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All Outputs (113)

Investigating the possible mechanisms and gender effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on neuroblastoma, breast and prostate cancers (2019)
Sutton, E. R. (2019). Investigating the possible mechanisms and gender effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on neuroblastoma, breast and prostate cancers. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Cancer is a worldwide disease characterised by uncontrollable cell division and tumour growth making it a leading cause of death worldwide. The use of dietary products such a poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to reduce cancer growth is a current a... Read More about Investigating the possible mechanisms and gender effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on neuroblastoma, breast and prostate cancers.

Antimicrobial nano-ninjas as chaperones of gemcitabine for pancreatic cancer (2019)
Foulkes, R. L. (2019). Antimicrobial nano-ninjas as chaperones of gemcitabine for pancreatic cancer. (Thesis). Keele University

Pancreatic cancer is well known for its extremely high death rate, with the current treatments purely used to extend and better the quality of the patient's life instead of providing a “cure”. Because of this, novel drug delivery methods are being lo... Read More about Antimicrobial nano-ninjas as chaperones of gemcitabine for pancreatic cancer.

Comparison of cough plates and cough swabs for detecting respiratory pathogens in non-expectorating children with cystic fibrosis (2019)
Kemball, B. M. H. (2019). Comparison of cough plates and cough swabs for detecting respiratory pathogens in non-expectorating children with cystic fibrosis. (Thesis). Keele University

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive, multisystem disorder affecting ion transportation across epithelial membranes. Respiratory complications are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality and CF lung disease is characterised... Read More about Comparison of cough plates and cough swabs for detecting respiratory pathogens in non-expectorating children with cystic fibrosis.

Understanding and managing the impacts of transience in student-led university food gardens (2019)
Laycock Pedersen, R. (2019). Understanding and managing the impacts of transience in student-led university food gardens. (Thesis). Keele University

University student-led food gardens are increasingly used to facilitate learning fostering prosustainability attitude and behaviour change. However, they are led by a transient student population, which impacts how they operate and the benefits they... Read More about Understanding and managing the impacts of transience in student-led university food gardens.

Development of conjunctival and retinal models for improved eye disease treatments (2019)
Gater, R. V. A. (2019). Development of conjunctival and retinal models for improved eye disease treatments. (Thesis). Keele University

Eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa can lead to significant sight problems and blindness if left untreated. Current treatments are invasive, have a low success rate and lack the ability to regenerate damaged o... Read More about Development of conjunctival and retinal models for improved eye disease treatments.

Investigating the presence and impact of competing events on prognostic model research (2019)
Teece, L. (2019). Investigating the presence and impact of competing events on prognostic model research. (Thesis). Keele University

Prognostic models are used to predict an individual’s future health outcomes, including the risk of disease progression and the development of further complications. The statistical methodology used to develop these models is often naïve to the prese... Read More about Investigating the presence and impact of competing events on prognostic model research.

Russian strategic culture after the Cold War: understanding Russia’s changing Foreign Policy towards Syria from a strategic subculture perspective, 1986-2016 (2019)
Nurberdiyev, S. (2019). Russian strategic culture after the Cold War: understanding Russia’s changing Foreign Policy towards Syria from a strategic subculture perspective, 1986-2016. (Thesis). Keele University

By developing a rigorous analytical framework, built on strategic subculture assumptions, this thesis contributes to the operationalization of strategic culture as an analytic perspective that can explain strategic behaviour. The thesis offers a taxo... Read More about Russian strategic culture after the Cold War: understanding Russia’s changing Foreign Policy towards Syria from a strategic subculture perspective, 1986-2016.

Understanding self-harm behaviour in older adults: a systematic review and qualitative study (2019)
Troya Bermeo, M. I. (2019). Understanding self-harm behaviour in older adults: a systematic review and qualitative study. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Two worldwide challenges served as a drive for this research: the reality of an ageing population and the identified need of supporting people who self-harm. Addressing self-harm has been increasingly prioritised due to its social, economic and healt... Read More about Understanding self-harm behaviour in older adults: a systematic review and qualitative study.

Dynamics of outflows driven by winds from supermassive black holes (2019)
Green, L. (2019). Dynamics of outflows driven by winds from supermassive black holes. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Feedback is a key element of galaxy evolution, and the accretion of gas onto a central supermassive black hole (SMBH) is an important source of feedback. Modelling the energy released as an optically thick wind (with speed vw) allows observable relat... Read More about Dynamics of outflows driven by winds from supermassive black holes.

Developing an alveolar model to test the regenerative potential of placental membrane mesenchymal stem cells in bronchopulmonary dysplasia (2019)
Bratt, J. A. (2019). Developing an alveolar model to test the regenerative potential of placental membrane mesenchymal stem cells in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a neonatal disease affecting the lungs of premature infants. Prematurely born infants have under-developed lungs and require invasive ventilation technologies to provide sufficient oxygen for survival. Artificial v... Read More about Developing an alveolar model to test the regenerative potential of placental membrane mesenchymal stem cells in bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Assessment of fracture risk tools in care home residents (2019)
Ihama, F. E. (2019). Assessment of fracture risk tools in care home residents. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Fragility fractures are common in care home residents. National guidelines recommend risk assessment to allow initiation of prophylactic measures. Currently available risk assessment tools have been tested in community dwelling adults b... Read More about Assessment of fracture risk tools in care home residents.

The trade-off between usability and security in the context of eGovernment (2019)
Alshamsi, A. J. A. A. (2019). The trade-off between usability and security in the context of eGovernment. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Electronic government (e-government) implements a wide range of online services that are supported by the latest information communication technology (ICT) and accessible by devices that have great mobility in delivering services to citizens. The ong... Read More about The trade-off between usability and security in the context of eGovernment.

Development and application of multivariate meta-analysis in medical research: borrowing strength across multiple correlated outcomes (2019)
Hattle, M. S. M. (2019). Development and application of multivariate meta-analysis in medical research: borrowing strength across multiple correlated outcomes. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Multivariate meta-analysis methods combine effect estimates for multiple correlated outcomes (such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure) from independent studies, utilising their between-study and within-study correlations. In contrast, a univari... Read More about Development and application of multivariate meta-analysis in medical research: borrowing strength across multiple correlated outcomes.

The structure of Lipid A and composition of the oligosaccharides of the lipopolysaccharides of the bacterial species: Veillonella parvula (2019)
Pither, M. (2019). The structure of Lipid A and composition of the oligosaccharides of the lipopolysaccharides of the bacterial species: Veillonella parvula. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Veillonella parvula is a Gram-negative bacterium known to be an abundant commensal coloniser of the human gut and mouth; it is linked to progression of childhood immune system but has also been found to be an opportunistic pathogen. Lipopolysaccharid... Read More about The structure of Lipid A and composition of the oligosaccharides of the lipopolysaccharides of the bacterial species: Veillonella parvula.

Supporting people with an intellectual disability and dementia: a constructivist grounded theory study exploring care providers’ views and experiences (2019)
Herron, D. L. (2019). Supporting people with an intellectual disability and dementia: a constructivist grounded theory study exploring care providers’ views and experiences. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

A growing field of research illustrates that carers often lack the necessary training and knowledge to provide the best care and support for people with an intellectual disability and dementia. Less research has explored carers’ support n... Read More about Supporting people with an intellectual disability and dementia: a constructivist grounded theory study exploring care providers’ views and experiences.

A portfolio of three cross-media compositions : Notes from the Conference, Parallel Lines and Mother, Baby, Life (2019)
Anderson, T. J. (2019). A portfolio of three cross-media compositions : Notes from the Conference, Parallel Lines and Mother, Baby, Life. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This portfolio of cross-media work comprises three pieces of audio-visual art, accompanied by a written commentary which discusses the motivations, techniques, and technologies which led to the creation of the works themselves.
The common features o... Read More about A portfolio of three cross-media compositions : Notes from the Conference, Parallel Lines and Mother, Baby, Life.

Osteoarthritis and premature mortality: pathways for hand, hip, knee and foot osteoarthritis (2019)
Seale, B. (2019). Osteoarthritis and premature mortality: pathways for hand, hip, knee and foot osteoarthritis. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Evidence of an association between osteoarthritis (OA) and mortality is conflicting; differences in definitions and anatomical sites explain some of the discordance. The high frequency and increasing prevalence of OA highlights the need to... Read More about Osteoarthritis and premature mortality: pathways for hand, hip, knee and foot osteoarthritis.

Secondary school pupils and English Literature (2019)
Dutton, F. J. (2019). Secondary school pupils and English Literature. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This research is centred on the school subject of GCSE English Literature and the experiences of current secondary-school pupils following the recent changes to the discipline. It is an exploration of their views towards GCSE English Literature as ta... Read More about Secondary school pupils and English Literature.

Environmental ultraviolet-B exposures and measured health outcomes in English children (2019)
Walker, J. (2019). Environmental ultraviolet-B exposures and measured health outcomes in English children. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Vitamin D status has been shown to significantly impact extra-skeletal health outcomes. In the UK, the ability of the population to synthesize vitamin D is highly sensitive to environmental factors including ultraviolet-B wavelength light. T... Read More about Environmental ultraviolet-B exposures and measured health outcomes in English children.