Islamophobia in the United Kingdom
Book Chapter
Kallis, A. (2018). Islamophobia in the United Kingdom. In European Islamophobia Report 2017
All Outputs (54)
Popular emotions and the spy peril, 1914-1915 (2018)
Richards, H. (2018). Popular emotions and the spy peril, 1914-1915. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from Britain’s entry into the First World War, the foreign spy became a particularly poignant image in popular culture as well as broader political discourse. Although espionage had featured regularly across British society during the preceding... Read More about Popular emotions and the spy peril, 1914-1915.
Precarious Living in the Films of Ken Loach (2018)
Book Chapter
Davies, L. (2018). Precarious Living in the Films of Ken Loach. In Living with Strangers.
The return of Citizenship?: An empirical assessment of legal integration in time of radical socio-legal transformation (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). The return of Citizenship?: An empirical assessment of legal integration in time of radical socio-legal transformation. International Migration Review,Intra-EU migrants have traditionally faced few pressures or incentives to formalise their 'permanent' residence or to naturalise in their EU host countries. Focusing on the United Kingdom and combining an analysis of secondary administrative data and... Read More about The return of Citizenship?: An empirical assessment of legal integration in time of radical socio-legal transformation.
William Burroughs' Cut-Ups Lost and Found in Translation (2018)
Journal Article
Harris. (2018). William Burroughs' Cut-Ups Lost and Found in Translation. Esprit Créateur, 58, 31-48.’ experimental “cut-up” texts of the 1960s have presented great challenges to readers, critics, and translators, and their French translations have proved especially controversial. This article argues that what has been lost in translation f... Read More about William Burroughs' Cut-Ups Lost and Found in Translation.
Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy (2018)
Journal Article
Seager. (2018). Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy. Adaptation, 228-251. Sterne’s Tristram Shandy (1759–67) appears to resist adaptation. Its verbal density, narrative complexity, and self-conscious bookishness mark it out as intensely medium-specific. However, its richly allusive style, scepticism about conventi... Read More about Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy.
Law and Disputation in Eleventh-century Libelli de lite (2018)
Book Chapter
Cushing. (2018). Law and Disputation in Eleventh-century Libelli de lite. In The Use of Canon Law in Ecclesiastical Administration, 1000–1234.
Sonic Spectres: Word Ghosts in Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter and the digital map project, 'Fictional Montreal/Montreal fictif' (2018)
Journal Article
Morgan. (2018). Sonic Spectres: Word Ghosts in Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter and the digital map project, 'Fictional Montreal/Montreal fictif'. The London Journal of Canadian Studies, 40-57. article analyses various ghosts and their connections with the unsaid and said in relation to Madeleine Thien’s Dogs at the Perimeter (2011) and the digital map project, ‘Fictional Montreal/Montréal fictif’ (Morgan and Lichti, 2016-17). Drawing... Read More about Sonic Spectres: Word Ghosts in Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter and the digital map project, 'Fictional Montreal/Montreal fictif'.
Rethinking the New Woman in Dracula (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Rethinking the New Woman in Dracula. Gothic Studies, 244-256. existing canon of scholarship on Dracula asserts that the sexually aggressive female vampires are representative of the New Woman, and thus are evidence of Stoker’s conservative reaction to changing gender roles. In contrast, this article offers... Read More about Rethinking the New Woman in Dracula.
The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen (2018)
Seaton, W. A. (2018). The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from thesis examines the labour that is made visible by the individual on-screen performances of five distinct postfeminist identities from contemporary popular culture. Each chapter focuses on one of three texts: the English-language film adaptation... Read More about The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen.
An exploration of the ‘railway family’: 1900 - 1948 (2018)
Reeves, H. J. (2018). An exploration of the ‘railway family’: 1900 - 1948. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from thesis explores the idea of the ‘railway family’ in the British railwayindustry between 1900 and 1948. The ‘railway family’ was borne out of a desire tocreate an ‘imagined community’ of railway workers across the wide geographicalboundaries of i... Read More about An exploration of the ‘railway family’: 1900 - 1948.
Turning things around? From white fusion stars with Andean flavour to Andean fusion stars with white appeal (2018)
Journal Article
Montero Diaz, F. (2018). Turning things around? From white fusion stars with Andean flavour to Andean fusion stars with white appeal. Popular Music, 37(3), 424-443. fusion music in Peru’s capital Lima has in recent years grown to a representative genre challenging existing segregation of Limeño society through interethnic and interclass interaction. Focusing on three case studies of Peruvian fusionists p... Read More about Turning things around? From white fusion stars with Andean flavour to Andean fusion stars with white appeal.
Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Structure and Expression in John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Thomas Ades (2018)
Book Chapter
(2018). Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Structure and Expression in John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Thomas Ades. In The Routledge Research Companion to Modernism in Music (327 - 352). chapter conveys postmodernism both as a historical moment and as a force within modernism to expand its range of expression, examining four areas. The first one is postminimalism, particularly as represented by John Adams’s Harmonielehre, which... Read More about Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Structure and Expression in John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Thomas Ades.
Regaining Honour and Regaining Legitimacy: Shame, Obedience and Risk Practices Amongst Chinese Communist Officials (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Regaining Honour and Regaining Legitimacy: Shame, Obedience and Risk Practices Amongst Chinese Communist Officials. Economy and Society, part of its anti-corruption campaigns in China, the Communist Party of China (CCP) provides officials opportunities to redeem themselves and renew their vows of loyalty to the Party and the people they serve. Officials must regain honour through a... Read More about Regaining Honour and Regaining Legitimacy: Shame, Obedience and Risk Practices Amongst Chinese Communist Officials.
Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Zadie Smith’s NW, and the Metamodern (2018)
Journal Article
Bentley. (2018). Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Zadie Smith’s NW, and the Metamodern. English Studies, 723-743. article examines David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2004) and Zadie Smith's NW (2012) against recent theories of the post-postmodern. It argues that although both texts can be seen to be gesturing towards a reconstructive relationship with the absolu... Read More about Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Zadie Smith’s NW, and the Metamodern.
Commemorating the English Revolution (2018)
Book Chapter
Atherton, I. (2018). Commemorating the English Revolution. In Remembering Early Modern Revolutions (27-43). Routledge.
Emotion, cognition and spectator response to the plays of Shakespeare (2018)
Journal Article
Yearling. (2018). Emotion, cognition and spectator response to the plays of Shakespeare. Cultural History, 7(2), 129-144. what early modern spectators thought and felt when attending the theatre has for some years been a kind of Holy Grail for scholars of Renaissance drama. As Myhill and Low point out in Imagining the Audience in Early Modern Drama (2011), a... Read More about Emotion, cognition and spectator response to the plays of Shakespeare.
'For the Protection of all the People’: Æthelflæd and her Burhs in Northwest Mercia (2018)
Journal Article
Blake, M., & Sargent, A. (2018). 'For the Protection of all the People’: Æthelflæd and her Burhs in Northwest Mercia. Midland History, 43(2), 120-154. fortifications, or burhs, constructed between 910 and 915 by Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, across much of the western Midlands have often been understood as part of a broader programme initiated by her brother Edward, king of the Anglo-Saxons,... Read More about 'For the Protection of all the People’: Æthelflæd and her Burhs in Northwest Mercia.
The Challenges of a Diverse Curriculum: a case study from the Humanities (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). The Challenges of a Diverse Curriculum: a case study from the Humanities. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,'No abstract'
Reflections on Issues of Student Diversity (2018)
Journal Article
Yearling, R. (2018). Reflections on Issues of Student Diversity. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,