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All Outputs (6)

Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns (2024)
Dawson, C. S. (2024). Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

An entanglement, a lack of self-contained existence, between feminism and neoliberalism emerged in the 1990s in popular media and consumer culture. Since, feminist scholars have attempted to describe and explain postfeminism. Postfeminism emphasises... Read More about Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns.

An investigation into the intricacies of the instructional model for early childhood education in rural Thai Child Development Centres (2020)
Chongcharoen, D. (2020). An investigation into the intricacies of the instructional model for early childhood education in rural Thai Child Development Centres. (Thesis). Keele University

Thailand’s education system faces a problem with distinct disparities between levels of regional education management. Consequently, urban areas seem to have obvious perceivable advantages over rural area settings. In response to this problem, the ce... Read More about An investigation into the intricacies of the instructional model for early childhood education in rural Thai Child Development Centres.

Media, gender and domestic relations in post-Saddam Iraq (2018)
Malik, H. (2018). Media, gender and domestic relations in post-Saddam Iraq. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The regime change of 2003 transformed the media environment in Iraq from one that was strictly limited and monopolised by the state, to one without any restrictions imposed by state agencies. Gender culture and ‘family values’ have especially been co... Read More about Media, gender and domestic relations in post-Saddam Iraq.

Selling infant safety: entanglements of childhood preciousness, vulnerability and unpredictability (2014)
Journal Article
Martens, L. (2014). Selling infant safety: entanglements of childhood preciousness, vulnerability and unpredictability. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, 15(3), 239-250.

This paper aims to examine, through a focus on the practice of child caring, how three qualities of childhood preciousness, vulnerability and unpredictability, are nurtured by being brought together as rationales for product re-design, innov... Read More about Selling infant safety: entanglements of childhood preciousness, vulnerability and unpredictability.

Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption (Ed. L Martens) (2013)
Martens, L. (2013). S. O'Donohoe, M. Hogg, P. Maclaran, L. Martens, & L. Stevens (Eds.). Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption (Ed. L Martens). Taylor and Francis Group.

It takes more than a baby to make a mother, and mothers make more than babies. Bringing together a range of international studies, Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption examines how marketing and consumer culture constructs particular images of what m... Read More about Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption (Ed. L Martens).