23. Developing scientific reporting skills of early undergraduate chemistry students
Book Chapter
Capel, N. J., Hancock, L. M., Haxton, K. J., Hollamby, M. J., Jones, R. H., Plana, D., & McGarvey, D. J. (2019). 23. Developing scientific reporting skills of early undergraduate chemistry students. In Teaching Chemistry in Higher Education. A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Tina Overton (333-348). Creathach Press
All Outputs (104)
Bone Tumours: Introduction (2019)
Book Chapter
Cool, P. (2019). Bone Tumours: Introduction. In Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours. International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC Publications
Lay Participation in Context: Models, Systems and Trends in Jury Trials (In Spanish) (2019)
Book Chapter
Amietta, S. A. (2019). Lay Participation in Context: Models, Systems and Trends in Jury Trials (In Spanish).
Consensuses and dissents between judges and jurors (in Spanish) (2019)
Book Chapter
Amietta, S. A. (2019). Consensuses and dissents between judges and jurors (in Spanish).
Transnational Fascism: The Fascist New Order, Violence, and Creative Destruction (2019)
Book Chapter
Kallis, A. (2019). Transnational Fascism: The Fascist New Order, Violence, and Creative Destruction. In Fascism without Borders: Transnational Connections and Cooperation between Movements and Regimes in Europe from 1918 to 1945. (1)
High-Frequency Magnetic Response and Hyperthermia From Nanoparticles in Cellular Environments (2019)
Book Chapter
Telling, N. (2019). High-Frequency Magnetic Response and Hyperthermia From Nanoparticles in Cellular Environments. . Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-813928-8.00007-7
“Cross the Wounded Galaxies: A Conversation About The Cut-Up Trilogy" (2019)
Book Chapter
Schneiderman, D., & Harris, O. (2019). “Cross the Wounded Galaxies: A Conversation About The Cut-Up Trilogy". In William S. Burroughs, Cutting Up the Century. Indiana UP
The Rise of the Novel in Britain, 1660–1780 (2019)
Book Chapter
Seager, N. (2019). The Rise of the Novel in Britain, 1660–1780. In A. Hadfield (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780199846719-0163
Whose Hearth and Home? White Civil War-Era Loyalties in Central Louisiana (2019)
Book Chapter
Ballantyne, D. (2019). Whose Hearth and Home? White Civil War-Era Loyalties in Central Louisiana. In The Civil War and Slavery Reconsidered
'A Very Flexible Medium' (2019)
Book Chapter
Price, H. (2020). 'A Very Flexible Medium'. In Animation and Advertising. (1). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27939-4_7This chapter examines the use of animation in Ministry of Information (MoI) propaganda films during the Second World War. It explores two very different animation styles: Halas and Batchelor’s short narrative-focused cartoons, and diagrammatic sequen... Read More about 'A Very Flexible Medium'.
‘A Very Flexible Medium’: The Ministry of Information and Animated Propaganda Films on the Home Front (2019)
Book Chapter
Price, H. (2019). ‘A Very Flexible Medium’: The Ministry of Information and Animated Propaganda Films on the Home Front. In Animation and Advertising (145-160). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27939-4_7
Design Thinking Education and Entrepreneurship (2019)
Book Chapter
McLuskie, P. (2020). Design Thinking Education and Entrepreneurship. In Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation (1-6). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2262-4_167-1Enterprise Education is an emerging and evolving field that has been characterized by an emphasis on innovative teaching methods and practical, action-based experiential learning. At the same time, definitions of entrepreneurship are in flux, with ne... Read More about Design Thinking Education and Entrepreneurship.
Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development (2019)
Book Chapter
McKay. (2019). Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development. In Routledge Handbook of Migration and DevelopmentThis chapter explores the migration corridor between the Philippines and Hong Kong. A long-established destination for largely female migrants taking up domestic work, Hong Kong offers Filipino workers proximity to home and public space in which to s... Read More about Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development.
Chapter 20 ‘Island is no arrival’: Migrants’ ‘Islandment’ at the Borders of Europe (2019)
Book Chapter
Palladino, M. (2019). Chapter 20 ‘Island is no arrival’: Migrants’ ‘Islandment’ at the Borders of Europe. In Refugee Imaginaries (392-409). Edinburgh University Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781474443210-028
The development of child trafficking within international law: a socio-legal and archival analysis (2019)
Book Chapter
Faulkner, E. (2019). The development of child trafficking within international law: a socio-legal and archival analysis. In R. Deplano (Ed.), Pluralising International Legal Scholarship. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788976374Human trafficking has both a long legal and political history, distinguishing it from many contemporary international legal issues. In 2000, the United Nations (hereafter, UN) Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish the Trafficking in Persons Especi... Read More about The development of child trafficking within international law: a socio-legal and archival analysis.
Everyday justice at the courthouse? Governing lay participation in Argentina's criminal trials (2019)
Book Chapter
Amietta. (2019). Everyday justice at the courthouse? Governing lay participation in Argentina's criminal trials. In Everyday Justice Law, Ethnography, Injustice (161 - 181). https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108763530.010Lay participation in state judicial procedures has been championed, in Argentina and elsewhere, as embodying new ways of making justice – imbued with the experiences and sentiments of ordinary people and carrying into courthouses the quotidien’s roma... Read More about Everyday justice at the courthouse? Governing lay participation in Argentina's criminal trials.
Quantitative methods in the social sciences (2019)
Book Chapter
Parker. (in press). Quantitative methods in the social sciences. In A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice, 5th ed. (5th). Taylor & Francis (Routledge)Book chapter.
Energy Governance in Spain (2019)
Book Chapter
Campos-Martín, J. M., Crespo, L., & Fernandez, R. (2020). Energy Governance in Spain. In Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Springer Nature [academic journals on nature.com]. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73526-9_29-1Spain is lagging behind in the transition to a sustainable energy system compared to other EU member states. Its unique position as an energy island, coupled with errors in energy planning inherited from previous government regimes, constitute a lega... Read More about Energy Governance in Spain.
Revisiting ‘Eating Out’: Understanding 20 years of change in the practice in three English cities (2019)
Book Chapter
Martens. (2019). Revisiting ‘Eating Out’: Understanding 20 years of change in the practice in three English cities. In What is Food?: Researching a topic with many meanings (11-30)In 2015 and 2016, we took what is a rare opportunity in the social sciences to re-visit the study ‘Eating Out’, which was first conducted in 1995 (Warde and Martens, 2000). This study explored from the point of view of diners the increasingly popular... Read More about Revisiting ‘Eating Out’: Understanding 20 years of change in the practice in three English cities.
Effects of Economic Crimes on Sustainable Development (2019)
Book Chapter
Fernandez, R. M. (2020). Effects of Economic Crimes on Sustainable Development. In Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (1-9). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71066-2_47-1