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All Outputs (81)

Kant's 'World': an interpretation of a central idea in the Three Critiques (2021)
Orlander, S. O. J. (2021). Kant's 'World': an interpretation of a central idea in the Three Critiques. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis examines the idea of world in Kant’s Critical philosophy. This is a central idea in the Kantian corpus and plays an important role in different contexts. While interpretations of Kant’s philosophy tend to emphasize the theoretical aspect... Read More about Kant's 'World': an interpretation of a central idea in the Three Critiques.

The building “bricks” of informal STEM education: Narratives of a participatory project on aspirations for development in rural Malaysia (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Anuar, A. (2021). The building “bricks” of informal STEM education: Narratives of a participatory project on aspirations for development in rural Malaysia.

In the mainstream, national development is often defined in terms of economic growth that privileges modernity, urbanization and scientific expertise. The promise of science, technology and innovation in contributing to development is reified through... Read More about The building “bricks” of informal STEM education: Narratives of a participatory project on aspirations for development in rural Malaysia.

Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Corcoran. (2021). Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom. Archiwum Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, 39-61.

The pandemic presented a uniquely unrestricted bonanza in many countries for opportunistic profitmaking at the public expense. In the United Kingdom, this took the form of collusion between senior political figures and business associates in purchasi... Read More about Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom.

The impact of principal party strategies on the radical right: In search of a silver bullet? (2021)
Mitchell, G. (2021). The impact of principal party strategies on the radical right: In search of a silver bullet?. (Thesis). Keele University

Since the 1980s, many Western European countries have witnessed the rise of the radical right. Much has been written on the ideology of these parties, the tactics they adopt, the sorts of people that vote for them, and the reasons behind their electo... Read More about The impact of principal party strategies on the radical right: In search of a silver bullet?.

Necessity, Non-Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’ (2021)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2021). Necessity, Non-Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’. Modern Law Review,

In Thacker and ors the Court of Appeal overturned the convictions of the ‘Stansted 15’ due to a misdirection on the substantive offence. However, the court rejected their necessity defence, following Jones, as their actions were political, outweighin... Read More about Necessity, Non-Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’.

Deliberation and sustainability (2021)
Book Chapter
Hammond, M., & Smith, G. (2021). Deliberation and sustainability. In The Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability (96-106). (1). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

The relationship between deliberation and sustainability is contested. A contrast can be drawn between the application of deliberation as a policy instrument and the idea of deliberative democracy as a critical social theory that challenges broader s... Read More about Deliberation and sustainability.

From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England (2021)
Journal Article
Shain, F., Kemal Yıldız, Ü., Poku, V., & Gokay, B. (2021). From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(7-8),

Amid the rising calls for a ‘decolonised curriculum’, scholars and activists have outlined what needs to be done to ‘decolonise the university’. Yet in practice, those involved in decolonising work often face considerable backlash and institutional r... Read More about From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England.

Negotiating intimacy and family at distance (2021)
Book Chapter
Qiu, S. (2021). Negotiating intimacy and family at distance. In Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century (77-92). (1). Routledge.

People’s intimate relationships are becoming more fluid, uncertain and contingent as a consequence of forces such as globalisation and individualisation (Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, 2002). In a rapidly changing society, such as China, some people keep a... Read More about Negotiating intimacy and family at distance.

Linguistics and the explanatory economy (2021)
Journal Article
Dupre, G. (2021). Linguistics and the explanatory economy. Synthese, 177 - 219.

I present a novel, collaborative, methodology for linguistics: what I call the ‘explanatory economy’. According to this picture, multiple models/theories are evaluated based on the extent to which they complement one another with respect to data cove... Read More about Linguistics and the explanatory economy.

Conclusion: Arts Education Today (2021)
Book Chapter
Howlett, J., & Palmer, A. (2021). Conclusion: Arts Education Today. In J. Howlett (Ed.), Unfolding Creativity (235-252). Springer International Publishing.

The conclusion recounts the history of arts education from 1950 to the current day. It looks at recent developments in arts education and the perceived crisis facing the subjects in English schools. It revisits the themes of progressive education, id... Read More about Conclusion: Arts Education Today.

Introduction: Themes in Arts Education, 1890–1950 (2021)
Book Chapter
Howlett, J., & Palmer, A. (2021). Introduction: Themes in Arts Education, 1890–1950. In J. Howlett (Ed.), Unfolding Creativity (1-29). Palgrave Macmillan.

The introduction presents an overview of the history of arts education in English schools from 1890 to 1950. It explains and justifies the choice of exploring this further through the biographies of nine pioneers from the areas of music, drama and th... Read More about Introduction: Themes in Arts Education, 1890–1950.

A dialogue on / In performance philosophy (2021)
Journal Article
Ó Maoilearca, L. C., & Tartaglia, J. (2021). A dialogue on / In performance philosophy. Human Affairs, 31(4), 370 - 379.

This dialogue was produced by an email exchange, with each email limited to 200 words. The exchange took place between 21 January and 9 June, 2021. No edits were allowed once ‘send’ had been pressed and there was to be no other correspondence between... Read More about A dialogue on / In performance philosophy.