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All Outputs (11)

Important Bird Areas of the Americas Priority Sites for Biodiversity Conservation (2009)
Devenish, C., Diaz Fernandez, D., Clay, R., Davidson, I., & Zabala, I. (Eds.). (2009). Important Bird Areas of the Americas Priority Sites for Biodiversity Conservation. BirdLife International

This directory provides a concise summary of the 2345 Important Bird Areas described to date in the Americas. The inventory represents a participative consensus on the most important sites for bird and biodiversity conservation in the hemisphere, in... Read More about Important Bird Areas of the Americas Priority Sites for Biodiversity Conservation.

Using soil and groundwater data to understand resistivity surveys over a simulated clandestine grave (2009)
Jervis, J. R., Pringle, J. K., Cassella, J. P., & Tuckwell, G. (2009). Using soil and groundwater data to understand resistivity surveys over a simulated clandestine grave.

Geophysical electrical resistivity surveys have been used in a number of attempts to locate clandestine ‘shallow’ graves, based on the valid assumption that a grave may represent a contrast in the electrical properties of the ground compared to ‘back... Read More about Using soil and groundwater data to understand resistivity surveys over a simulated clandestine grave.

Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardees - Where are They Now? Synthesis of the Marine Glycolipid Dioctadecanoyl Discoside (2009)
Journal Article
Miller. (2009). Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardees - Where are They Now? Synthesis of the Marine Glycolipid Dioctadecanoyl Discoside. SYNLETT, 3099 -3102.

The first synthesis of the inositol-containing marine glycolipid dioctadecanoyl discoside is reported. The key glycosylation reaction proceeds with ß-selectivity at reduced temperature. The separable anomers could be readily progressed to afford disc... Read More about Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardees - Where are They Now? Synthesis of the Marine Glycolipid Dioctadecanoyl Discoside.

Performing economy differently: Exploring economic personhood and local economic diversity (2009)
Journal Article
McKay. (2009). Performing economy differently: Exploring economic personhood and local economic diversity. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 330 - 346.

Many popular conceptions of economy now delimit what counts as the ‘real’ economy by capitalist enterprises, market transactions and wage labour. Anthropologists describe such ideas of economy as abstract, dis-embedded (Polanyi 1957a, b) or virtual (... Read More about Performing economy differently: Exploring economic personhood and local economic diversity.

The Recruitment and Retention of Central and Eastern European Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom: A Panacea or a Problem under the New Policies of 'Managed Migration'? (2009)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Stevens, C. (2009). The Recruitment and Retention of Central and Eastern European Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom: A Panacea or a Problem under the New Policies of 'Managed Migration'?. Regional Studies, 1289 - 1300.

The latest changes in the UK government's managed migration policy with the introduction of a new Points-Based System have been recognized as privileging White European economic migrant workers – including those from Central and Eastern European (CEE... Read More about The Recruitment and Retention of Central and Eastern European Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom: A Panacea or a Problem under the New Policies of 'Managed Migration'?.

Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation (2009)
Journal Article
(2009). Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation. Geologica Carpathica, 351 -379.

Jurassic sedimentary rocks of the Telekesvölgy Complex (Bódva Series), Telekesoldal Complex (Telekesoldal Nappe) and the Csipkés Hill olistostrome in Rudabánya Hills (NE Hungary) were sampled for microfacies studies and interpretation of the depositi... Read More about Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation.

Comparison of time-lapse GPR and resistivity over simulated clandestine graves (2009)
Conference Proceeding
Pringle, J., Jervis, J., & Tuckwell, G. (2009). Comparison of time-lapse GPR and resistivity over simulated clandestine graves. .

Forensic geophysics should be an invaluable tool to assist search teams to detect and locate clandestine graves of buried murder victims. At present however, geophysics is under-utilised and currently used techniques may not be optimal for specific t... Read More about Comparison of time-lapse GPR and resistivity over simulated clandestine graves.

Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England? (2009)
Journal Article
Pemberton. (2009). Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England?. Urban Studies, 1363 - 1384.

Since EU enlargement in 2004, there has been a substantial influx of economic migrants to the UK from the `A8' accession countries. A significant number have moved into Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder areas, which are focused on reshaping failing h... Read More about Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England?.

Climate change at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary: palynological evidence from the Furkaska section (Tatra Mountains, Slovakia) (2009)
Journal Article
(2009). Climate change at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary: palynological evidence from the Furkaska section (Tatra Mountains, Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica, 139 - 149.

The palynology of the Triassic/Jurassic boundary interval of the Furkaska section (Tatra Mts, Slovakia) was studied with respect to a major climatic change during that period. The palynofacies is dominated by terrestrial particles, indicating a shall... Read More about Climate change at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary: palynological evidence from the Furkaska section (Tatra Mountains, Slovakia).

Rethinking Indigenous Place: Igorot Identity and Locality in the Philippines (2009)
Journal Article
McKay. (2009). Rethinking Indigenous Place: Igorot Identity and Locality in the Philippines.

Spanish and American colonisers ascribed the identity ‘Igorot’ to the peoples of the northern Philippine mountains, positioning them in the ‘tribal slot’, somewhere between ordinary peasants and ‘backward’ primitives. From this marginal position, con... Read More about Rethinking Indigenous Place: Igorot Identity and Locality in the Philippines.

The low-mass Initial Mass Function in the young cluster NGC 6611 (2009)
Journal Article
Jeffries, M. Oliveira, J., D. Jeffries, R., & Th. van Loon, J. (2009). The low-mass Initial Mass Function in the young cluster NGC 6611. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1034-1050.

NGC 6611 is the massive young cluster (2-3 Myr) that ionises the Eagle Nebula. We present very deep photometric observations of the central region of NGC 6611 obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope and the following filters: ACS/WFC F775W and F850L... Read More about The low-mass Initial Mass Function in the young cluster NGC 6611.