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All Outputs (57)

Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Corcoran. (2021). Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom. Archiwum Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, 39-61.

The pandemic presented a uniquely unrestricted bonanza in many countries for opportunistic profitmaking at the public expense. In the United Kingdom, this took the form of collusion between senior political figures and business associates in purchasi... Read More about Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom.

Necessity, Non-Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’ (2021)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2021). Necessity, Non-Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’. Modern Law Review,

In Thacker and ors the Court of Appeal overturned the convictions of the ‘Stansted 15’ due to a misdirection on the substantive offence. However, the court rejected their necessity defence, following Jones, as their actions were political, outweighin... Read More about Necessity, Non-Violent Direct Activism, and the Stansted 15: Reasserting ‘Hoffmann's Bargain’.

Whiteness, citizenship of class and educational privilege of Eastern European pupils in British schools (2021)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Shain, F. (2023). Whiteness, citizenship of class and educational privilege of Eastern European pupils in British schools. Whiteness and Education, 8(1), 82-100.

This paper deconstructs ways in which the white ‘race’ of Eastern European pupils and the class determination of their parents in the country of arrival combine to either afford or deny them racialised privileges in British education. Critically revi... Read More about Whiteness, citizenship of class and educational privilege of Eastern European pupils in British schools.

Beyond the disenchanted university: A pharmacology of the British university in the age of Coronavirus (2021)
Journal Article
Featherstone, M. (2023). Beyond the disenchanted university: A pharmacology of the British university in the age of Coronavirus. Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 45(1), 29-52.

In the teeth of the coronavirus crisis the British HE system has been thrown into chaos and the severe limitations of the market model have been cruelly exposed. After thirty years of expansion and increasing neoliberalization, the contradictions of... Read More about Beyond the disenchanted university: A pharmacology of the British university in the age of Coronavirus.

From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England (2021)
Journal Article
Shain, F., Kemal Yıldız, Ü., Poku, V., & Gokay, B. (2021). From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(7-8),

Amid the rising calls for a ‘decolonised curriculum’, scholars and activists have outlined what needs to be done to ‘decolonise the university’. Yet in practice, those involved in decolonising work often face considerable backlash and institutional r... Read More about From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England.

Linguistics and the explanatory economy (2021)
Journal Article
Dupre, G. (2021). Linguistics and the explanatory economy. Synthese, 177 - 219.

I present a novel, collaborative, methodology for linguistics: what I call the ‘explanatory economy’. According to this picture, multiple models/theories are evaluated based on the extent to which they complement one another with respect to data cove... Read More about Linguistics and the explanatory economy.

A dialogue on / In performance philosophy (2021)
Journal Article
Ó Maoilearca, L. C., & Tartaglia, J. (2021). A dialogue on / In performance philosophy. Human Affairs, 31(4), 370 - 379.

This dialogue was produced by an email exchange, with each email limited to 200 words. The exchange took place between 21 January and 9 June, 2021. No edits were allowed once ‘send’ had been pressed and there was to be no other correspondence between... Read More about A dialogue on / In performance philosophy.

The spectral material culture in ordinary life: Re-imagining obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) (2021)
Journal Article
Parish, J. (2021). The spectral material culture in ordinary life: Re-imagining obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Sociological Review, 70(1),

In 2020 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was ranked by the World Health Organisation as one of the top-10 most disabling diseases. Today, it is the fourth most common mental disorder in the United Kingdom. This research is based upon ethnographic... Read More about The spectral material culture in ordinary life: Re-imagining obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

The spectral material culture in ordinary life: Re-imagining obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (2021)
Journal Article
Parish. (2022). The spectral material culture in ordinary life: Re-imagining obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Sociological Review, 70(1),

In 2020 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was ranked by the World Health Organisation as one of the top-10 most disabling diseases. Today, it is the fourth most common mental disorder in the United Kingdom. This research is based upon ethnographic... Read More about The spectral material culture in ordinary life: Re-imagining obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Environment or Economy? Food Concerns and Sustainable Food Transitions in the UK (2021)
Journal Article
Foden, M., Head, E., Katz-Gerro, T., & Martens, L. (2021). Environment or Economy? Food Concerns and Sustainable Food Transitions in the UK. Sociology, 56(3),

<jats:p> Recent years have seen the emergence of calls for the transformation of food systems to make these more responsive to environmental, access and health challenges. Addressing how the UK food system may best meet these challenges, this article... Read More about Environment or Economy? Food Concerns and Sustainable Food Transitions in the UK.

When Covid-19 first struck: analysis of the influence of structural characteristics of countries - technocracy is strengthened by open democracy (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). When Covid-19 first struck: analysis of the influence of structural characteristics of countries - technocracy is strengthened by open democracy. PloS one,

Context: The Covid-19 pandemic hit the developed world differentially due to accidental factors, and countries had to respond rapidly within existing resources, structures, and processes to manage totally new health challenges. This study aimed to id... Read More about When Covid-19 first struck: analysis of the influence of structural characteristics of countries - technocracy is strengthened by open democracy.

(What) Can Deep Learning Contribute to Theoretical Linguistics? (2021)
Journal Article
Dupre, G. (2021). (What) Can Deep Learning Contribute to Theoretical Linguistics?. Minds and Machines,

Deep learning (DL) techniques have revolutionised artificial systems’ performance on myriad tasks, from playing Go to medical diagnosis. Recent developments have extended such successes to natural language processing, an area once deemed beyond such... Read More about (What) Can Deep Learning Contribute to Theoretical Linguistics?.

Washing hands and risk of cross-contamination during chicken preparation among domestic practitioners in five European countries (2021)
Journal Article
Didier, P., Nguyen-The, C., Martens, L., Foden, M., Dumitrascu, L., Octavian Mihalache, A., …Maitre, I. (2021). Washing hands and risk of cross-contamination during chicken preparation among domestic practitioners in five European countries. Food Control, 127, 1-8.

Nearly 40% foodborne outbreaks in the European Union are attributable to food practices in domestic homes that include handling and preparation of raw chicken. Hand washing is an important way to prevent cross-contamination with pathogens during chic... Read More about Washing hands and risk of cross-contamination during chicken preparation among domestic practitioners in five European countries.

A commitment to marginalized children in the European Union: The hope and challenges of the EU Child Guarantee (2021)
Journal Article
Rigby, M. J. (2022). A commitment to marginalized children in the European Union: The hope and challenges of the EU Child Guarantee. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48(1), 170-174.

While children in general are usually seen as a societal priority, many children are disadvantaged by marginalization, with adverse effects on health and development. Following feasibility studies, the European Commission has now adopted a formal Chi... Read More about A commitment to marginalized children in the European Union: The hope and challenges of the EU Child Guarantee.