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Writing Quebec City in Andrée Maillet’s Les Remparts de Québec and Nalini Warriar’s The Enemy Within (2014)
Journal Article
Morgan, C. (2014). Writing Quebec City in Andrée Maillet’s Les Remparts de Québec and Nalini Warriar’s The Enemy Within. Canadian Literature, 221, 109-123

Part of a larger project on literary representations of Québec’s secondary cities and exurban spaces, this article looks at mappings of Quebec City in Andrée Maillet’s Les Remparts de Québec (1965) and Nalini Warriar’s The Enemy Within (2005). Quebec... Read More about Writing Quebec City in Andrée Maillet’s Les Remparts de Québec and Nalini Warriar’s The Enemy Within.

How do corticosteroids influence myelin genesis in the central nervous system? (2014)
Journal Article
Chari, D. M. (2014). How do corticosteroids influence myelin genesis in the central nervous system?. Neural Regeneration Research, 9(9), 909.

Clinical use of corticosteroid (CS) therapy and links with adverse neurological effects
CS therapy is widely used in clinical practice worldwide, with administration of high and multiple doses prescribed for a range of disease and injury. Notably, C... Read More about How do corticosteroids influence myelin genesis in the central nervous system?.

Written emotional disclosure for asthma (2014)
Journal Article
Paudyal, P., Hine, P., Theadom, A., Apfelbacher, C. J., Jones, C. J., Yorke, J., …Smith, H. E. (2014). Written emotional disclosure for asthma. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Article ARTN CD007676.

Background: Psychological stress has been widely implicated in asthma exacerbation. Evidence suggests that written emotional disclosure, an intervention that involves writing about traumatic or stressful experiences, helps to reduce stress and promot... Read More about Written emotional disclosure for asthma.

Auf dem Weg zum neuen Menschen: Die Rezeption der Psychoanalyse in der frühen Kinderladenbewegung (2014)
Journal Article
Kauders, A. (2014). Auf dem Weg zum neuen Menschen: Die Rezeption der Psychoanalyse in der frühen Kinderladenbewegung. LUZIFER-AMOR, 27, Article 7-24

Zusammenfassung: Ende der sechziger Jahre machte sich eine Gruppe von Studierenden auf, in so genannten Kinderläden eine neue Form der Erziehung zu erproben. Vor allem die frühe Kinderladenbewegung verfolgte einen radikal utopischen Ansatz, der zum n... Read More about Auf dem Weg zum neuen Menschen: Die Rezeption der Psychoanalyse in der frühen Kinderladenbewegung.

Many hamsters: how the EU can enable private firms to provide renewable energy (2014)
Journal Article
Simister, J., Syrrakos, D., Day, F., & Whittle, R. (2014). Many hamsters: how the EU can enable private firms to provide renewable energy. International Journal of Green Economics, 8(2), 158.

This paper investigates the energy investment needs of the European Union (EU), including renewable energy. Europe currently has little or no economic growth, and interest rates are expected to rise. Given the state of many EU countries’ economies, t... Read More about Many hamsters: how the EU can enable private firms to provide renewable energy.

The influence of anion, ligand geometry and stoichiometry on the structure and dimensionality of a series of AgI-bis(cyanobenzyl)piperazine coordination polymers (2014)
Journal Article
Beeching, L. J., Hawes, C. S., Turner, D. R., & Batten, S. R. The influence of anion, ligand geometry and stoichiometry on the structure and dimensionality of a series of AgI-bis(cyanobenzyl)piperazine coordination polymers. CrystEngComm, 16(28), 6459-6468.

Two new bis-(cyanobenzyl)piperazine ligands have been prepared, and have been used to prepare five Ag(I) coordination polymers which have been structurally characterised. Ligand N,N′-bis((4-cyanophenyl)methyl)piperazine L1 gave two structurally relat... Read More about The influence of anion, ligand geometry and stoichiometry on the structure and dimensionality of a series of AgI-bis(cyanobenzyl)piperazine coordination polymers.

Metal–organic frameworks as stationary phases for mixed-mode separation applications (2014)
Journal Article
Hawes, C. S., Nolvachai, Y., Kulsing, C., Knowles, G. P., Chaffee, A. L., Marriott, P. J., …Turner, D. R. (2014). Metal–organic frameworks as stationary phases for mixed-mode separation applications. Chemical Communications, 50(28), 3735.

Polymorphic metal–organic framework (MOF) materials offer a platform for small-scale separation of complex mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polar compounds. Retention factors show dependence on both analyte dimensions and polar... Read More about Metal–organic frameworks as stationary phases for mixed-mode separation applications.