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All Outputs (255)

1. Fixed Link 2. Isle of Sheppey mudscapes: an ecocritical-creative response (2024)
Crawley, S. M. 1. Fixed Link 2. Isle of Sheppey mudscapes: an ecocritical-creative response. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This critical-creative dissertation explores memory, loss, and the past, present and futures of the mudscapes of the Isle of Sheppey, to enquire how the mudscapes can speak to contemporary issues around the current global environmental crisis. Mud, a... Read More about 1. Fixed Link 2. Isle of Sheppey mudscapes: an ecocritical-creative response.

Military to civil transition: a critical and creative writing analysis of the experience of British Army veterans. Punching Out: A Novel (2024)
Fergus Geofrey Newlands, S. Military to civil transition: a critical and creative writing analysis of the experience of British Army veterans. Punching Out: A Novel. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This research explores the experience of Military to Civil Transition (MCT) for British Army veterans during the period 2000-2020. I propose that there is a common flow to the experience such that it can be articulated as a process map.

The first... Read More about Military to civil transition: a critical and creative writing analysis of the experience of British Army veterans. Punching Out: A Novel.

King Arthur in British Literature, 1660-1815 (2024)
Blaney, A. L. King Arthur in British Literature, 1660-1815. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores the literary afterlives of the Arthurian legend across the long eighteenth century by examining the ways in which reworkings of Arthur intervene in debates about historiography, gender, class, and national identity.
Commencing... Read More about King Arthur in British Literature, 1660-1815.

A canon of collaboration: literary value, student voices and diversity in contemporary studies of literature (2024)
Sadler, S. (2024). A canon of collaboration: literary value, student voices and diversity in contemporary studies of literature. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Intense competition for students and financial support in a market-led, businessorientated academic context, as well as adverse political fallout from the ‘canon wars’ and ‘culture wars’ of the early 1990s has resulted in the Arts and Humanities need... Read More about A canon of collaboration: literary value, student voices and diversity in contemporary studies of literature.

The performance and politics of memory-work in contemporary documentary film: transforming violent pasts (2024)
Housby, K. E. (2024). The performance and politics of memory-work in contemporary documentary film: transforming violent pasts. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis investigates the dynamics of ‘memory-work’ in contemporary documentary films that deal with painful pasts involving violence. The analysis will focus on four recently produced documentary films. Memory-work in this thesis is understood as... Read More about The performance and politics of memory-work in contemporary documentary film: transforming violent pasts.

Part 1 - Scenes from the Storm Andrew Jackson - The Road to the Presidency A Drama. Part 2 - The Story of the Storm: Issues of History, Genre, and Truth in Scenes from the Storm (2023)
Mousinho, G. A. (2023). Part 1 - Scenes from the Storm Andrew Jackson - The Road to the Presidency A Drama. Part 2 - The Story of the Storm: Issues of History, Genre, and Truth in Scenes from the Storm. (Thesis). Keele University

‘Andrew Jackson, I am given to understand, was a patriot and a traitor. He was one of the greatest of generals, and wholly ignorant of the art of war. A writer brilliant, elegant, eloquent, and without being able to compose a correct sentence, or spe... Read More about Part 1 - Scenes from the Storm Andrew Jackson - The Road to the Presidency A Drama. Part 2 - The Story of the Storm: Issues of History, Genre, and Truth in Scenes from the Storm.

Music and sound in the Japanese 'ghost' film: cultural representation and transformation (2023)
Bayley, H. S. M. (2023). Music and sound in the Japanese 'ghost' film: cultural representation and transformation. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis examines the role of music and sound in Japanese ‘ghost’ films. Scholarship on contemporary Japanese horror cinema often examines culture-bound descriptions of spirits. Such discussion typically revolves around tensions between, on the on... Read More about Music and sound in the Japanese 'ghost' film: cultural representation and transformation.

Understanding process of management control changes in hybrid organisational contracts (2023)
Zaidi, U. (2023). Understanding process of management control changes in hybrid organisational contracts. (Thesis). Keele University

Motivated by controversial public and private sector hybrid organisational relationships and, more broadly, by repeated calls regarding control and management of hybrid organisational relationships, this thesis is concerned with the understanding pro... Read More about Understanding process of management control changes in hybrid organisational contracts.

Evolutionary computing in sound synthesis and interactive algorithmic composition (2023)
Brook, M. G. (2023). Evolutionary computing in sound synthesis and interactive algorithmic composition. (Thesis). Keele University

Interactive genetic algorithms (IGAs) present an intriguing and productive way to explore problem space in creative applications and a variety of work has been carried out in this area. This thesis explores the potential for the application of IGAs t... Read More about Evolutionary computing in sound synthesis and interactive algorithmic composition.

Business leases and energy efficiency: improvements, dilapidations, implied terms and lease renewals (2023)
Western, J. D. (2023). Business leases and energy efficiency: improvements, dilapidations, implied terms and lease renewals. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis considers the two distinct areas of landlord and tenant law and building energy efficiency for older refurbished commercial buildings. Market forces are unlikely to help solve the split incentive problem by themselves. After explaining th... Read More about Business leases and energy efficiency: improvements, dilapidations, implied terms and lease renewals.

1. Franklyn’s Dog, 2. Trauma fiction : Enforcement, healingand the role of the perpetrator (2023)
Cassam, S. J. (2023). 1. Franklyn’s Dog, 2. Trauma fiction : Enforcement, healingand the role of the perpetrator. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis aims to explore current and emerging trends within trauma fiction and the criticism surrounding it. The thesis consists of a novel, Franklyn’s Dog, that focuses on the protagonist, Jon, and his attempts to overcome and move beyond the tra... Read More about 1. Franklyn’s Dog, 2. Trauma fiction : Enforcement, healingand the role of the perpetrator.

Cosplay: Community, hierarchy, and the Acafan methodology (2023)
Skentelbery, D. (2023). Cosplay: Community, hierarchy, and the Acafan methodology. (Thesis). Keele University

Cosplay is the act of dressing and performing as a character from popular media and is typically associated with fan conventions. The academic study of gender-play cosplay (explicit play with gendered codes) has framed cosplay as a socially transform... Read More about Cosplay: Community, hierarchy, and the Acafan methodology.

Archbishop William Laud and the Early Stuart Church, 1633–1645 (2023)
Newall, J. T. (2023). Archbishop William Laud and the Early Stuart Church, 1633–1645. (Thesis). Keele University

Archbishop William Laud has attracted the historical attention of scholars ever since the seventeenth century, but no work has tried yet in any detail to assess his relationships with the major figures of the English court and administration. This th... Read More about Archbishop William Laud and the Early Stuart Church, 1633–1645.

Adapting Dickens for the screen (2022)
Kelsall, H. A. (2022). Adapting Dickens for the screen. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the value of film and television adaptations of Dickens’ novels; Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, Bleak House and Great Expectations. Adaptations are bound to the multiple landscape, where they emerge from social, economic, comme... Read More about Adapting Dickens for the screen.

Safe Spaces and Good Places: The contribution of safety to community sites and social change (2022)
Drummond, M. G. (2022). Safe Spaces and Good Places: The contribution of safety to community sites and social change. (Thesis). Keele University

This project explores the contribution of considerations of safety to communities and sites of social change. In this thesis, the concept of safety is grounded in contemporary conceptualizations and ongoing debates about safety found in discussions o... Read More about Safe Spaces and Good Places: The contribution of safety to community sites and social change.

‘A Hellish Knot of Witches’: a regional approach to early-modern witchcraft beliefs and accusations in and around Selwood Forest (2022)
Pickering, A. D. (2022). ‘A Hellish Knot of Witches’: a regional approach to early-modern witchcraft beliefs and accusations in and around Selwood Forest. (Thesis). Keele University

List of publications submitted in the order published

1) Pickering, Andrew, ‘Witchcraft and evidence in a seventeenth century Somerset parish’, The Local Historian: Journal of the British Association for Local History, Volume 48, Number 1, Januar... Read More about ‘A Hellish Knot of Witches’: a regional approach to early-modern witchcraft beliefs and accusations in and around Selwood Forest.

Military logistics and supply during the British Civil Wars, 1638–1653 (2022)
Price, G. W. (2022). Military logistics and supply during the British Civil Wars, 1638–1653. (Thesis). Keele University

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the logistics and supply systems of the armies during the British Civil Wars at an operational level. Current historical works have neglected to fully evaluate the events of the British Civil Wars with respect to... Read More about Military logistics and supply during the British Civil Wars, 1638–1653.

Contesting piety: representations of Indonesian internet celebrities on Instagram (2022)
Annisa, F. (2022). Contesting piety: representations of Indonesian internet celebrities on Instagram. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis aims to ascertain how, through the social media platform Instagram, Muslim women internet celebrities represent themselves as public figures who can represent the ummah. Through their self-representation on social media, Muslim women inte... Read More about Contesting piety: representations of Indonesian internet celebrities on Instagram.

Examining the self-representation of hijab fashion bloggers as a postfeminist phenomenon: discourses of empowerment and their limitations (2022)
Mora, L. (2022). Examining the self-representation of hijab fashion bloggers as a postfeminist phenomenon: discourses of empowerment and their limitations. (Thesis). Keele University

In the last decade, hijab fashion bloggers on Instagram have gained remarkable levels of popularity among young Muslim women. While scholars have recognised the importance of describing and celebrating the empowering sides of hijab fashion as a subcu... Read More about Examining the self-representation of hijab fashion bloggers as a postfeminist phenomenon: discourses of empowerment and their limitations.

Gravitonicity: towards a model of the ‘Gravitation’ in Music (2022)
Shufflebotham, J. D. (2022). Gravitonicity: towards a model of the ‘Gravitation’ in Music. (Thesis). Keele University

This research develops a model of the ‘gravitation’ in Music. In the literature on the ‘gravitational’ properties of melody and harmony, two sub-metaphors are apparent: ‘distance’ and ‘motion’. Gravitation and Music’s ‘gravitation’ are, therefore, fu... Read More about Gravitonicity: towards a model of the ‘Gravitation’ in Music.