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All Outputs (82)

Collapses of linearly decaying three-dimensional perturbations in homogeneous and weakly stratified boundary layers (2020)
Oloo, J. O. (2020). Collapses of linearly decaying three-dimensional perturbations in homogeneous and weakly stratified boundary layers. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The physical mechanisms of why an orderly laminar flow suddenly becomes turbulent are still poorly understood, despite more than a century of incessant efforts. The thesis puts forward a radically new approach to understanding of the fundamental chal... Read More about Collapses of linearly decaying three-dimensional perturbations in homogeneous and weakly stratified boundary layers.

Poster: Heart Rate Performance of a Medical-Grade Data Streaming Wearable Device (2020)
Presentation / Conference
(2020, December). Poster: Heart Rate Performance of a Medical-Grade Data Streaming Wearable Device. Presented at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE)

Wrist-worn devices afford convenient and unobtrusive heart rate sensing, however, motion artifacts can lead to unreliable data recordings. This paper evaluates heart rate estimates acquired during treadmill walking and 12 hours of everyday living fro... Read More about Poster: Heart Rate Performance of a Medical-Grade Data Streaming Wearable Device.

Poster: Heart Rate Performance of a Medical-Grade Data Streaming Wearable Device (2020)
Presentation / Conference
Rukasha, T., Woolley, S., & Collins, T. (2020, December). Poster: Heart Rate Performance of a Medical-Grade Data Streaming Wearable Device. Poster presented at 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), Crystal City, VA, USA

Wrist-worn devices afford convenient and unobtrusive heart rate sensing, however, motion artifacts can lead to unreliable data recordings. This paper evaluates heart rate estimates acquired during treadmill walking and 12 hours of everyday living fro... Read More about Poster: Heart Rate Performance of a Medical-Grade Data Streaming Wearable Device.

Efficient Computation of the Magnetic Polarizabiltiy Tensor Spectral Signature using POD (2020)
Journal Article
Wilson, B. A., & Ledger, P. D. (2021). Efficient Computation of the Magnetic Polarizabiltiy Tensor Spectral Signature using POD. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(8), 1940-1963.

The identification of hidden conducting permeable objects from measurements of the perturbed magnetic field taken over a range of low frequencies is important in metal detection. Applications include identifying threat items in security screening at... Read More about Efficient Computation of the Magnetic Polarizabiltiy Tensor Spectral Signature using POD.

Abelian fixed point free endomorphisms and the Yang-Baxter equation (2020)
Journal Article
Koch, A., Stordy, L., & Truman, P. J. (2020). Abelian fixed point free endomorphisms and the Yang-Baxter equation

We obtain a simple family of solutions to the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation, one which depends only on considering special endomorphisms of a finite group. We show how such an endomorphism gives rise to two non-degenerate solutions to the Yang-B... Read More about Abelian fixed point free endomorphisms and the Yang-Baxter equation.

A Simple 3D-Only Evolutionary Bipedal System with Albatross Morphology for Increased Performance (2020)
Journal Article
Channon. (2020). A Simple 3D-Only Evolutionary Bipedal System with Albatross Morphology for Increased Performance. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 125-132.

Bipedal walking is a difficult behaviour to encode into an evolutionary neural network, particularly in three-dimensional environments. Agents must be constantly maintaining balance alongside their primary objectives. Here we re-implement a simple ev... Read More about A Simple 3D-Only Evolutionary Bipedal System with Albatross Morphology for Increased Performance.

Inconsistencies with formulas for the standard error of the standardized mean difference of repeated measures experiments. (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Inconsistencies with formulas for the standard error of the standardized mean difference of repeated measures experiments. Statistics in Medicine, 4101 - 4104.

There are inconsistencies between the formulas for the variance of standardized mean difference (SMD) in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews and the variance reported in other sources. Instead of the variance appropriate for the SMD of a cro... Read More about Inconsistencies with formulas for the standard error of the standardized mean difference of repeated measures experiments..

Design Considerations for Building Credible Security Testbeds: Perspectives from Industrial Control System Use Cases (2020)
Journal Article
Ani, U. D., Watson, J. M., Green, B., Craggs, B., & Nurse, J. (2020). Design Considerations for Building Credible Security Testbeds: Perspectives from Industrial Control System Use Cases. Journal of Cyber Security Technology, 5(2),

This paper presents a mapping framework for design factors and implementation process for building credible Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security testbeds. The resilience of ICSs has become a critical concern to operators and governments followin... Read More about Design Considerations for Building Credible Security Testbeds: Perspectives from Industrial Control System Use Cases.

Design Considerations for Building Credible Security Testbeds: Perspectives from Industrial Control System Use Cases (2020)
Journal Article
Ani, U. P. D., Watson, J. M., Green, B., Craggs, B., & Nurse, J. R. C. (2021). Design Considerations for Building Credible Security Testbeds: Perspectives from Industrial Control System Use Cases. Journal of Cyber Security Technology, 5(2), 71-119.

This paper presents a mapping framework for design factors and an implementation process for building credible Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security testbeds. The security and resilience of ICSs has become a critical concern to operators and gove... Read More about Design Considerations for Building Credible Security Testbeds: Perspectives from Industrial Control System Use Cases.

A family of languages for trustworthy agent-based simulation (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). A family of languages for trustworthy agent-based simulation.

Simulation is a key tool for researching complex system behaviour. Agent-based simulation has been applied across domains, such as biology, health, economics and urban sciences. However, engineering robust, efficient, maintainable, and reliable agent... Read More about A family of languages for trustworthy agent-based simulation.

A Secure Integrated Framework for Fog-Assisted Internet-of-Things Systems (2020)
Journal Article
Junejo, A. K., Komninos, N., & McCann, J. A. (2021). A Secure Integrated Framework for Fog-Assisted Internet-of-Things Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(8), 6840-6852.

Fog-assisted Internet-of-Things (Fog-IoT) systems are deployed in remote and unprotected environments, making them vulnerable to security, privacy, and trust challenges. Existing studies propose security schemes and trust models for these systems. Ho... Read More about A Secure Integrated Framework for Fog-Assisted Internet-of-Things Systems.

Rayleigh waves in micro-structured elastic systems: Non-reciprocity and energy symmetry breaking (2020)
Journal Article
Nieves. (2020). Rayleigh waves in micro-structured elastic systems: Non-reciprocity and energy symmetry breaking. International Journal of Engineering Science,

Rayleigh waves are analysed in elastic lattices incorporating inertial devices that couple in-plane displacements. The vector problems of elasticity for a triangular lattice and its long-wavelength/low-frequency continuum approximation are considered... Read More about Rayleigh waves in micro-structured elastic systems: Non-reciprocity and energy symmetry breaking.

Wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space with localized surface imperfections (2020)
Journal Article
Fu. (2020). Wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space with localized surface imperfections. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,

We consider a variant of the classical Biot problem concerning the wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space. The traction-free surface is no longer flat but has a localized ridge or trench that is invariant in the x1-direction along which th... Read More about Wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space with localized surface imperfections.

Assessing the usability of virtual learning environments in higher education (2020)
Abuhlfaia, K. M. O. (2020). Assessing the usability of virtual learning environments in higher education. (Thesis). Keele University

Context: E-learning is an integral part of the modern higher education system, and therefore it is essential that students and staff are able to use systems that support E-learning, such as Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), effectively. Usability... Read More about Assessing the usability of virtual learning environments in higher education.

Non-Newtonian and non-isothermal effects in the gravity-driven draining of a vertically-aligned thin liquid film (2020)
Alahmadi, H. N. (2020). Non-Newtonian and non-isothermal effects in the gravity-driven draining of a vertically-aligned thin liquid film. (Thesis). Keele University

The drainage and thinning of liquid films are important in a variety of applications,such as in liquid and solid foam networks, relevant in the manufacture of metallic and ceramic foams, the food industry, processing in the petro-chemical industry, a... Read More about Non-Newtonian and non-isothermal effects in the gravity-driven draining of a vertically-aligned thin liquid film.

SLEPX: An Efficient Lightweight Cipher for Visual Protection of Scalable HEVC Extension (2020)
Journal Article
Asghar, M., Abdullah, S., Kanwal, N., Fleury, M., & Shah, R. (2020). SLEPX: An Efficient Lightweight Cipher for Visual Protection of Scalable HEVC Extension. IEEE Access, 187784 - 187807.

This paper proposes a lightweight cipher scheme aimed at the scalable extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) codec, referred to as the Scalable HEVC (SHVC) standard. This stream cipher, Symmetric Cipher for Lightweight Encryption based... Read More about SLEPX: An Efficient Lightweight Cipher for Visual Protection of Scalable HEVC Extension.

On Developing and Validating Dynamic Systems: Simulation Engineering. (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). On Developing and Validating Dynamic Systems: Simulation Engineering.

Dynamic systems, where the behaviour is the dominant characteristic, pose engineering challenges that are often neglected in model-based software engineering. However, supporting simulation development from design models is important in demonstrating... Read More about On Developing and Validating Dynamic Systems: Simulation Engineering..

A comparative evaluation of time-delay, deep learning and echo state neural networks when used as simulated transhumeral prosthesis controllers (2020)
Conference Proceeding
Day, C. R., Chadwick, E. K., & Blana, D. (2020). A comparative evaluation of time-delay, deep learning and echo state neural networks when used as simulated transhumeral prosthesis controllers. In 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

Transhumeral amputation has a considerable detrimental effect on the amputee’s quality of life and independence. Previous work has already established the potential for exploiting proximal humerus myoelectric and kinematic signals for the effective c... Read More about A comparative evaluation of time-delay, deep learning and echo state neural networks when used as simulated transhumeral prosthesis controllers.

Federated learning with hierarchical clustering of local updates to improve training on non-IID data (2020)
Journal Article
Fan. (2020). Federated learning with hierarchical clustering of local updates to improve training on non-IID data. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,

Federated learning (FL) is a well established method for performing machine learning tasks over massively distributed data. However in settings where data is distributed in a non-iid (not independent and identically distributed) fashion -- as is typi... Read More about Federated learning with hierarchical clustering of local updates to improve training on non-IID data.

A Lightweight Attribute-Based Security Scheme for Fog-Enabled Cyber Physical Systems (2020)
Journal Article
Junejo, A. (2020). A Lightweight Attribute-Based Security Scheme for Fog-Enabled Cyber Physical Systems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 1 - 18.

<jats:p>In this paper, a lightweight attribute-based security scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is proposed for fog-enabled cyber physical systems (Fog-CPS). A novel aspect of the proposed scheme is that the communication between Fog-... Read More about A Lightweight Attribute-Based Security Scheme for Fog-Enabled Cyber Physical Systems.