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All Outputs (107)

Spot, treat and stop delirium: Acceptability and feasibility of a novel ‘Delirium Wheel App’ to identify and manage delirium in a care home setting in the United Kingdom (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Negi, R. (2023, December). Spot, treat and stop delirium: Acceptability and feasibility of a novel ‘Delirium Wheel App’ to identify and manage delirium in a care home setting in the United Kingdom. Poster presented at Clinical Manifestations

AbstractBackgroundDelirium is common in elderly, frail residents in care home settings, who may already be suffering from dementia. The prevalence of delirium in nursing homes can be up to 60%. Care home staff are potentially in a unique position to... Read More about Spot, treat and stop delirium: Acceptability and feasibility of a novel ‘Delirium Wheel App’ to identify and manage delirium in a care home setting in the United Kingdom.

P46 How and when do patients dispose of old or unwanted inhalers? (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Murphy, A., Carroll, W., Gotsell, M., Potter, C., Quint, J., & Malone, R. (2023, November). P46 How and when do patients dispose of old or unwanted inhalers?. Poster presented at British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2023, QEII Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE, England

P155 Assessing continued benefits of 4C scores for mortality among patients with COVID-19 pneumonitis admitted to a teaching district general hospital (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Cox, D., Koshy, K., Moudgil, N., Makan, A., Crawford, E., Moudgil, H., & Srinivasan, K. (2023, November). P155 Assessing continued benefits of 4C scores for mortality among patients with COVID-19 pneumonitis admitted to a teaching district general hospital. Poster presented at British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2023, QEII Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE

Neurodevelopment among children born after obstructed labour in Eastern Uganda (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Chebet, M., Musaba, M., Mukunya, D., Auma, P., Makoko, B., Napyo, A., …Kiguli, S. (2023, November). Neurodevelopment among children born after obstructed labour in Eastern Uganda. Presented at 13th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH 2023), Shaping the future of equitable and sustainable planetary health, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Supplement: Abstracts of the , 20–,

November 2023

Financial Capability and its Effect on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Case Study of University Students (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Dalziel, N., Olarewaju, T., Mcluskie, P., & Do, H. (2023, November). Financial Capability and its Effect on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Case Study of University Students. Paper presented at ISBE (Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship), Birmingham, UK

This paper studies the role of financial capability in helping to form entrepreneurial intention by focusing on undergraduate students studying in UK Higher Education (HE). Our research has policy implications about how enterprise and entrepreneurshi... Read More about Financial Capability and its Effect on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Case Study of University Students.

CSP2023: 497 Service evaluation of STROKESTRA®-Stoke, a collaborative community-based music-making stroke therapy programme: the therapists' perspective (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Syczyk, O., Clare, L., Rutley, R., Aries, A., Hunter, S., & O'Mara, M. (2023, November). CSP2023: 497 Service evaluation of STROKESTRA®-Stoke, a collaborative community-based music-making stroke therapy programme: the therapists' perspective. Poster presented at Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Birmingham Conference and Events Centre, Hill Street, , Birmingham, B5 4EW

A retrospective service evaluation exploring physiotherapists' perspectives of a collaborative music-making programme (STROKESTRA®-Stoke) for people post stroke and their partner/carer was undertaken. The evaluation focused on the programme's benefit... Read More about CSP2023: 497 Service evaluation of STROKESTRA®-Stoke, a collaborative community-based music-making stroke therapy programme: the therapists' perspective.

CSP2023: 460 Exploring healthcare professionals' perspectives on how community pharmacy could better support people living with osteoarthritis: A qualitative interview study (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Simkins, J., White, S., Babatunde, O., & Holden, M. (2023, November). CSP2023: 460 Exploring healthcare professionals' perspectives on how community pharmacy could better support people living with osteoarthritis: A qualitative interview study. Poster presented at Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Birmingham Conference and Events Centre, Hill Street, , Birmingham, B5 4EW

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent and painful condition that is commonly managed in primary care by various healthcare professionals (HCPs), including physiotherapists (1). Community pharmacy staff have transferable skills that make them well... Read More about CSP2023: 460 Exploring healthcare professionals' perspectives on how community pharmacy could better support people living with osteoarthritis: A qualitative interview study.

Robust Joint Models of Albumin and All-Cause Mortality in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Dynamic Predictions Perspective Adjusting for Competing Risks (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Damgov, I., Kieser, M., Rutherford, P., Lambie, M., Davies, S. J., Wong, M. G., …Schmitt, C. P. (2023, November). Robust Joint Models of Albumin and All-Cause Mortality in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Dynamic Predictions Perspective Adjusting for Competing Risks. Poster presented at ASN Kidney Week, Philadelphia, PA, USA

International Variations in Serum PTH and Calcium Levels and Their Mortality Associations in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: Results from PDOPPS: TH-PO161 (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Nitta, K., Bieber, B., Karaboyas, A., Johnson, D. W., Kanjanabuch, T., Kim, Y., …Kawanishi, H. (2023, November). International Variations in Serum PTH and Calcium Levels and Their Mortality Associations in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: Results from PDOPPS: TH-PO161. Poster presented at Kidney Week, Philadelphia, PA

Presentation / Conference
Bateman, M., Saunders, B., Cooper, K., Littlewood, C., & Hill, J. (2023, October). CSP2023: 185 THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF PATIENTS WITH LATERAL ELBOW TENDINOPATHY – A QUALITATIVE STUDY FROM THE OPTIMISE PILOT & FEASIBILITY TRIAL. Poster presented at Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, London, England, UK

Presentation / Conference
Bateman, M., Skeggs, A., Whitby, E., Fletcher-Barrett, V., Stephens, G., Dawes, M., …Hill, J. (2023, October). CSP2023: 206 OPTIMISING PHYSIOTHERAPY FOR PEOPLE WITH LATERAL ELBOW TENDINOPATHY – RESULTS OF A MIXED-METHODS PILOT AND FEASIBILITY RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL (OPTimisE). Presented at Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, London, England, UK

Metoclopramide for Avoiding Pneumonia after Stroke (MAPS-2) Trial (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Roffe, C., Warusevitane, A., Smith, C., Dixit, A., Sprigg, N., Ogollah, R., …Bath, P. (2023, October). Metoclopramide for Avoiding Pneumonia after Stroke (MAPS-2) Trial. Poster presented at 15th World Stroke Congress, Toronto, Canada

The research study is designed to assess a treatment which might prevent pneumonia and improve survival in patients that have had a stroke.
Pneumonia is a major cause of death after stroke and delays recovery in survivors. The most important cause o... Read More about Metoclopramide for Avoiding Pneumonia after Stroke (MAPS-2) Trial.