke survivors’ and physiotherapists’ perspectives of the potential for markerless motion capture technology in community rehabilitation.

A mixed-methods approach exploring acceptability and feasibility of trials designed to test drugs targeting prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after knee injury (2024)
Journal Article
Kalsoum, R., Minns Lowe, C. J., Gilbert, S., McCaskie, A. W., Snow, M., Wright, K., …Watt, F. E. (in press). A mixed-methods approach exploring acceptability and feasibility of trials designed to test drugs targeting prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after knee injury. Bone & Joint Research, 13(9), 513-524.

To explore key stakeholder views around feasibility and acceptability of trials seeking to prevent post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) following knee injury, and provide guidance for next steps in PTOA trial design.

Healthcare prof... Read More about A mixed-methods approach exploring acceptability and feasibility of trials designed to test drugs targeting prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after knee injury.