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All Outputs (49)

'Seize that chance!' Leaving home and transitions to higher education (2005)
Journal Article
Patiniotis, J., & Holdsworth, C. (2005). 'Seize that chance!' Leaving home and transitions to higher education. Journal of Youth Studies, 8(1),

This paper interrogates assumptions surrounding the practices of leaving home and going to higher education in England and Wales. As more students from non-traditional backgrounds are encouraged to go to university, this is leading to greater diversi... Read More about 'Seize that chance!' Leaving home and transitions to higher education.

Interclinician variation in diabetes foot assessment--a national lottery? (2005)
Journal Article
Thompson, L., Nester, C., Stuart, L., & Wiles, P. (2005). Interclinician variation in diabetes foot assessment--a national lottery?. Diabetic Medicine, 22, 196--199.

AIM: The aim was to evaluate variation among clinicians in the outcome of assessments of foot health status and risk status in patients with diabetes. METHODS: Seventeen clinicians assessed three patients with diabetes using a standardized assessment... Read More about Interclinician variation in diabetes foot assessment--a national lottery?.

Regression techniques for the prediction of lower limb kinematics. (2005)
Journal Article
Goulermas, J., Howard, D., Nester, C., Jones, R., & Ren, L. (2005). Regression techniques for the prediction of lower limb kinematics. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 127, 1020--1024.

This work presents a novel and extensive investigation of mathematical regression techniques, for the prediction of laboratory-type kinematic measurements during human gait, from wearable measurement devices, such as gyroscopes and accelerometers. Sp... Read More about Regression techniques for the prediction of lower limb kinematics..

Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data. (2005)
Journal Article
Goulermas, J., Findlow, A., Nester, C., Howard, D., & Bowker, P. (2005). Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52, 1549--1562.

In the recent years, the use of motion tracking systems for acquisition of functional biomechanical gait data, has received increasing interest due to the richness and accuracy of the measured kinematic information. However, costs frequently restrict... Read More about Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data..

PopII 1/2 stars: very high N14 and low O16 yields (2005)
Journal Article
Hirschi, R. (2005). PopII 1/2 stars: very high N14 and low O16 yields. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 1(S228),

Nine 20 Mo models were computed with metallicities ranging from solar, through $Z=10^{-5}$ ([Fe/H]=~-3.1) down to $Z=10^{-8}$ ([Fe/H]=~-6.1) and with initial rotational velocities between 0 and 600 km/s to study the impact of initial metallicity and... Read More about PopII 1/2 stars: very high N14 and low O16 yields.

A link between the coercivity and microstructure of high moment Fe films and their use in magnetic tunnel junctions (2005)
Journal Article
Georgieva, M., Telling, N., & Grundy, P. (2006). A link between the coercivity and microstructure of high moment Fe films and their use in magnetic tunnel junctions. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 126(2-3), 287-291.

Magnetron sputtered single Fe films have been “softened” magnetically by controlled N-doping during the sputter deposition. This technique allows a reduction in grain size and coercivity of the Fe films, without decreasing the saturation magnetizatio... Read More about A link between the coercivity and microstructure of high moment Fe films and their use in magnetic tunnel junctions.

The emergence of manipulative experiments in ecological spider research (1684-1973) (2005)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R. (2005). The emergence of manipulative experiments in ecological spider research (1684-1973). Journal of Arachnology, 33(3), 826-849.

The history of spider ecology is discussed from its early beginnings in 1684 when the natural historian Martin Lister published his observations, to the post-war period up until 1973 when ecological spider research gathered momentum. While there have... Read More about The emergence of manipulative experiments in ecological spider research (1684-1973).

Detection of secondary predation by PCR analyses of the gut contents of invertebrate generalist predators (2005)
Journal Article
SHEPPARD, S., BELL, J., SUNDERLAND, K., FENLON, J., SKERVIN, D., & SYMONDSON, W. (2005). Detection of secondary predation by PCR analyses of the gut contents of invertebrate generalist predators. Molecular Ecology, 14(14), 4461-4468.

Predation by generalist predators is difficult to study in the field because of the complex effects of positive and negative interactions within and between predator species and guilds. Predation can be monitored by molecular means, through identific... Read More about Detection of secondary predation by PCR analyses of the gut contents of invertebrate generalist predators.

Stellar evolution with rotation XIII: Predicted GRB rates at various Z (2005)
Journal Article
Hirschi, R., Meynet, G., & Maeder, A. (2005). Stellar evolution with rotation XIII: Predicted GRB rates at various Z. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 443(2),

We present the evolution of rotation in models of massive single stars covering a wide range of masses and metallicities. These models reproduce very well observations during the early stages of the evolution (in particular WR populations and ratio b... Read More about Stellar evolution with rotation XIII: Predicted GRB rates at various Z.

The (mis)classification of chemo-fog – methodological inconsistencies in the investigation of cognitive impairment after chemotherapy (2005)
Journal Article
Shilling, V., Jenkins, V., & Solis Trapala, I. (2006). The (mis)classification of chemo-fog – methodological inconsistencies in the investigation of cognitive impairment after chemotherapy. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 95(2), 125-129.

A growing number of studies report cognitive impairment after chemotherapy; indeed the phenomenon of chemo-fog is now almost universally accepted. We are concerned however that there is little if any consistency in the way in which patien... Read More about The (mis)classification of chemo-fog – methodological inconsistencies in the investigation of cognitive impairment after chemotherapy.

There are no wrong answers: an investigation into the assessment of candidates’ responses to essay‐based examinations (2005)
Journal Article
O’Donovan, N. (2005). There are no wrong answers: an investigation into the assessment of candidates’ responses to essay‐based examinations. Oxford Review of Education, 31(3), 395-422.

Essay‐based examinations form a cornerstone of the public assessment system in the UK, but comparatively little research has been conducted into the processes involved in designing, answering and appraising essay‐based questions/responses. This study... Read More about There are no wrong answers: an investigation into the assessment of candidates’ responses to essay‐based examinations.

Synthesis of the Beryllium 3131A Spectral Region (2005)
Journal Article
Ashwell, J., F. Ashwell, J., Jeffries, R., D. Jeffries, R., & Smalley, B. Synthesis of the Beryllium 3131A Spectral Region. Manuscript submitted for publication

The Beryllium spectral region of the Sun, Procyon and 4 stars in the open cluster NGC6633 up to Teff = 7500K have been synthesised using ATLAS9 model atmospheres and the MOOG spectral synthesis program. The line list used for these syntheses has bee... Read More about Synthesis of the Beryllium 3131A Spectral Region.

Teff and log g Determinations (2005)
Journal Article
Smalley, B. Teff and log g Determinations. Manuscript submitted for publication

A discussion on the determination of effective temperature (Teff) and surface gravity (log g) is presented. The observational requirements for model-independent fundamental parameters are summarized, including an assessment of the accuracy of these v... Read More about Teff and log g Determinations.

Different convection models in ATLAS (2005)
Journal Article
Smalley, B. Different convection models in ATLAS. Manuscript submitted for publication

Convection is an important phenomenon in the atmospheres of A-type and cooler stars. A description of convection in ATLAS models is presented, together with details of how it is specified in model calculations. The effects of changing the treatment o... Read More about Different convection models in ATLAS.