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All Outputs (68)

Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’ (2024)
Briody, L. J. Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

‘Vulnerability’ has become an increasing area of business within contemporary policing, (HMIC, 2015; HMICFRS, 2016). What ‘vulnerability’ means within a police framework and policing practice, however, has been elusive (Keay & Kirby, 2018). Researche... Read More about Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’.

Analysing power dynamics in teachers’ understanding of policies through storytelling about refugees in the East Midlands region (2024)
Hewitt, S. Analysing power dynamics in teachers’ understanding of policies through storytelling about refugees in the East Midlands region. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The aim of this thesis was to use storytelling to determine how five teachers in the East Midlands assimilated conflicting discourses into practice and whether they aligned policy with personal and professional beliefs, ultimately identifying if they... Read More about Analysing power dynamics in teachers’ understanding of policies through storytelling about refugees in the East Midlands region.

Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire? (2024)
Fox, H. Y. Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Risk terrain modelling (RTM) has been demonstrated to work in identifying locations at future risk of crime, with most published research in highly urbanised areas of the America’s. This research investigates the applicability of RTM, using the Simsi... Read More about Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire?.

Leading professional learning for sustainability in geography education through curriculum design (2024)
Journal Article
Swift, D., & Rawlings Smith, E. (in press). Leading professional learning for sustainability in geography education through curriculum design. Journal of Professional Capital and Community,

International and national education policy identifies the need for young people to develop knowledge and understanding of sustainability and to use this knowledge for positive action. This paper reflects on a larger curriculum investigation... Read More about Leading professional learning for sustainability in geography education through curriculum design.

‘Why aren’t you using Bluetooth?!’ Officer understanding of the dangers of handheld and handsfree mobile phone-use by drivers (2024)
Journal Article
Briggs, G., Savigar-Shaw, L., & Wells, H. (in press). ‘Why aren’t you using Bluetooth?!’ Officer understanding of the dangers of handheld and handsfree mobile phone-use by drivers. Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles,

Phone-use by drivers contributes to increasing numbers of collisions and deaths worldwide. Despite clear evidence for the equal dangers of handsfree phone-use, most jurisdictions only prohibit handheld use. This mixed-methods study provides an in-dep... Read More about ‘Why aren’t you using Bluetooth?!’ Officer understanding of the dangers of handheld and handsfree mobile phone-use by drivers.

Electoral Systems: A Global Perspective (2024)
Carter, E., Farrell, D. M., & Loomes, G. (2024). Electoral Systems: A Global Perspective. (Third edition). London: Bloomsbury Publishing

How do different electoral systems work to translate votes into seats? What effects do they have on the political system, on political actors, and on voters? Does the choice of electoral system always involve a trade-off between strong and stable gov... Read More about Electoral Systems: A Global Perspective.

“Reconsidering Questions of Principle”: Collingwood and the Revival of Celtic Art (2024)
Book Chapter
Leach, S. (2024). “Reconsidering Questions of Principle”: Collingwood and the Revival of Celtic Art. . Cambridge University Press.

In his chapter on “Art” in Roman Britain and the English Settlements, Collingwood attempts to explain the revival of Celtic art that occurred in Britain after a period of Roman art of almost four hundred years. In his Autobiography he declared this w... Read More about “Reconsidering Questions of Principle”: Collingwood and the Revival of Celtic Art.

What Defines a Discipline and How We Teach and Study It? The Changing Scope and Role of the Subject Benchmark Statement for Politics and International Relations (IR) and Its Implications For the Teaching and Study of Politics and IR in Higher Education (2024)
Journal Article
Blair, A., Craig, J., Gann, R., Honeyman, V., Bellaby, R., Kolpinskaya, E., …Parker, J. (2024). What Defines a Discipline and How We Teach and Study It? The Changing Scope and Role of the Subject Benchmark Statement for Politics and International Relations (IR) and Its Implications For the Teaching and Study of Politics and IR in Higher Education. Political Studies,

The paper asks whether there is a typical Politics and IR curriculum before reviewing the content and design of the revised fifth edition of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Politics and IR Subject Benchmark Statement that was launched in March 202... Read More about What Defines a Discipline and How We Teach and Study It? The Changing Scope and Role of the Subject Benchmark Statement for Politics and International Relations (IR) and Its Implications For the Teaching and Study of Politics and IR in Higher Education.

The Role and Impact of the Prison Chaplain: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis (2024)
Journal Article
Jarrett, M., Skinner, J., Busulwa, R., Dyson, J., & Brooke, J. (in press). The Role and Impact of the Prison Chaplain: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC,

While the relationship between crime, prisons and religion has been the subject of extensive research, the contemporary role and impact of prison chaplaincy remains a relatively under-explored area of study. This systematic literature review explored... Read More about The Role and Impact of the Prison Chaplain: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis.

‘More able’ pupils in non-selective secondary schools: a qualitative examination of teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of progress (2024)
Buckingham, P. E. ‘More able’ pupils in non-selective secondary schools: a qualitative examination of teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of progress. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores the experiences of students labelled as ‘more able’, privileging the voices of pupils and practitioners equally. The research is conducted within a non-selective ‘comprehensive’ secondary school in England and argues that the cur... Read More about ‘More able’ pupils in non-selective secondary schools: a qualitative examination of teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of progress.

Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two (2024)
Longson, K. J. Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

World War Two (WWII) brought upheaval for children on a global scale, with fathers conscripted and transported away to fight in sometimes distant places, mothers supporting the war effort and millions of children evacuated away from home and harm. Pe... Read More about Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two.

Is Attoe’s Neutral Nihilism Neutral Enough? (2024)
Journal Article
Tartaglia, J. (in press). Is Attoe’s Neutral Nihilism Neutral Enough?. Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions,

In this paper I analyse and critique Aribiah David Attoe’s position in The Question of Life’s Meaning: An African Perspective (2023). While highly sympathetic to his project, since I also defend an evaluatively neutral form of nihilism, I argue that... Read More about Is Attoe’s Neutral Nihilism Neutral Enough?.

Supervising criminalised women in the community in England and Wales: A brief history of (un)changing attitudes (2024)
Journal Article
Vanstone, M., & Worrall, A. (2024). Supervising criminalised women in the community in England and Wales: A brief history of (un)changing attitudes. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice,

There has not been a specific history of supervising women in the community. This article, therefore, describes the early neglect of work with women and the period of change from the 1970s when women became more visible and the criminal justice syste... Read More about Supervising criminalised women in the community in England and Wales: A brief history of (un)changing attitudes.