Adopting Western Models of Learning to Teaching Science as a Means of Offering a Better Start at University?
Book Chapter
Hayes, A., Mansour, N., & Fisher, R. (2015). Adopting Western Models of Learning to Teaching Science as a Means of Offering a Better Start at University?. . SensePublishers.
All Outputs (14)
Transcendental Unity of Apperception and Non-reflective Consciousness of Self (2015)
Book Chapter
Baiasu, S. (2015). Transcendental Unity of Apperception and Non-reflective Consciousness of Self. In Comparing Kant and Sartre (21-44). (1). Palgrave Macmillan. this chapter, I would like to defend the claim of a deep similarity between Kant’s transcendental unity of apperception and Sartre’s non-reflective consciousness of self.2 The claim is not simply of historical interest, although this by itself I t... Read More about Transcendental Unity of Apperception and Non-reflective Consciousness of Self.
The Courts: Criminal Trials as Strategic Arenas (2015)
Book Chapter
Doherty. (2015). The Courts: Criminal Trials as Strategic Arenas. In Breaking Down the State: Protesters Engaged (27 - 51)In this chapter we analyze cases where social movement activists are prosecuted in the courts for protest actions. The courthouse is a significant arena for social movement strategy, a symbolic site for the arbitration of collective disputes, the leg... Read More about The Courts: Criminal Trials as Strategic Arenas.
Realism (2015)
Book Chapter
Vogler, J. (2015). Realism. In Research Handbook on Climate Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing. chapter addresses the mutual neglect that has existed between realism and the study of international environmental politics. It argues that the emergence of climate issues on the international agenda alters this situation. The implications of th... Read More about Realism.
Introduction (2015)
Book Chapter
Corcoran. (2015). Introduction. In Voluntary sector and criminal justice (1-12)
Deconstructing the panacea: the benefits fallacy in volunteer recruitment in criminal justice (2015)
Book Chapter
Corcoran. (2015). Deconstructing the panacea: the benefits fallacy in volunteer recruitment in criminal justice. In Voluntary sector and criminal justice (93 -116)
Recognition and Prestige (2015)
Book Chapter
Vogler, J. (2015). Recognition and Prestige. In Climate Change in World Politics (108-130). Palgrave Macmillan. very earliest writings on international relations confirm the significance of the pursuit of honour and prestige alongside more ‘base’ concerns with relative power and wealth. Thucydides’s description of the Peloponnesian war accounts for the fat... Read More about Recognition and Prestige.
Gendered dynamics of mentoring (2015)
Book Chapter
Corcoran. (2015). Gendered dynamics of mentoring. In Women and Criminal Justice: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation (153 - 172)
Representations of grief and the Falklands War (2015)
Book Chapter
Parr, H. (2015). Representations of grief and the Falklands War. In Emotions, Politics and War. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).
Integrated Offender Management: A Microcosm of Central and Local Criminal Justice Policy Turbulence (2015)
Book Chapter
Worrall, A., & Corcoran, M. (2015). Integrated Offender Management: A Microcosm of Central and Local Criminal Justice Policy Turbulence. In The Management of Change in Criminal Justice (259-274). Palgrave Macmillan. more than a decade, the government in England and Wales has insisted that a very small proportion of offenders (around 10%) are committing a very large proportion of crime (around 50%) at any point in time (Home Office, 2001; 2003; 2004). Althoug... Read More about Integrated Offender Management: A Microcosm of Central and Local Criminal Justice Policy Turbulence.
Body Count: A Comparative Quantitative Study of Mass Killings in History (2015)
Book Chapter
Sheikh, N. (2015). Body Count: A Comparative Quantitative Study of Mass Killings in History. In Islam and the Law of Armed Conflict. Edward Elgar Publishing
Statebuilding and the Politics of Non-Recognition (2015)
Book Chapter
Richards, R., & Smith, R. (2015). Statebuilding and the Politics of Non-Recognition. In Recognition in International Relations Rethinking a Political Concept in a Global Context. (1). springer. Studies in International Relations Series General Editors: Knud Erik Jørgensen, Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark Audie Klotz, Department of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public ...
Monitoring Students' Engagement with an Online Course: Reflections and Implications for Practice (2015)
Book Chapter
Hayes, A. (2015). Monitoring Students' Engagement with an Online Course: Reflections and Implications for Practice. In Innovations in Technology Enhanced Learning. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Religious literacy in higher education (2015)
Book Chapter
Jones, S. H. (2015). Religious literacy in higher education. In Religious Literacy in Secular Society: Theories, Policies and Practices of Faith in the Public Realm (187-206). Bristol: Policy Press. recent years, a number of authors have highlighted the role that universities could potentially play in improving the public conversation about religion and belief (Gilliat-Ray, 2000, p 59; Prothero, 2008, p 173; Woodhead, 2009, p 28). Ford (2004,... Read More about Religious literacy in higher education.