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All Outputs (49)

Transnational academic capitalism in the Arab Gulf:balancing global and local, public and private, capitals (2015)
Journal Article
Findlow, S., & Hayes, A. (2015). Transnational academic capitalism in the Arab Gulf:balancing global and local, public and private, capitals. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37(1), 110-128.

This article contributes to the emerging theoretical construct of what has been called ‘transnational academic capitalism’, characterised by the blurring of traditional boundaries between public, private, local, regional and international, and betwee... Read More about Transnational academic capitalism in the Arab Gulf:balancing global and local, public and private, capitals.

Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City (2015)
Journal Article
Parish, J. (2015). Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City. Anthropology Southern Africa, 68(3-4), 290-301.

Among Akan spirit preachers at shrines in New York, gold and gold weights are at the centre of the creation of new moral topographies in a fluid and contested context. In a get-rich-quick New York marketplace, the preachers appeal to an understanding... Read More about Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City.

Linking Mini-Publics to the Deliberative System: A Research Agenda (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Linking Mini-Publics to the Deliberative System: A Research Agenda. Policy Sciences, 49, 173-190.

The systemic turn in deliberative democratic theory has shifted the focus away from seeking to design separate, internally deliberative ‘mini-publics’ and towards a new appreciation of their external, systemic quality. Yet, so far, such accounts have... Read More about Linking Mini-Publics to the Deliberative System: A Research Agenda.

The fantasy of congruency: the Abbe Sieyes and the ‘nation-state’ problematique revisited (2015)
Journal Article
Mandelbaum, M. (2015). The fantasy of congruency: the Abbe Sieyes and the ‘nation-state’ problematique revisited. Philosophy and Social Criticism,

This paper offers an alternative reading of the Abbé Sieyès and the modern ‘nation-state’ problématique. I argue that the subject/object that is constituted in the early days of modernity is the incomplete society: an impossible-possibility ideal of... Read More about The fantasy of congruency: the Abbe Sieyes and the ‘nation-state’ problematique revisited.

Making sense of the protests in Turkey (and Brazil): contesting neo-liberal urbanism in ‘Rebel Cities’ (2015)
Journal Article
Gokay, B., & Shain, F. (2015). Making sense of the protests in Turkey (and Brazil): contesting neo-liberal urbanism in ‘Rebel Cities’. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 41(2), 242 -261.

The article is organised in five parts: first, we offer a brief overview of the protests and the concept of the ‘right to the city’; second, we discuss arguments about the role of democracy and representation, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip... Read More about Making sense of the protests in Turkey (and Brazil): contesting neo-liberal urbanism in ‘Rebel Cities’.

The Negative Abyss Surface, Depth, and Violence in Virilio and Stiegler (2015)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2015). The Negative Abyss Surface, Depth, and Violence in Virilio and Stiegler. Cultural Politics, 210-221.

This article explores what one might call the dystopia of contemporary screen-based culture through a discussion of the work of Paul Virilio and Bernard Stiegler. Centrally, it explains that the screen might be seen as a negative abyss, where absolut... Read More about The Negative Abyss Surface, Depth, and Violence in Virilio and Stiegler.

The Role of Cultural Contexts in Research Design Decisions: Reflections on the Conflicting Study Results in the Bahraini Context (2015)
Journal Article
Hayes, A. L. (2015). The Role of Cultural Contexts in Research Design Decisions: Reflections on the Conflicting Study Results in the Bahraini Context. SAGE Open,

Self-reporting surveys in social science are commonly criticized for generating results that are often found not to reflect the actual behavior of participants. This article discusses the limitations of such surveys specifically in exploring the Arab... Read More about The Role of Cultural Contexts in Research Design Decisions: Reflections on the Conflicting Study Results in the Bahraini Context.

Democratic Inclusiveness, Climate Policy Outputs, and Climate Policy Outcomes (2015)
Journal Article
Böhmelt, T., Böker, M., & Ward, H. (2015). Democratic Inclusiveness, Climate Policy Outputs, and Climate Policy Outcomes. Democratization, 23(7), 1272-1291.

In an ideal inclusive political system, all citizens are equally able to influence and challenge policies. We focus on how inclusiveness affects climate policies and outcomes. We argue that more inclusive systems should produce more policies in respo... Read More about Democratic Inclusiveness, Climate Policy Outputs, and Climate Policy Outcomes.

Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance (2015)
Journal Article
Catney. (2015). Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,

The paper uses a case study of urban regeneration policy in Sheffield, UK, to explore local public entrepreneurship in a system of multi-level governance. Recent analyses of public entrepreneurs have directed attention to the macro-political structur... Read More about Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance.

Criminal Investigation Through the Eye of the Detective: Technological Innovation and Tradition (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Criminal Investigation Through the Eye of the Detective: Technological Innovation and Tradition. Surveillance & Society,

Technological elements and scientific knowledge are steadily transforming both the traditional image of the detective and the nature of contemporary police work. However, despite the potential utility of scientific methods and new technologies in cri... Read More about Criminal Investigation Through the Eye of the Detective: Technological Innovation and Tradition.

Security spheres: a phenomenology of maritime spatial practices (2015)
Journal Article
Ryan. (2015). Security spheres: a phenomenology of maritime spatial practices. Security Dialogue, 46(6), 568-584.

This article explores maritime protection zones (MPZ), which are being created in the territorial waters of a number of European states. Through the work of Gaston Bachelard and Peter Sloterdijk, the article analyses maritime zonation as a paradigmat... Read More about Security spheres: a phenomenology of maritime spatial practices.

Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles (2015)
Journal Article
Parish. (2015). Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 5(2), 101-120.

While it has been extensively recorded how the West African occult economy allows for a metanarrative critique of modernity, this article analyzes a convergence between witchcraft discourses and the capitalist market, looking through the local lens o... Read More about Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles.

Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales (2015)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S. (2015). Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,

Since the inception of local government in the UK, there have been continuous attempts to reorganise and revise its distinctive characteristics, with successive reforms differing in their intended effects. In Wales, a further round of local governmen... Read More about Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales.

Grey areas and fine lines: negotiating operational independence in the era of the police and crime commissioner (2015)
Journal Article
Wells. (2015). Grey areas and fine lines: negotiating operational independence in the era of the police and crime commissioner. Safer Communities, 193-202.

– The purpose of this paper is to explore the negotiation of boundaries of strategic vs operational responsibility between Chief Constables and Police Crime Commissioners (PCCs).

– The discussion reflects on i... Read More about Grey areas and fine lines: negotiating operational independence in the era of the police and crime commissioner.

When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs,

This article looks at identity constructions of mainland Chinese undergraduate students in a Hong Kong university. These students shared a “Hong Kong Dream” characterised by a desire for change in individual outlooks, a yearning for international exp... Read More about When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong.

Initial findings from a mixed-methods feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the 'Breaking Free Health an Justice' treatment and recovery programme for substance misuse in prison settings (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Initial findings from a mixed-methods feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the 'Breaking Free Health an Justice' treatment and recovery programme for substance misuse in prison settings. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 176-185.

Reshaping substance misuse treatment in prisons is central to the UK Government’s drive to address substance dependence in the prison population and reduce substance-related offending and recidivism. Therefore, a through-care project to support priso... Read More about Initial findings from a mixed-methods feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the 'Breaking Free Health an Justice' treatment and recovery programme for substance misuse in prison settings.

Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail (2015)
Journal Article
Tartaglia, J. (2015). Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail

This paper is a critique of the new paradigm in analytic philosophy for investigating the meaning of life, focusing on Meaning in Life as the definitive example. Metz relies upon intuition, and reflection upon recent analytic literature, to guide him... Read More about Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail.