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Philosophy in a Technological World Gods and Titans (2020)
Tartaglia, J. (2020). Philosophy in a Technological World Gods and Titans. (1). Bloomsbury Publishing.

How should philosophy respond to this? James Tartaglia examines the place of philosophy in a world where our rapidly expanding technological powers make philosophical reflection more important than ever. Philosophy has come to seem like a specialist... Read More about Philosophy in a Technological World Gods and Titans.

Philosophy in a meaningless life: a system of nihilism, consciousness and reality
Tartaglia, J. (2015). Philosophy in a meaningless life: a system of nihilism, consciousness and reality

This book combines an account of the autonomy of philosophy with a new theory of consciousness. The account of philosophy is rooted in the question of the meaning of life. This question, it is argued, is neither obscure nor obsolete, but rather refle... Read More about Philosophy in a meaningless life: a system of nihilism, consciousness and reality.