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Subjective versus objective assessments of sleep among middle aged male patients after coronary artery bypass grafting: A correlational study (2019)
Journal Article
Atef, H., Helmy, Z., Ahmed Farghaly, A., & Elameen, S. (2019). Subjective versus objective assessments of sleep among middle aged male patients after coronary artery bypass grafting: A correlational study. Sleep and Hypnosis, 21(3), 254-263.

Sleep quality is a complex construct to evaluate empirically, and yet the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is commonly used in studies as their only measure of sleep quality. Furthermore, the PSQI may not be the best sleep quality measure for old... Read More about Subjective versus objective assessments of sleep among middle aged male patients after coronary artery bypass grafting: A correlational study.

Hospital preparedness for disaster and mass casualty management in Pakistan: A cross-sectional evaluation study (2019)
Journal Article
Ul-Haq, Z., Hussain Shah, B., Ishaq Khattak, M., Fazid, S., Basharat, S., Hayat Khan, S., …Huda, Q. (2019). Hospital preparedness for disaster and mass casualty management in Pakistan: A cross-sectional evaluation study. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 14(3),

Background: World Health Organization has advocated preemptive readiness of health systems to manage disastrous events. Pakistan is known to be highly susceptible to disasters on the one hand and significantly lacking in coping ability on the other.... Read More about Hospital preparedness for disaster and mass casualty management in Pakistan: A cross-sectional evaluation study.

Contagion Testing in Embryonic Markets Under Alternative Stressful US Market Scenarios (2019)
Journal Article
Mahadeo, S. M., Heinlein, R., & Legrenzi, G. D. (2019). Contagion Testing in Embryonic Markets Under Alternative Stressful US Market Scenarios. SSRN,

We consolidate alternative ways for identifying stable and stressful scenarios in the S&P 500 market to construct contagion tests for recipient markets vulnerable to disturbances from this source market. The S&P 500 is decomposed into discrete condit... Read More about Contagion Testing in Embryonic Markets Under Alternative Stressful US Market Scenarios.

Screening for thyroid disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: An evaluation of current practice (2019)
Journal Article
Heald, A. H., Palit, T., Livingston, M., Duff, C., & Fryer, A. (2019). Screening for thyroid disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: An evaluation of current practice. International Journal of Clinical Practice,

The above article from International Journal of Clinical Practice, published online on 7th December 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( has been withdrawn by agreement between the authors, the journal Editor in Chief, Leslie... Read More about Screening for thyroid disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: An evaluation of current practice.

Ultrasound Characteristics of Foot and Ankle Structures in Healthy, Coper, and Chronically Unstable Ankles. (2019)
Journal Article
Abdeen, R., Comfort, P., Starbuck, C., & Nester, C. (2019). Ultrasound Characteristics of Foot and Ankle Structures in Healthy, Coper, and Chronically Unstable Ankles. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 38, 917--926.

OBJECTIVE: Ankle sprains constitute approximately 85\% of all ankle injuries, and up to 70\% of people experience residual symptoms. While the injury to ligaments is well understood, the potential role of other foot and ankle structures has not been... Read More about Ultrasound Characteristics of Foot and Ankle Structures in Healthy, Coper, and Chronically Unstable Ankles..

The Effect of Three Different Insoles on Ankle Movement Variability during Walking in Athletes with Functional Ankle Instability. (2019)
Journal Article
Jamali, A., Forghany, S., Bapirzadeh, K., & Nester, C. (2019). The Effect of Three Different Insoles on Ankle Movement Variability during Walking in Athletes with Functional Ankle Instability. Advanced Biomedical Research, 8, 42.

BACKGROUND: Increased ankle movement variability has been reported in people with functional ankle instability (FAI). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of textured insole, lateral wedge, and textured lateral wedge insole on ankl... Read More about The Effect of Three Different Insoles on Ankle Movement Variability during Walking in Athletes with Functional Ankle Instability..

The changing landscape of professional practice in podiatry, lessons to be learned from other professions about the barriers to change - a narrative review. (2019)
Journal Article
Harrison-Blount, M., Nester, C., & Williams, A. (2019). The changing landscape of professional practice in podiatry, lessons to be learned from other professions about the barriers to change - a narrative review. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12, 23.

BACKGROUND: The delivery of healthcare is changing and aligned with this, the podiatry profession continues to change with evidence informed practice and extending roles. As change is now a constant, this gives clinicians the opportunity to take owne... Read More about The changing landscape of professional practice in podiatry, lessons to be learned from other professions about the barriers to change - a narrative review..

International approaches to paediatric podiatry curricula: It's the same, but different. (2019)
Journal Article
Williams, C., Nester, C., & Morrison, S. (2019). International approaches to paediatric podiatry curricula: It's the same, but different. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12, 28.

INTRODUCTION: Pre-registration / entry-level programmes of study provide the core knowledge, skills and abilities required for clinical practice. These programmes are where students are introduced to specialist domains of practice and begin to shape... Read More about International approaches to paediatric podiatry curricula: It's the same, but different..

Exploring occupational standing activities using accelerometer-based activity monitoring. (2019)
Journal Article
Anderson, J., Granat, M., Williams, A., & Nester, C. (2019). Exploring occupational standing activities using accelerometer-based activity monitoring. Ergonomics, 62, 1055--1065.

Prolonged standing at work is required by an estimated 60\% of the employed population and is associated with a high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders. 'Standing' is expected to encompass a range of activities of varying intensity. This study a... Read More about Exploring occupational standing activities using accelerometer-based activity monitoring..

Evaluation of orthotic insoles for people with diabetes who are at-risk of first ulceration. (2019)
Journal Article
Martinez-Santos, A., Preece, S., & Nester, C. (2019). Evaluation of orthotic insoles for people with diabetes who are at-risk of first ulceration. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12, 35.

OBJECTIVE: This study focussed on pressure relieving orthotic insoles designed for retail footwear and people with diabetes and at risk of first forefoot ulceration. The aim was to investigate whether the pressure relieving effects of a customised me... Read More about Evaluation of orthotic insoles for people with diabetes who are at-risk of first ulceration..

How do novice and improver walkers move in their home environments? An open-sourced infant's gait video analysis. (2019)
Journal Article
Marencakova, J., Price, C., Maly, T., Zahalka, F., & Nester, C. (2019). How do novice and improver walkers move in their home environments? An open-sourced infant's gait video analysis. PLoS ONE, 14, e0218665.

OBJECTIVE: Natural independent walking mostly occurs during infant´s everyday explorations of their home environment. Gait characteristics of infant walkers at different developmental stages exist in literature, however, data has been only collected... Read More about How do novice and improver walkers move in their home environments? An open-sourced infant's gait video analysis..

Systematic review of the psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures for rheumatoid arthritis in the foot and ankle. (2019)
Journal Article
Ortega-Avila, A., Ramos-Petersen, L., Cervera-Garvi, P., Nester, C., Morales-Asencio, J., & Gijon-Nogueron, G. (2019). Systematic review of the psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures for rheumatoid arthritis in the foot and ankle. Clinical Rehabilitation, 33, 1788--1799.

OBJECTIVE: To identify self-reported outcome measures specific to the foot and ankle in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and to investigate the methodological quality and psychometric properties of these measures. METHOD: A systematic review focusi... Read More about Systematic review of the psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures for rheumatoid arthritis in the foot and ankle..

A systematic review of the effect of footwear, foot orthoses and taping on lower limb muscle activity during walking and running (2019)
Journal Article
Reeves, J., Jones, R., Liu, A., Bent, L., Plater, E., & Nester, C. (2019). A systematic review of the effect of footwear, foot orthoses and taping on lower limb muscle activity during walking and running. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43(6), 576-596.

BACKGROUND: External devices are used to manage musculoskeletal pathologies by altering loading of the foot, which could result in altered muscle activity that could have therapeutic benefits. OBJECTIVES: To establish if evidence exists that footwear... Read More about A systematic review of the effect of footwear, foot orthoses and taping on lower limb muscle activity during walking and running.

A Gap Exposed: What Is Known About Sikh Victims of Domestic Violence Abuse (DVA) and Their Mental Health? (2019)
Journal Article
Kaur-Aujla, H., Shain, F., & Lillie, A. K. (2019). A Gap Exposed: What Is Known About Sikh Victims of Domestic Violence Abuse (DVA) and Their Mental Health?. European Journal of Mental Health, 14(1), 179-189.

There is emerging evidence that Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) has the potential to pose a real threat to the Sikh community as it seeks to ensure that gender equality is embraced within its religious practice. Nevertheless, the interface of domes... Read More about A Gap Exposed: What Is Known About Sikh Victims of Domestic Violence Abuse (DVA) and Their Mental Health?.