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All Outputs (4)

Network analysis and teaching excellence as a concept of relations (2024)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Garnett, N. (in press). Network analysis and teaching excellence as a concept of relations. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-18.

The aim of this paper is to foreground network analysis as a statistical lens through which higher education institutions can articulate their own process of striving for teaching excellence, and how it is constituted in their own contexts. The paper... Read More about Network analysis and teaching excellence as a concept of relations.

A social realist challenge to the structuring of professional practice knowledge for initial teacher education in England (2023)
Swift, D. (2023). A social realist challenge to the structuring of professional practice knowledge for initial teacher education in England. (Thesis). Keele University

Professional practice knowledge for beginning teachers involves grappling with the extent to which ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ should be evident during initial teacher education courses. The end point assessment tool for such programmes in England is tha... Read More about A social realist challenge to the structuring of professional practice knowledge for initial teacher education in England.

An investigation into how professionals in English schools adapt to changes in careers information, advice and guidance policy (2019)
Hackfath, I. R. (2019). An investigation into how professionals in English schools adapt to changes in careers information, advice and guidance policy. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This research explores the process by which school senior leaders and careers advisers received and enacted a change in Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) policy. In 2012 the statutory responsibility to provide independent CIAG transferr... Read More about An investigation into how professionals in English schools adapt to changes in careers information, advice and guidance policy.