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All Outputs (89)

Understanding and managing the impacts of transience in student-led university food gardens (2019)
Laycock Pedersen, R. (2019). Understanding and managing the impacts of transience in student-led university food gardens. (Thesis). Keele University

University student-led food gardens are increasingly used to facilitate learning fostering prosustainability attitude and behaviour change. However, they are led by a transient student population, which impacts how they operate and the benefits they... Read More about Understanding and managing the impacts of transience in student-led university food gardens.

Red-Edge Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI705) from Sentinel-2 imagery to assess post-fire regeneration (2019)
Journal Article
Nobajas, A., & Evangelides, C. (2020). Red-Edge Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI705) from Sentinel-2 imagery to assess post-fire regeneration.

Obtaining post-fire information from a burnt region is of paramount importance in applications such as examining the disturbance of natural ecosystems and in providing crucial information to local authorities that have control on policymaking. This s... Read More about Red-Edge Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI705) from Sentinel-2 imagery to assess post-fire regeneration.

Cartography and urban planning: the city plan of Barcelona by Miquel Garriga i Roca (1856-1862) (2019)
Journal Article
Piqué, F. N. I., & Nobajas, A. (in press). Cartography and urban planning: the city plan of Barcelona by Miquel Garriga i Roca (1856-1862). Imago Mundi, 72(1),

Due to the passing of Spanish laws that promoted the creation of urban cartography and the need to redevelop an overcrowded city, the Barcelona City Council commissioned the architect Miquel Garriga i Roca in 1856 to create a municipal plan. During t... Read More about Cartography and urban planning: the city plan of Barcelona by Miquel Garriga i Roca (1856-1862).

Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development (2019)
Book Chapter
McKay. (2019). Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development. In Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development

This chapter explores the migration corridor between the Philippines and Hong Kong. A long-established destination for largely female migrants taking up domestic work, Hong Kong offers Filipino workers proximity to home and public space in which to s... Read More about Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development.

The precarious lives of India’s Others: The creativity of precarity in Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2019)
Journal Article
Mendes, A., & Lau, L. (2019). The precarious lives of India’s Others: The creativity of precarity in Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 1 - 13.

This article traces the agency of Arundhati Roy’s precariat in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. In her novel, Roy focuses on how those in the most precarious of social positions manage to retain a toehold within the system by defiant creativity, lat... Read More about The precarious lives of India’s Others: The creativity of precarity in Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness.

Spontaneity and serendipity: Space and time in the lives of people with diabetes (2019)
Journal Article
Lucherini, M. (2020). Spontaneity and serendipity: Space and time in the lives of people with diabetes. Social Science and Medicine, 245, Article ARTN 112723.

This article considers the relevance of non-representational theory to understanding the lived experience of diabetes. While non-representational theory has gained traction in the social sciences, especially Human Geography, its usefulness in extendi... Read More about Spontaneity and serendipity: Space and time in the lives of people with diabetes.

Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Rogers. (2019). Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Ovummuridae are calcareous egg-shaped microfossils of unknown biological affinity. There are limited observations in the literature due to their occurrence only within exceptionally preserved carbonate rocks. The first observation and subsequent erec... Read More about Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Science Hunters: teaching science concepts in schools using Minecraft (2019)
Journal Article
Hobbs, L., Stevens, C., Hartley, J., Ashby, M., Jackson, B., Bowden, L., …Bentley, S. (2019). Science Hunters: teaching science concepts in schools using Minecraft.

Science Hunters is an outreach project based at Lancaster University, UK. It uses the computer game Minecraft, alongside interactive discussion and hands-on demonstrations, to engage children with scientific research topics and science learning. As p... Read More about Science Hunters: teaching science concepts in schools using Minecraft.

Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Rogers. (2019). Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Ovummuridae are calcareous egg-shaped microfossils of unknown biological affinity. There are limited observations in the literature due to their occurrence only within exceptionally preserved carbonate rocks. The first observation and subsequent erec... Read More about Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA (2019)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R., Rogers, S., & Clarke, S. (2020). A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA. Depositional Record, 6(1), 41-61.

Arid continental environments are typically dominated by siliciclastic aeolian, alluvial and fluvial deposits. Despite their common recognition within these environments, carbonate deposits are often overlooked, yet they can provide vital insight int... Read More about A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA.

Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems (2019)
Journal Article
Priddy, C., Pringle, J., Pettigrew, R., & Clarke, S. (2019). Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems. Photogrammetric Record,

Outcrop studies are often used as analogues to subsurface sedimentary reservoirs, with photogrammetry representing a useful technique to obtain quantitative geometrical data of sedimentary architectures. Digital photogrammetry techniques were used to... Read More about Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems.

Variation in dissolved organic matter (DOM) stoichiometry in UK freshwaters: Assessing the influence of land cover and soil C:N ratio on DOM composition (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Variation in dissolved organic matter (DOM) stoichiometry in UK freshwaters: Assessing the influence of land cover and soil C:N ratio on DOM composition. Limnology and Oceanography, 2328 - 2340.

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in freshwater biogeochemistry. To investigate the influence of catchment character on the quality and quantity of DOM in freshwaters, 45 sampling sites draining subcatchments of contrasting soil... Read More about Variation in dissolved organic matter (DOM) stoichiometry in UK freshwaters: Assessing the influence of land cover and soil C:N ratio on DOM composition.

Nutrient enrichment induces a shift in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) metabolism in oligotrophic freshwater sediments (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Nutrient enrichment induces a shift in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) metabolism in oligotrophic freshwater sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 1131-1139.

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) turnover in aquatic environments is modulated by the presence of other key macronutrients, including nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The ratio of these nutrients directly affects the rates of microbial growth and nutri... Read More about Nutrient enrichment induces a shift in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) metabolism in oligotrophic freshwater sediments.

Potential for non-combustible nicotine products to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in smoking: a systematic review and synthesis of best available evidence (2019)
Journal Article
Lucherini, M., Hill, S., & Smith, K. (2019). Potential for non-combustible nicotine products to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in smoking: a systematic review and synthesis of best available evidence. BMC Public Health, 1469 -1469.

While some experts have emphasised the potential for e-cigarettes to facilitate cessation among smokers with low socioeconomic status (SES), there is limited evidence of their likely equity impact. We assessed the potential for electronic cigarettes... Read More about Potential for non-combustible nicotine products to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in smoking: a systematic review and synthesis of best available evidence.

Chromitite petrogenesis in the mantle section of the Ballantrae Ophiolite Complex (Scotland) (2019)
Journal Article
Gertisser, R. (2019). Chromitite petrogenesis in the mantle section of the Ballantrae Ophiolite Complex (Scotland). Lithos, 51-67.

Podiform chromitites from the Ballantrae Ophiolite Complex (BOC), NW Scotland, are examined to investigate their petrogenesis and elucidate the nature of melt percolation in the supra-subduction zone oceanic mantle more generally. The mantle portion... Read More about Chromitite petrogenesis in the mantle section of the Ballantrae Ophiolite Complex (Scotland).

Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd, T., McCarthy, D., & Clarke, S. (2019). Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin. Sedimentology,

This paper details and describes a suite of 143 sub-seismic-scale clastic injectites encountered within the early Cretaceous, early post-rift of the deep-lacustrine North Falkland Basin. The injectites, referred to here as the Sea Lion Injectite Syst... Read More about Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin.

Controls on the Thermomechanical Evolution of Hyperextended Lithosphere at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: The Example of Espirito Santo and the Kwanza Basins (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Controls on the Thermomechanical Evolution of Hyperextended Lithosphere at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: The Example of Espirito Santo and the Kwanza Basins. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 5148 - 5176.

High-quality, long offset seismic data from many distal rifted margins show evidence for hyper-extended, <10-km-thick crust. Direct observation of such domains is challenging as they lie, at great water depth, buried beneath thick sedimentary sequenc...

Geotechnical site characterisation using seismic and resistivity geophysical techniques (2019)
Eissa, R. M. A. A. (2019). Geotechnical site characterisation using seismic and resistivity geophysical techniques. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Geotechnical site investigations are vital for any construction project in brownfield re-development and/or greenfield sites. Many non-invasive, near-surface geophysical techniques are used for site characterisation, with electrical resistivity and s... Read More about Geotechnical site characterisation using seismic and resistivity geophysical techniques.

The importance of the UK’s rural spaces to EU8 migrants (2019)
MacKrell, P. A. (2019). The importance of the UK’s rural spaces to EU8 migrants. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This PhD examines the importance of rural space to new migrants. Developing upon existing work (for example, Spencer et al., 2007), it explores the lives of economic migrants beyond the workplace and the ways in which they i) understand and define th... Read More about The importance of the UK’s rural spaces to EU8 migrants.