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All Outputs (111)

Gabapentinoid prescriptions in patients with osteoarthritis: an analysis of data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (2018)
Appleyard, T. (2018). Gabapentinoid prescriptions in patients with osteoarthritis: an analysis of data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Amid a substantial rise in gabapentin and pregabalin (gabapentinoid) prescribing and increasing concerns with their potential for misuse and diversion, there are anecdotal reports of their use for osteoarthritis. The aim of my thesis was to understan... Read More about Gabapentinoid prescriptions in patients with osteoarthritis: an analysis of data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.

Persistent back pain in emerging adults: an analysis of the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study (2018)
Nell, M. (2018). Persistent back pain in emerging adults: an analysis of the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Low back pain (LBP) is a common, often long-term problem which occurs at all stages of life from childhood to old age. This thesis focuses on persistent LBP in ‘emerging adulthood’ (18-29 years), a developmental stage characterised by delayed subscri... Read More about Persistent back pain in emerging adults: an analysis of the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study.

Strategies to prevent kidney injury from antibiotics in individuals with cystic fibrosis (2018)
Ditchfield, N. (2018). Strategies to prevent kidney injury from antibiotics in individuals with cystic fibrosis. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Kidney damage in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is most commonly caused by antibiotics, such as aminoglycosides, which are used to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). I conducted a survey of UK CF centres which showed a high rate of use of aminoglycosi... Read More about Strategies to prevent kidney injury from antibiotics in individuals with cystic fibrosis.

Why differentiate day visitors?: lessons for managing tourism in the Peak District National Park (2018)
Moore, S. (2018). Why differentiate day visitors?: lessons for managing tourism in the Peak District National Park. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Visitor categorisation is a complex and dynamic research area since visitor actions are highly subjective and in constant process of change (Doran et al., 2014; Arnegger et al., 2010; McCabe, 2005). Management organisations benefit from simple visito... Read More about Why differentiate day visitors?: lessons for managing tourism in the Peak District National Park.

“My husband knows what is best for me…”: An exploration of educated Saudi women’s views towards domestic violence (2018)
Nahshal, M. (2018). “My husband knows what is best for me…”: An exploration of educated Saudi women’s views towards domestic violence. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Domestic violence, as we know from existing literature, is an ancient and global phenomenon (United Nations Report, 1970-90, 1991; World Health Organisation, 2005; Kaur & Garg, 2008). However, in Saudi Arabia, the problem of domestic violence only ca... Read More about “My husband knows what is best for me…”: An exploration of educated Saudi women’s views towards domestic violence.

Collective memory, space and performativity among the Turkish-speaking community in North London (2018)
Cakmak, M. (2023). Collective memory, space and performativity among the Turkish-speaking community in North London. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The Turkish-speaking community refers to migrants from Turkey and Cyprus. Although it is commonly mistaken as a monolithic group, they are from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. Moreover, although the collective memory and interactions with h... Read More about Collective memory, space and performativity among the Turkish-speaking community in North London.

Epidemiology of neuropathic pain in primary care patients consulting with low back-related leg pain (2018)
Harrisson, S. A. (2018). Epidemiology of neuropathic pain in primary care patients consulting with low back-related leg pain. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Neuropathic pain (pain caused by nerve damage) is considered challenging to manage. One of the most common neuropathic pain conditions is believed to be the presence of sciatica in low back-related leg pain (LBLP). A systematic review of the literatu... Read More about Epidemiology of neuropathic pain in primary care patients consulting with low back-related leg pain.

Ekman currents caused by variable wind in models of upper ocean with depth and time dependent eddy viscosity (2018)
Almelah, R. B. (2018). Ekman currents caused by variable wind in models of upper ocean with depth and time dependent eddy viscosity. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The work examines response of the upper ocean to time-varying winds. In the Ekman paradigm the effect of wind is considered as time-varying horizontally uniform tangential wind stress applied to the ocean surface and the turbulent diffusion of moment... Read More about Ekman currents caused by variable wind in models of upper ocean with depth and time dependent eddy viscosity.

Cognitive inhibition in task switching: Exploring the n–2 repetition cost (2018)
Kowalczyk, A. W. (2018). Cognitive inhibition in task switching: Exploring the n–2 repetition cost. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The current thesis provides novel insights into the n–2 repetition cost, a task-switching behavioural effect thought to reflect cognitive inhibition. The n–2 repetition cost is widely used as a measure of group and individual differences in inhibitor... Read More about Cognitive inhibition in task switching: Exploring the n–2 repetition cost.

A comparison of statistical techniques used in the longitudinal analysis of the modified Rankin scale in stroke randomised controlled trials (2018)
Potts, J. E. (2018). A comparison of statistical techniques used in the longitudinal analysis of the modified Rankin scale in stroke randomised controlled trials. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Most analyses in stroke clinical trials assess the primary outcome at a single time point and do not consider conducting a longitudinal analysis, even when the outcome has been recorded at several time points. Efforts to improve the quality of statis... Read More about A comparison of statistical techniques used in the longitudinal analysis of the modified Rankin scale in stroke randomised controlled trials.

Characterization of transiting exoplanets and their host stars by K2 (2018)
Močnik, T. (2018). Characterization of transiting exoplanets and their host stars by K2. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The WASP project has discovered many transiting gas giant exoplanets. Some of these exoplanet systems have been observed by the K2 space-based telescope. The much higher photometric precision, shorter cadence and extended continuous follow-up observa... Read More about Characterization of transiting exoplanets and their host stars by K2.

Biosimilars: market analysis and survey of factors influencing prescribing (2018)
Aladul, M. (2018). Biosimilars: market analysis and survey of factors influencing prescribing. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Background: Biological medicines are effective but expensive options for treating patients with chronic and life-threatening diseases unresponsive to conventional small molecule medicines. The importance of biosimilars as an alternative to expensive... Read More about Biosimilars: market analysis and survey of factors influencing prescribing.

War and British identity: A study of Mass Observers' perceptions of the use of British military force since 1982 (2018)
Jones, M. (2018). War and British identity: A study of Mass Observers' perceptions of the use of British military force since 1982. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis uses Mass Observation Project data as a source of evidence for individual British people’s interpretations of British involvement in recent overseas military conflicts. Considering five of Britain’s post-imperial and post-Cold War conflic... Read More about War and British identity: A study of Mass Observers' perceptions of the use of British military force since 1982.

An evaluation model for information security strategies in healthcare data systems (2018)
Almutiq, M. M. (2018). An evaluation model for information security strategies in healthcare data systems. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis presents a newly developed evaluation model, EMISHD (An "Evaluation Model for Information Security Strategies in Healthcare Data Systems") which can address the specific requirements of information security in healthcare sector. Based on... Read More about An evaluation model for information security strategies in healthcare data systems.

Simple and robust ion-selective electrodes for bio/environmental analysis (2018)
Fayose, T. A. (2018). Simple and robust ion-selective electrodes for bio/environmental analysis. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Chemical sensors have gone through a lot of optimisation renaissance over the years to have come from a typical bench-top tool for measurements of ions in standard solutions, to a more promising analytical technique capable of measuring the activitie... Read More about Simple and robust ion-selective electrodes for bio/environmental analysis.

Popular emotions and the spy peril, 1914-1915 (2018)
Richards, H. (2018). Popular emotions and the spy peril, 1914-1915. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Following Britain’s entry into the First World War, the foreign spy became a particularly poignant image in popular culture as well as broader political discourse. Although espionage had featured regularly across British society during the preceding... Read More about Popular emotions and the spy peril, 1914-1915.

Finding myself: a lonely separation in childhood and the pain of being lonely all alone. A heuristic inquiry into my experience of loneliness (2018)
Ferris, S. P. (2018). Finding myself: a lonely separation in childhood and the pain of being lonely all alone. A heuristic inquiry into my experience of loneliness. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

In this study, I explore my personal experience of loneliness. I am seeking to uncover and make sense of this experience for my personal growth as well as to inform my professional work as a counsellor. I also want to make an original contribution to... Read More about Finding myself: a lonely separation in childhood and the pain of being lonely all alone. A heuristic inquiry into my experience of loneliness.

The structure of the Magellanic Clouds traced by red clump stars at near-infrared wavelengths (2018)
Tatton, B. (2018). The structure of the Magellanic Clouds traced by red clump stars at near-infrared wavelengths. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis is about the Red Clump (RC) star population within the Magellanic Clouds. These are observed in the near-infrared Y JKs wavelengths using data obtained by the ESO public VMC survey. These were studied to shed more light on the internal st... Read More about The structure of the Magellanic Clouds traced by red clump stars at near-infrared wavelengths.

Energy potential of the Ecca Group from the southern Main Karoo Basin, South Africa (2018)
Campbell, S. A. (2018). Energy potential of the Ecca Group from the southern Main Karoo Basin, South Africa. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Energy shortages and sporadic, controlled blackouts have been a defining feature of South Africa’s aging national energy grid for more than a decade. To investigate local energy sources from shale gas, two boreholes were drilled in the southern Main... Read More about Energy potential of the Ecca Group from the southern Main Karoo Basin, South Africa.

Exploring the identities and perspectives of social workers with environmental interests (2018)
Gordon, H. L. (2018). Exploring the identities and perspectives of social workers with environmental interests. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This research contributes to the relatively small collection of primary research exploring environmental social work. The research is qualitative in design and is underpinned by critical theory. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 14 Wel... Read More about Exploring the identities and perspectives of social workers with environmental interests.