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All Outputs (27)

Computational aspects of model acquisition and join geometry for the virtual reconstruction of the atrahasis cuneiform tablet (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Collins, T., Woolley, S., Gehlken, E., & Ch'ng, E. (2018). Computational aspects of model acquisition and join geometry for the virtual reconstruction of the atrahasis cuneiform tablet. .

The epic of Atrahasis is one of the most significant pieces of ancient Mesopotamian literature. The account has survived millennia on sets of clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform script; a sophisticated early writing system comprising signs formed f... Read More about Computational aspects of model acquisition and join geometry for the virtual reconstruction of the atrahasis cuneiform tablet.

DeepPCA Based Objective Function for Melanoma Detection (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Sultana, N. N., Puhan, N. B., & Mandal, B. (2018). DeepPCA Based Objective Function for Melanoma Detection. In 2018 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT).

In this paper, we propose an objective function for the convolutional neural network to acquire the variation separability as opposed to the categorical cross entropy which maximizes according to the target labels. This approach is an unsupervised le... Read More about DeepPCA Based Objective Function for Melanoma Detection.

Collagenase Biosensor Based on the Degradation of Peptide Cross-Linked Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hydrogel Films (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Ahmad, N., Colak, B., Gibbs, M. J., Zhang, D., Becer, C. R., Watkinson, M., …Krause, S. Collagenase Biosensor Based on the Degradation of Peptide Cross-Linked Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hydrogel Films. .

Peptide cross-linked poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel is a promising biomaterial that has been used widely for drug delivery and tissue engineering. However, the use of this material as a biosensor material for the detection of collagenase has not been... Read More about Collagenase Biosensor Based on the Degradation of Peptide Cross-Linked Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hydrogel Films.

Student Centred Design of a Learning Analytics System (2018)
Conference Proceeding
De Quincey, E., Briggs, C., Kyriacou, T., & Waller, R. (2018). Student Centred Design of a Learning Analytics System. In LAK19: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge.

Current Learning Analytics (LA) systems are primarily designed with University staff members as the target audience; very few are aimed at students, with almost none being developed with direct student involvement and undertaking a comprehensive eval... Read More about Student Centred Design of a Learning Analytics System.

The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Abuhlfaia, K., & de Quincey, E. (2018). The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study. .

The use of e-learning in higher education has increased significantly in recent years, which has led to several studies being conducted to investigate the usability of the platforms that support it. A variety of different usability evaluation methods... Read More about The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study.

Deep Adaptive Temporal Pooling for Activity Recognition (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Song, S., Cheung, N., Chandrasekhar, V., & Mandal, B. (2018). Deep Adaptive Temporal Pooling for Activity Recognition. .

Deep neural networks have recently achieved competitive accuracy for human activity recognition. However, there is room for improvement, especially in modeling of long-term temporal importance and determining the activity relevance of different tempo... Read More about Deep Adaptive Temporal Pooling for Activity Recognition.

Fault Detection in Steel-Reinforced Concrete Using Echo State Networks (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Wootton, A. J., Day, C. R., & Haycock, P. W. (2018). Fault Detection in Steel-Reinforced Concrete Using Echo State Networks. In 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (1-8).

The cost of maintaining and repairing the world's ageing reinforced concrete infrastructure continues to increase, and is expected to cost the United States economy alone $58 billion by 2020. Consequently, the use of non-destructive testing technolog... Read More about Fault Detection in Steel-Reinforced Concrete Using Echo State Networks.

A Bidirectional Subsethood Based Similarity Measure for Fuzzy Sets (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Kabir, S., Wagner, C., Havens, T. C., & Anderson, D. T. A Bidirectional Subsethood Based Similarity Measure for Fuzzy Sets. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE).

Similarity measures are useful for reasoning about fuzzy sets. Hence, many classical set-theoretic similarity measures have been extended for comparing fuzzy sets. In previous work, a set-theoretic similarity measure considering the bidirectional sub... Read More about A Bidirectional Subsethood Based Similarity Measure for Fuzzy Sets.

Reliability Assessment of New and Updated Consumer-Grade Activity and Heart Rate Monitors (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Oniani, S., Woolley, S. I., Miguel Pires, I., Garcia, N. M., Collins, T., Ledger, S., & Pandyan, A. (2018). Reliability Assessment of New and Updated Consumer-Grade Activity and Heart Rate Monitors.

The aim of this paper is to address the need for reliability assessments of new and updated consumer-grade activity and heart rate monitoring devices. This issue is central to the use of these sensor devices and it is particularly important in their... Read More about Reliability Assessment of New and Updated Consumer-Grade Activity and Heart Rate Monitors.

Managing overlap in overviews of reviews: a cross-sectional survey of the published literature between 2015-2017 (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Bajpai, R., Posadzki, P., Soljak, M., & Car, J. (2018). Managing overlap in overviews of reviews: a cross-sectional survey of the published literature between 2015-2017. .

Background: Overviews of reviews (or simply 'overviews') have become an increasingly established approach to synthesising research. Overviews are becoming prevalent because they have potential advantages over systematic reviews. However, they impose... Read More about Managing overlap in overviews of reviews: a cross-sectional survey of the published literature between 2015-2017.

Deep Residual Network With Subclass Discriminant Analysis For Crowd Behavior Recognition (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Mandal, B., Fajtl, J., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2018). Deep Residual Network With Subclass Discriminant Analysis For Crowd Behavior Recognition. .

In this work, we extract rich representations of crowd behavior from video using a fine-tuned deep convolutional neural residual network. Using spatial partitioning trees we create subclasses within the feature maps from each of the crowd behavior a... Read More about Deep Residual Network With Subclass Discriminant Analysis For Crowd Behavior Recognition.

Physical Model of a Chiral Flexural Waveguide (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Carta, G., Nieves, M., Jones, I., Movchan, N., & Movchan, A. (2018). Physical Model of a Chiral Flexural Waveguide. In 2018 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials).

We present a novel physical model of a gyrobeam, an active chiral structural element where flexural and rotational motions are coupled. In the literature, the gyrobeam is described as a mathematical object possessing a continuous distribution of stor... Read More about Physical Model of a Chiral Flexural Waveguide.

A real-world comparison of effectiveness and safety outcomes between clinical trial eligible and ineligible patients in the British Association of Dermatologists Biologic Interventions Register (BADBIR) (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Mason, K. J. (2018). A real-world comparison of effectiveness and safety outcomes between clinical trial eligible and ineligible patients in the British Association of Dermatologists Biologic Interventions Register (BADBIR).

Background: There is preliminary evidence that psoriasis patients eligible for clinical trials of biologics are not representative of real-world patients.

Objectives: To determine whether patients enrolled in BADBIR identified as eligible or ineli... Read More about A real-world comparison of effectiveness and safety outcomes between clinical trial eligible and ineligible patients in the British Association of Dermatologists Biologic Interventions Register (BADBIR).

The Effect of Pose on the distribution of Edge Gradients in Omnidirectional Images (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Jarvis, D., & Kyriacou, T. (2018). The Effect of Pose on the distribution of Edge Gradients in Omnidirectional Images. In Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2018.

Images from omnidirectional cameras are used frequently in applications involving artificial intelligence and robotics as a source of rich information about the surroundings. A useful feature that can be extracted from these images is the distributio... Read More about The Effect of Pose on the distribution of Edge Gradients in Omnidirectional Images.

Evolution in Transaction Costs and Ownership Structure of Public-Private Partnerships: Shonga Farms in Nigeria (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Mickiewicz, T. M., & Olarewaju, T. I. A. (2018). Evolution in Transaction Costs and Ownership Structure of Public-Private Partnerships: Shonga Farms in Nigeria. .

We discuss how transaction costs were alleviated and institutional voids bridged in the biggest and most successful foreign involvement in Nigerian agriculture: Shonga Farms. The longitudinal case study of this public-private partnership enables us t... Read More about Evolution in Transaction Costs and Ownership Structure of Public-Private Partnerships: Shonga Farms in Nigeria.

Measuring the Scalability of Cloud-based Software Services (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Al-Said Ahmad, A., & Andras, P. (2018). Measuring the Scalability of Cloud-based Software Services. .

Measuring and testing the performance of cloud-based software services is critically important in the context of rapid growth of cloud computing. Scalability, elasticity and efficiency are interrelated aspects of performance of cloud-based software s... Read More about Measuring the Scalability of Cloud-based Software Services.

Identification of differentially expressed lncrnas in metformin resistant SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Bountali, K., Maarabouni, M., & Tonge, D. (2018). Identification of differentially expressed lncrnas in metformin resistant SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. .

Introduction Of the total human DNA only 1.2% o codes for proteins, with the rest only being transcribed into regulatory RNA, known as non-coding RNA. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are non-coding RNAs that have no or limited protein-coding... Read More about Identification of differentially expressed lncrnas in metformin resistant SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells.