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All Outputs (852)

Spatio-temporal usage of water sources by Black-cheeked Lovebirds Agapornis nigrigenis: implications for conservation planning (2024)
Journal Article
G. Phiri, C., J. Collar, N., Devenish, C., & Marsden, S. J. (2024). Spatio-temporal usage of water sources by Black-cheeked Lovebirds Agapornis nigrigenis: implications for conservation planning. Bird Conservation International, 34(e27), 1-9.

The Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis has a highly restricted range in dry south-western Zambia, where its distribution is clumped and localised in association with mopane Colophospermum mopane woodland and permanent water pools. Fieldwork... Read More about Spatio-temporal usage of water sources by Black-cheeked Lovebirds Agapornis nigrigenis: implications for conservation planning.

Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls (2024)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R. P., Priddy, C. L., & Clarke, S. M. (2024). Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 168, Article 107047.

Spectral gamma ray (SGR) studies can help link outcrop exposures to downhole data and provide useful case studies to reduce uncertainty in interpreting geophysical logs where core and other geological data is unavailable. However, this technique is u... Read More about Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls.

The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research (2024)
Journal Article
Dowey, N., Lawrence, A., Raji, M., Jackson, C., Williams, R., Fernando, B., …Souch, C. (2024). The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4, 1-24.

There is a well-documented racial and ethnic diversity crisis in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) subjects in the Global North that leads to inequities in who does environmental research. The Equator project set out to increase part... Read More about The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research.

Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement (2024)
Journal Article
Carter, E. J., Stock, M. J., Beresford-Browne, A., Cooper, M. R., Raine, R., & Fereyrolles, A. (2024). Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 644, Article 118903.

The generation of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) is a topic of vigorous debate with competing models variably invoking hot mantle plumes, insulative heating by supercontinents or edge driven convective instabilities. Mantle temperature and its tempor... Read More about Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement.

Synthesis and characterisation of an iron oxide mesoporous silica nano-composite and its application in removal of methylene blue dye (2024)
Journal Article
Saod, W. M., Oliver, I. W., Contini, A., & Zholobenko, V. (in press). Synthesis and characterisation of an iron oxide mesoporous silica nano-composite and its application in removal of methylene blue dye. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1319, Article 139390.

Globally, effluents from textile industries and other waste streams have the potential to release vast amounts of chemical dyes and related substances into the environment. Treatment of water and waste-water to remove such pollutan... Read More about Synthesis and characterisation of an iron oxide mesoporous silica nano-composite and its application in removal of methylene blue dye.

Geoforensic search on land (2024)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Wisniewski, K., Ruffell, A., & Hobson, L. (2024). Geoforensic search on land. Geology Today, 40(4), 146-152.

Forensic geoscientists assist with the investigation of locating and characterizing suspected illegal activities and provide evidence for criminal or civil courts of law. Geoforensic search in terrestrial environments can be challenging, depending on... Read More about Geoforensic search on land.

Applications of geoforensic trace evidence (2024)
Journal Article
Jeffery, A. J., Pirrie, D., Pringle, J. K., Ruffell, A., & Stimpson, I. G. (2024). Applications of geoforensic trace evidence. Geology Today, 40(4), 139-145.

Geoforensic trace evidence studies can be crucial for law enforcement and civil/criminal prosecution and defence, to test potential links between suspect(s), crime scenes or forensic object(s). In addition, trace geological evidence can be used to id... Read More about Applications of geoforensic trace evidence.

A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece) (2024)
Journal Article
Whitley, S., Halama, R., Gertisser, R., Hansteen, T. H., Frische, M., & Vennemann, T. (2024). A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece). Volcanica, 7(2),

Plutonic xenoliths from volcanic arcs provide unique insights into transcrustal magmatic systems in subduction zone settings. At Santorini volcano in the Central Aegean Volcanic Arc (Greece), plutonic xenoliths occur throughout a sequence of lavas an... Read More about A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece).

Are Indian Universities Decolonizing Their Curricula? Investigating Reasons for the Slow(er) Development of Decolonizing the Curriculum (DTC) in India (2024)
Journal Article
Dwivedi, O. P., & Lau, L. (2024). Are Indian Universities Decolonizing Their Curricula? Investigating Reasons for the Slow(er) Development of Decolonizing the Curriculum (DTC) in India. Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture, 9(1), 44-67.

There is growing recognition that many university curricula are not necessarily fully fit for purpose in the twenty-first century, being elitist, narrow, and unrepresentative; lacking relevance to the students, lacking diversity, lacking inclusivity.... Read More about Are Indian Universities Decolonizing Their Curricula? Investigating Reasons for the Slow(er) Development of Decolonizing the Curriculum (DTC) in India.

Forensic geoscience on, and in, water (2024)
Journal Article
Ruffell, A., Pringle, J. K., Powell, N., O'Keefe, A., Wisniewski, K. D., & Hobson, L. (2024). Forensic geoscience on, and in, water. Geology Today, 40(4), 153-158.

Geoscientists are being increasingly asked by law enforcement, environmental agencies and even wildlife trusts to investigate suspected illegal activities in and around water bodies for criminal or civil investigations. Searches and surveys in aquati... Read More about Forensic geoscience on, and in, water.

Preliminary Remote Spatial Analysis of Fairy Circles: an Approximation of Hypersectral and Geophysical Data from Hydrogen Seeps (2024)
Journal Article
Mosquera-Rivera, J. E., Jiménez-Vergara, J. M., Alberto, C., Ball, P., & Morales, H. (2024). Preliminary Remote Spatial Analysis of Fairy Circles: an Approximation of Hypersectral and Geophysical Data from Hydrogen Seeps. First Break, 42(6), 65-78.

We present a remote sensing analysis to identify potential concentrations of natural hydrogen by observing fairy circles. Utilising Principal Component Analysis (PCA), distinct features of these formations were delineated, indicating their differenti... Read More about Preliminary Remote Spatial Analysis of Fairy Circles: an Approximation of Hypersectral and Geophysical Data from Hydrogen Seeps.

Decolonizing the Global North university: Host-guest dynamics and the limits of hospitality (2024)
Journal Article
Lau, L., & Mendes, A. C. (in press). Decolonizing the Global North university: Host-guest dynamics and the limits of hospitality. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education,

This article critically assesses the hospitality premise on which the project-practice of decolonizing the curriculum rests, investigating the texture and limitations of the hospitality that Global North universities seem willing to offer their many... Read More about Decolonizing the Global North university: Host-guest dynamics and the limits of hospitality.

Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile (2024)
Journal Article
Cortés, J. A., Gertisser, R., & Calder, E. S. (2024). Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113, 1145–1163.

We report whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, and volatile content from Villarrica volcano’s major recent paroxysms and background activity. Composition of the volcanic products are basalt to basaltic andesite with whole-rock SiO2 content betwee... Read More about Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile.

Combining environmental DNA and remote sensing for efficient, fine-scale mapping of arthropod biodiversity (2024)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Devenish, C., Tosa, M. I., Luo, M., Bell, D. M., Lesmeister, D. B., …Yu, D. W. (2024). Combining environmental DNA and remote sensing for efficient, fine-scale mapping of arthropod biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 379(1904),

Arthropods contribute importantly to ecosystem functioning but remain understudied. This undermines the validity of conservation decisions. Modern methods are now making arthropods easier to study, since arthropods can be mass-trapped, mass-identifie... Read More about Combining environmental DNA and remote sensing for efficient, fine-scale mapping of arthropod biodiversity.

“Too hot to handle”: Making lost and stolen pets present in virtual space (2024)
Journal Article
Arathoon, J., Allen, D., & Hallatt, A. (2024). “Too hot to handle”: Making lost and stolen pets present in virtual space. Geoforum, 152, Article 104013.

Pets are socially, culturally, emotionally, and economically entangled in human lives. For humans, pets are loved, and the bond between human and pet extends beyond companionship to incorporate emotional and mental health benefits. Pet theft is a cri... Read More about “Too hot to handle”: Making lost and stolen pets present in virtual space.

Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes, bunkers, tunnels and firing ranges (2024)
Journal Article
Pringle, J. K., Ruffell, A., Styles, P., Stringfellow, M., Stimpson, I. G., Banham, S. G., …Thompson, J. (2024). Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes, bunkers, tunnels and firing ranges. Forensic Science International, 359, Article 112033.

Recent events in conflict zones have emphasized that the successful detection and characterisation of buried clandestine complexes, bunkers and tunnels is vitally important for forensic investigators globally, to reduce or solve criminal activities,... Read More about Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes, bunkers, tunnels and firing ranges.

Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera (2024)
Journal Article
Preine, J., Karstens, J., Hübscher, C., Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., …Papanikolaou, D. (2024). Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera. Nature Geoscience, 17(4), 323-331.

Caldera-forming eruptions of silicic volcanic systems are among the most devastating events on Earth. By contrast, post-collapse volcanic activity initiating new caldera cycles is generally considered less hazardous. Formed after Santorini’s latest c... Read More about Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera.

Imaging Pleistocene volcanic edifices along the Egyptian Red Sea margin: Insights from reflection seismics and 3D constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic data (2024)
Journal Article
Ali, M., Decarlis, A., Geng, M., Bosworth, W., Ball, P. J., Ligi, M., & Ceriani, A. (2024). Imaging Pleistocene volcanic edifices along the Egyptian Red Sea margin: Insights from reflection seismics and 3D constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 448, Article 108038.

Several volcanic buildups have been documented using gravity and magnetic data at specific locations in the Northern Red Sea (NRS). Most of these volcanoes were never sampled, and only a few were imaged by seismic or bathymetry data. Furthermore, the... Read More about Imaging Pleistocene volcanic edifices along the Egyptian Red Sea margin: Insights from reflection seismics and 3D constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic data.

“you just look at rocks, and have beards” Perceptions of Geology From the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Analysis From an Online Survey (2024)
Journal Article
Rogers, S. L., Giles, S., Dowey, N., Greene, S. E., Bhatia, R., Van Landeghem, K., & King, C. (2024). “you just look at rocks, and have beards” Perceptions of Geology From the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Analysis From an Online Survey. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4,

In the last few decades, Geology courses, particularly in the Global North, have seen a decline in student enrolment. Geologists have linked this downturn to a lack of exposure to the subject at school and college level. This work seeks to understand... Read More about “you just look at rocks, and have beards” Perceptions of Geology From the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Analysis From an Online Survey.

Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland (2024)
Journal Article
Leslie, A., Krabbendam, M., Thomas, C., Banks, C., & Clarke, S. M. (in press). Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 181(4),

Restoring primary depositional frameworks from orogenic settings is challenging. To demonstrate a robust determination of original, but now highly-deformed, depositional frameworks and their first-order sequence-stratigraphy, we analyse the Dalradian... Read More about Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland.