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All Outputs (64)

Universal Principle of Right: Metaphysics, Politics and Conflict Resolutions (2018)
Journal Article
Baiasu, S. (2018). Universal Principle of Right: Metaphysics, Politics and Conflict Resolutions. Kantian Review, 23(4), 527-554.

In spite of its dominance, there are well-known problems with Rawls’s method of reflective equilibrium (MRE), as a method of justification in meta-ethics. One issue in particular has preoccupied commentators, namely, the capacity of this method to pr... Read More about Universal Principle of Right: Metaphysics, Politics and Conflict Resolutions.

Can metaphysical structuralism solve the plurality problem? (2018)
Journal Article
Allen. (2018). Can metaphysical structuralism solve the plurality problem?. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 722-746.

Metaphysics has a problem with plurality: in many areas of discourse, there are too many good theories, rather than just one. This embarrassment of riches is a particular problem for metaphysical realists who want metaphysics to tell us the way the w... Read More about Can metaphysical structuralism solve the plurality problem?.

Consolidation of pathology services in England: have savings been achieved? (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Consolidation of pathology services in England: have savings been achieved?. BMC Health Services Research,

Background: During the last decade, pathology services in England have undergone profound changes with an extensive consolidation of laboratories. This has been driven by some national reviews forecasting a national reduction of costs by £250–£500 mi... Read More about Consolidation of pathology services in England: have savings been achieved?.

Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Breaking Free Online Health and Justice program for substance misuse in prison settings (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Breaking Free Online Health and Justice program for substance misuse in prison settings. Health and Justice,

Substance misuse, including problematic drug and alcohol use, are significant issues in society that can have multiple detrimental effects. Many people access support for their substance misuse during prison sentences, due to the associat... Read More about Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Breaking Free Online Health and Justice program for substance misuse in prison settings.

Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties' climate policy preferences (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties' climate policy preferences. Party Politics, 731-742.

This study presents an innovative approach to hand-coding parties' policy preferences in the relatively new, cross-sectoral field of climate change mitigation policy. It applies this approach to party manifestos in six countries, comparing the prefer... Read More about Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties' climate policy preferences.

Transborder habitus in a within-country mobility context: A Bourdieusian analysis of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Transborder habitus in a within-country mobility context: A Bourdieusian analysis of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong. Sociological Review, 1128-1144.

This paper contributes to the updating of Bourdieusian sociology by proposing the notion of ‘transborder habitus’, a necessary extension of ‘habitus’ in a transborder context. ‘Transborder contexts’ refer to spaces that belong politically to the same... Read More about Transborder habitus in a within-country mobility context: A Bourdieusian analysis of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong.

In the Zone of Pure Potential: Luciferian Speculations of the Age of Light (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). In the Zone of Pure Potential: Luciferian Speculations of the Age of Light. Cultural Politics, 327-343.

In 1970 the Dutch philosopher and psychiatrist Jan Hendrik van den Berg announced the end of classical psychoanalysis. In an age without taboos, the mere idea no longer made sense to van den Berg. In the same year Mark Rothko’s stark Chapel in Housto... Read More about In the Zone of Pure Potential: Luciferian Speculations of the Age of Light.

Depth in 21st Century Cells?: European Salafi Jihadi Terrorism and Psychoanalysis in the Luciferian Age (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Depth in 21st Century Cells?: European Salafi Jihadi Terrorism and Psychoanalysis in the Luciferian Age. New Criminal Law Review, 592-614.

The psychoanalytic interpretation of Salafi jihadism and terrorism, or the application of psychoanalytic categories to said issues, are not very common. Indeed the mobilisation of psychoanalysis in this context very often prompts accusations of orien... Read More about Depth in 21st Century Cells?: European Salafi Jihadi Terrorism and Psychoanalysis in the Luciferian Age.

An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 909-934.

Before the Second World War it was a cardinal Commonwealth principle that intra-imperial disputes must be kept away from international fora. Yet in 1946 the not-yet-independent India complained to the United Nations about South African legislation di... Read More about An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946).

An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 909-934.

Before the Second World War it was a cardinal Commonwealth principle that intra-imperial disputes must be kept away from international fora. Yet in 1946 the not-yet-independent India complained to the United Nations about South African legislation di... Read More about An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946).

Educating China on the Move: A Typology of Contemporary Chinese Higher Education Mobilities (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Educating China on the Move: A Typology of Contemporary Chinese Higher Education Mobilities. International Review of Education, 598-627.

The landscape of global higher education is changing rapidly in response to and alongside the geopolitical and geosocial global transformations, with China and East Asia becoming key players in higher education. As China’s economic power and strateg... Read More about Educating China on the Move: A Typology of Contemporary Chinese Higher Education Mobilities.

Dignity, Law and Value: Enriching Sensen's Strong Priority Account (2018)
Journal Article
Baiasu. (2018). Dignity, Law and Value: Enriching Sensen's Strong Priority Account. Studi Kantiani, 155-166.

According to Oliver Sensen’s book, Kant on Human Dignity, the notion of dignity which can be found in the Kantian corpus is fundamentally different from the notion that gains currency in politics-related contexts today, namely, dignity as a value inh... Read More about Dignity, Law and Value: Enriching Sensen's Strong Priority Account.

Undergraduate Research, Learning Gain and Equity: The Impact of Final Year Research Projects (2018)
Journal Article
Parker. (2018). Undergraduate Research, Learning Gain and Equity: The Impact of Final Year Research Projects. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3(1), 145-157.

This study evaluates the impact of undergraduate research on student achievement. It analyses graduating students from 2011 to 2016 at a UK university that requires a research project comprising 25% of final-year credits in most subjects, providing a... Read More about Undergraduate Research, Learning Gain and Equity: The Impact of Final Year Research Projects.

The new informational paradigm: Developing practice led approaches to the use of mobile ICT in social work (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). The new informational paradigm: Developing practice led approaches to the use of mobile ICT in social work. British Journal of Social Work, 1791-1809.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has profound impacts on society as people integrate technology into their lives. Social work is similarly influenced by ICT as workplaces, individual practitioners and clients adopt new forms of technolo... Read More about The new informational paradigm: Developing practice led approaches to the use of mobile ICT in social work.