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Polymorphism in glutathione S-transferase loci as a risk factor for common cancers. (1998)
Conference Proceeding
Strange, R. C., Lear, J. T., & Fryer, A. A. (1998). Polymorphism in glutathione S-transferase loci as a risk factor for common cancers. In Diversification in Toxicology — Man and Environment (419–428).

Allelism has been found in human glutathione S-transferase (GST) genes of the alpha, mu, theta and pi families with the best characterised examples being those in mu class GSTM1 and theta class GSTT1. Isoenzymes encoded by these genes catalyse the de... Read More about Polymorphism in glutathione S-transferase loci as a risk factor for common cancers..

Influence of polymorphisms at glutathione-S-transferase gene loci on allelic losses in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas,Einfluss yon genpolymorphismen in den entgiftenden enzymen der glutathion-S-transferasen auf die chromosomale stabilitat yon plattenepithelkarzinomen im kopf-hals-bereich (1998)
Journal Article
Matthias, C., Bockmühl, U., Jahnke, V., Petersen, I., Dietel, M., Fryer, A., & Strange, R. (1998). Influence of polymorphisms at glutathione-S-transferase gene loci on allelic losses in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas,Einfluss yon genpolymorphismen in den entgiftenden enzymen der glutathion-S-transferasen auf die chromosomale stabilitat yon plattenepithelkarzinomen im kopf-hals-bereich. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 77(4), 201-206.

Background: While cigarette smoking and chronic alcohol consumption are the major risk factors for the development of head and neck cancer, it is assumed that genetic factors contribute to risk. Material and methods: We examined genotype frequencies... Read More about Influence of polymorphisms at glutathione-S-transferase gene loci on allelic losses in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas,Einfluss yon genpolymorphismen in den entgiftenden enzymen der glutathion-S-transferasen auf die chromosomale stabilitat yon plattenepithelkarzinomen im kopf-hals-bereich.

Synchrotron X-ray reflectivity study of Co/Cu multilayer structure (1998)
Journal Article
Tang, C., Telling, N., & Langridge, S. (1998). Synchrotron X-ray reflectivity study of Co/Cu multilayer structure. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 248(1-4), 395-398.

We report on the use of Station 2.3 at the SRS Daresbury Laboratory as a high resolution reflectivity diffractometer (HRRD) for the study of interfacial structure in a Co/Cu multilayer grown using the ion-assisted deposition method. Specular, off-spe... Read More about Synchrotron X-ray reflectivity study of Co/Cu multilayer structure.

Interface modification in Co/Cu multilayers prepared by ion-assisted deposition (1998)
Telling, N. Interface modification in Co/Cu multilayers prepared by ion-assisted deposition. (Thesis). Loughborough University. Retrieved from

The interfacial structure of Co/Cu multilayers deposited under energetic ion bombardment has been investigated using X-ray reflectivity techniques. An ionassisted deposition system, based on unbalanced magnetron sputtering principles, has been develo... Read More about Interface modification in Co/Cu multilayers prepared by ion-assisted deposition.

Microstructural modification in Co/Cu multilayers prepared by low energy ion-assisted deposition (1998)
Journal Article
Telling, N., Crapper, M., Lovett, D., Guilfoyle, S., Tang, C., & Petty, M. (1998). Microstructural modification in Co/Cu multilayers prepared by low energy ion-assisted deposition. Thin Solid Films, 317(1-2), 278-281.

The microstructure of Co/Cu multilayers deposited by low energy ion-assisted deposition was investigated. The samples studied were grown by unbalanced magnetron sputtering with and without an applied d.c. substrate bias of −50 V. Specular and off-spe... Read More about Microstructural modification in Co/Cu multilayers prepared by low energy ion-assisted deposition.

Evidence of roughness distributions and interface smoothing in Co/Cu multilayers deposited under energetic particle bombardment (1998)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., Guilfoyle, S. J., Lovett, D. R., Tang, C. C., Crapper, M. D., & Petty, M. (1998). Evidence of roughness distributions and interface smoothing in Co/Cu multilayers deposited under energetic particle bombardment. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 31(5), 472-481.

The interfacial structure of Co/Cu multilayers deposited under energetic particle bombardment is investigated using x-ray reflectivity. The energetic bombardment is varied by controlling the ion bombardment of the growing film. Specially modified unb... Read More about Evidence of roughness distributions and interface smoothing in Co/Cu multilayers deposited under energetic particle bombardment.

High resolution reflectivity diffractometer on Station 2.3 (Daresbury Laboratory) (1998)
Journal Article
Tang, C. C., Collins, S. P., Murphy, B. M., Telling, N. D., Wogelius, R. A., & Teat, S. J. (1998). High resolution reflectivity diffractometer on Station 2.3 (Daresbury Laboratory). Review of Scientific Instruments, 69(3), 1224-1229.

A high resolution reflectivity diffractometer (HRRD) has been recently commissioned on Station 2.3 at the SRS, Daresbury Laboratory. Using the instrument which is x-ray wavelength tunable, the characterization of the interface structure in an ion-ass... Read More about High resolution reflectivity diffractometer on Station 2.3 (Daresbury Laboratory).

Simple method for the control of substrate ion fluxes using an unbalanced magnetron (1998)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., Petty, M., & Crapper, M. D. (1998). Simple method for the control of substrate ion fluxes using an unbalanced magnetron. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 16(1), 145-147.

Substrate ion fluxes from unbalanced magnetron sources are generally controlled by the use of additional magnetic fields. These methods are not always suitable for differentially controlling the ionic flux from multiple sources. We report here a simp... Read More about Simple method for the control of substrate ion fluxes using an unbalanced magnetron.