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All Outputs (180)

Development, characterisation and application of a novel nanofiber-based 3D technique for isolation, enrichment and purification of extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stem cells (2024)
Alfred, K. I. Development, characterisation and application of a novel nanofiber-based 3D technique for isolation, enrichment and purification of extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stem cells. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanoscale, lipid-bound particles carrying bioactive molecules produced by cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are preferred sources for producing therapeutically relevant EVs (MSC-EVs). Nonetheless, harnessing MSC-EVs... Read More about Development, characterisation and application of a novel nanofiber-based 3D technique for isolation, enrichment and purification of extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stem cells.

Textile based medical devices and their role in sustainable health systems (2024)
Morris, H. V. Textile based medical devices and their role in sustainable health systems. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The field of medical textiles is one of the fastest growing areas within the technical textiles sector of the textile industry. Part of this expansion is because of advances in technology, such as nanotechnology, electrospinning, and the ability to i... Read More about Textile based medical devices and their role in sustainable health systems.

The use of a Pharma Compounds augmented reality educational tool in sixth form and undergraduate students: a mixed methods evaluation (2024)
Essel, D. Y. (2024). The use of a Pharma Compounds augmented reality educational tool in sixth form and undergraduate students: a mixed methods evaluation. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Augmented reality (AR) generates immersive, engaging environments that has been shown to improve learners’ motivation, knowledge and spatial awareness in some science-based subjects. Therefore, this study aimed to design, then evaluate the effectiven... Read More about The use of a Pharma Compounds augmented reality educational tool in sixth form and undergraduate students: a mixed methods evaluation.

Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory potentials of rutin in an in vitro model of Alzheimer's disease (2024)
Hassan, H. (2024). Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory potentials of rutin in an in vitro model of Alzheimer's disease. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, affecting around 26 million people worldwide, with an expected four-fold increase by 2050. It is characterized by cognitive and mental deficits and is caused by the accumulation of toxic a... Read More about Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory potentials of rutin in an in vitro model of Alzheimer's disease.

An investigation of magnetic nanoparticle mediated methods for neuro-regeneration (2024)
Nahar, T. S. (2024). An investigation of magnetic nanoparticle mediated methods for neuro-regeneration. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Conditions such as Parkinsons disease, where specific cell types are affected such as the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, cell transplantation and growth factor therapy could restore function and slow disease progression b... Read More about An investigation of magnetic nanoparticle mediated methods for neuro-regeneration.

Characterising the molecular consequences of LMNA mutations in congenital muscular dystrophy (2023)
Storey, E. C. (2023). Characterising the molecular consequences of LMNA mutations in congenital muscular dystrophy. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

LMNA-related congenital muscular dystrophy (L-CMD) is a rare disorder predominantly causing muscle weakness and wasting, over time, leading to development of dysphagia and life-threating respiratory insufficiency, and sometimes cardiac arrhythmias. T... Read More about Characterising the molecular consequences of LMNA mutations in congenital muscular dystrophy.

FTIR Spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis. How can glass substrates be used to bring it closer to clinical practice? (2023)
Dowling, L. M. M. (2023). FTIR Spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis. How can glass substrates be used to bring it closer to clinical practice?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Cancer incidence rates are increasing world-wide including in the UK. An increase in cancer cases puts further pressure on pathology departments that are often already struggling to meet targets to diagnose cancers in a timely manner. Delays in diagn... Read More about FTIR Spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis. How can glass substrates be used to bring it closer to clinical practice?.

Unravelling the immunomodulatory effect of Poly (glycolic acid) particles using new techniques (2023)
Xie, B. (2023). Unravelling the immunomodulatory effect of Poly (glycolic acid) particles using new techniques. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Non-degradable and biodegradable implants inevitably generate debris or degradation products in the body, and these induce acute and chronic inflammation. Polyglycolic acid (PGA) is a simple linear aliphatic polyester with a wide set of medical appli... Read More about Unravelling the immunomodulatory effect of Poly (glycolic acid) particles using new techniques.

The impact on patients of pharmacist-conducted domiciliary COPD annual reviews: a qualitative study (2023)
Ballantyne, S. J. (2023). The impact on patients of pharmacist-conducted domiciliary COPD annual reviews: a qualitative study. (Thesis). Keele University

Globally, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the most important non-communicable diseases with a progressive downhill course.1 Guidelines recommend regular review of patients with COPD.2 In the UK traditionally, ann... Read More about The impact on patients of pharmacist-conducted domiciliary COPD annual reviews: a qualitative study.

Investigating the use of marine-derived glycosaminoglycans as mimetics for heparan sulphate in fibroblast growth factor signalling (2023)
Chen, S. (2023). Investigating the use of marine-derived glycosaminoglycans as mimetics for heparan sulphate in fibroblast growth factor signalling. (Thesis). Keele University

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are polypeptide growth factors and are potent regulators of cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell migration and angiogenesis (Ornitz and Itoh, 2001). FGFs can bind with fibroblast growth factor receptors with... Read More about Investigating the use of marine-derived glycosaminoglycans as mimetics for heparan sulphate in fibroblast growth factor signalling.

The effect of construct configuration on the mechanical stiffness and strength of spinal implants for kyphotic spinal deformity (2023)
Tsang, K. S. (2023). The effect of construct configuration on the mechanical stiffness and strength of spinal implants for kyphotic spinal deformity. (Thesis). Keele University

Spinal deformity involves a wide spectrum of disease, including congenital, developmental, degenerative and traumatic; affecting infant, adolescence and the elderly. Of these, Sheuermann’s kyphosis is a form of developmental long spinal deformity, ch... Read More about The effect of construct configuration on the mechanical stiffness and strength of spinal implants for kyphotic spinal deformity.

Developing in vitro models of traumatic injury for neural tissue engineering applications (2023)
Wiseman, J. P. (2023). Developing in vitro models of traumatic injury for neural tissue engineering applications. (Thesis). Keele University

Penetrating traumatic brain injury (pTBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) cause significant neurological damage and debilitation. The management of these central nervous system (CNS) injuries is largely supportive, with no clinically available regenerat... Read More about Developing in vitro models of traumatic injury for neural tissue engineering applications.

Determining the role of epigenetics in telomerase regulation (2022)
Dogan, F. (2022). Determining the role of epigenetics in telomerase regulation. (Thesis). Keele University

Telomeres are guanine-rich 5'-TTAGGG-3' repeats found at the ends of human chromosomes that protect chromosomes from degradation and also provide stabilization. Telomerase macromolecule is the primary enzyme responsible for telomere elongation. Telom... Read More about Determining the role of epigenetics in telomerase regulation.

Factors influencing the commissioning and provision of community pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception services in England (2022)
Thayer, N. M. (2022). Factors influencing the commissioning and provision of community pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception services in England. (Thesis). Keele University

In England, community pharmacies provide services commissioned either nationally or locally. Local commissioning exhibits variation in specification and implementation, exemplified by Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) services. A literature revi... Read More about Factors influencing the commissioning and provision of community pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception services in England.

Activation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor pathway for neuroprotection in in vitro models of ischaemic stroke (2022)
Singh, A. (2022). Activation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor pathway for neuroprotection in in vitro models of ischaemic stroke. (Thesis). Keele University

Ischaemic stroke is the most common form of stroke, accounting for appropriate 87% of all strokes. Reperfusion is the only immediate treatment option following ischaemic stroke, however, this option is only applicable to a small percentage of patient... Read More about Activation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor pathway for neuroprotection in in vitro models of ischaemic stroke.

A multimodal approach to biomarker discovery for spinal cord injury (2022)
Bernardo Harrington, G. M. (2022). A multimodal approach to biomarker discovery for spinal cord injury. (Thesis). Keele University

The extent of the devastating outcomes following spinal cord injury, particularly with respect to neurological function, are difficult to predict. This can make it difficult to plan clinical care and manage patient expectations, both of which can hav... Read More about A multimodal approach to biomarker discovery for spinal cord injury.

Use of nanoparticles to improve the therapeutic index of navitoclax (2022)
Alrosan, K. J. J. A. (2022). Use of nanoparticles to improve the therapeutic index of navitoclax. (Thesis). Keele University

Ovarian cancer is considered a major health problem in women. The chemotherapeutic drugs that are used often are inadequate due to the development of drug resistance. This s related to many causes, and one of them is an evasion of apoptosis. One of t... Read More about Use of nanoparticles to improve the therapeutic index of navitoclax.

A novel scaffold for cell-based lung tissue engineering (2022)
Kyoseva, A. Y. (2022). A novel scaffold for cell-based lung tissue engineering. (Thesis). Keele University

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide and numbers are rising. Tissue engineering approaches have the potential to improve lung function and treat diseases such as COPD. Our aim is to investigate a... Read More about A novel scaffold for cell-based lung tissue engineering.

Polypharmacy in atrial fibrillation: An analysis of prospective outcomes using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) (2022)
Scott, N. (2022). Polypharmacy in atrial fibrillation: An analysis of prospective outcomes using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). (Thesis). Keele University

Objectives: Observational studies of polypharmacy and the risk of death or ischaemic stroke in individuals with atrial fibrillation (AF) have produced inconsistent findings. The reason for this variation may be due to differences in study designs and... Read More about Polypharmacy in atrial fibrillation: An analysis of prospective outcomes using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD).