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All Outputs (101)

Financial Inclusion for Women in the Informal Economy: An SDG Agenda Post Pandemic (2021)
Book Chapter
Nguyen, N. P., & Mogaji, E. (2021). Financial Inclusion for Women in the Informal Economy: An SDG Agenda Post Pandemic. In Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa (213-236). Springer International Publishing.

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, a gender divide and inequality already existed within the world’s economies; the global pandemic exacerbated this further. Many developing countries have been impacted enormously by the pandemic. Also, a sizeable porti... Read More about Financial Inclusion for Women in the Informal Economy: An SDG Agenda Post Pandemic.

Refining e-shoppers’ perceived risks: Development and validation of new measurement scale (2021)
Journal Article
Bashir, S., Khwaja, M. G., Mahmood, A., Ali Turi, J., & Fawad Latif, K. (2021). Refining e-shoppers’ perceived risks: Development and validation of new measurement scale. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, Article 102285.

Due to the rapid expansion of perceived e-shopping risks, and highly isolated and inconsistent presentation of literature about this concept, understanding e-shopper's behavior has become more difficult. In this regard, this study brings together dif... Read More about Refining e-shoppers’ perceived risks: Development and validation of new measurement scale.

Can Post-Vaccine 'Vaxication' Rejuvenate Global Tourism? Nexus between COVID-19 Branded Destination Safety, Travel Shaming, Incentives and the Rise of Vaxication Travel (2021)
Journal Article
Umer, Z., AKTAN, M., Anjam, M., Agrusa, J., Khwaja, M. G., & Farías, P. (2021). Can Post-Vaccine 'Vaxication' Rejuvenate Global Tourism? Nexus between COVID-19 Branded Destination Safety, Travel Shaming, Incentives and the Rise of Vaxication Travel. Sustainability, 13(24), Article 14043.

Vaxication (i.e., post-vaccination travel) and branding destinations for COVID-19 safety have emerged as the cornerstones to fully rebound global tourism. Numerous destination brands are now stimulating tourism demand through realigned travel incenti... Read More about Can Post-Vaccine 'Vaxication' Rejuvenate Global Tourism? Nexus between COVID-19 Branded Destination Safety, Travel Shaming, Incentives and the Rise of Vaxication Travel.

The local low skills equilibrium: Moving from concept to policy utility (2021)
Journal Article
Sissons, P. (2021). The local low skills equilibrium: Moving from concept to policy utility. Urban Studies, 58(8), 1543-1560.

It is more than three decades since the publication of Finegold and Soskice’s (1988) influential article ‘The failure of training in Britain: Analysis and prescription’. This widely cited publication popularised the notion of the low skills equilibri... Read More about The local low skills equilibrium: Moving from concept to policy utility.

How does dataveillance drive consumer online payment resistance? (2021)
Journal Article
Shankar, A., Yadav, R., Behl, A., & Gupta, M. (2023). How does dataveillance drive consumer online payment resistance?. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40(2), 224-234.

This study aims to examine the effect of dataveillance on resistance towards online payment. Using a moderated-mediation framework, the study also investigates the mediating effects of perceived privacy and security concerns and how these me... Read More about How does dataveillance drive consumer online payment resistance?.

Modelling the quantile cross-coherence between exchange rates: Does the COVID-19 pandemic change the interlinkage structure? (2021)
Journal Article
Ur Rehman, M., Al Rababa'a, A. R., El-Nader, G., Alkhataybeh, A., & Vo, X. V. (2022). Modelling the quantile cross-coherence between exchange rates: Does the COVID-19 pandemic change the interlinkage structure?. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 76, Article 101495.

This paper examined the presence of daily returns coherence and spillover between 30 forex markets over the complete sample and crisis sub-periods. We mainly employed the quantile cross-spectral approach of Barunik and Kley (2019) to measure returns... Read More about Modelling the quantile cross-coherence between exchange rates: Does the COVID-19 pandemic change the interlinkage structure?.

Using COVID-19 vaccination as a resilience strategy for the tourism sector – evidence from Serbia (2021)
Journal Article
Mladenović, D., Rrustemi, V., & Mogaji, E. (2022). Using COVID-19 vaccination as a resilience strategy for the tourism sector – evidence from Serbia. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(7), 1021-1025.

This short communication discusses the inflow of foreign tourists during the current pandemic and its interplay with the wide-scale administration of COVID-19 vaccines in Serbia. It focuses on the country’s provision of free-of-charge vaccines to inb... Read More about Using COVID-19 vaccination as a resilience strategy for the tourism sector – evidence from Serbia.

Augment Human Resource Proximity Plumbing Cybernation (2021)
Book Chapter
Deogaonkar, A., Nanoty, S., Shrivastava, A., & Jain, G. (2022). Augment Human Resource Proximity Plumbing Cybernation. In Research Anthology on Human Resource Practices for the Modern Workforce (911-920). IGI Global.

The expeditious proliferation of artificial intelligence in the mainstream has rejigged the simplest processes of the various sectors in the most efficient way. With the advent of the era of cybernation, the work culture has been curbed with the time... Read More about Augment Human Resource Proximity Plumbing Cybernation.

Dealing with impact of COVID-19 on transportation in a developing country: Insights and policy recommendations (2021)
Journal Article
Mogaji, E., Adekunle, I., Aririguzoh, S., & Oginni, A. (2022). Dealing with impact of COVID-19 on transportation in a developing country: Insights and policy recommendations. Transport Policy, 116, 304-314.

While developed nations have established policy frameworks for dealing with various macroeconomic shocks, developing countries respond to the influx of COVID-19 on heterogeneous scales, borne out of varying institutional bottlenecks. These inadequate... Read More about Dealing with impact of COVID-19 on transportation in a developing country: Insights and policy recommendations.

Dimensions of cybersecurity performance and crisis response in critical infrastructure organisations: an intellectual capital perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Garcia-Perez, T., Sallos, M. P., & Tiwasing, P. (2023). Dimensions of cybersecurity performance and crisis response in critical infrastructure organisations: an intellectual capital perspective. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 24(2), 465-486.

This research addresses the relationships between the current, dynamic organisational cyber risk climate, organisational cybersecurity performance and changes in cybersecurity investments, with an aim to address the hostile epistemic climate... Read More about Dimensions of cybersecurity performance and crisis response in critical infrastructure organisations: an intellectual capital perspective.

Does membership of local Chambers of Commerce networks enhance rural SME performance?: An empirical analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Tiwasing, P., & Sawang, S. (2022). Does membership of local Chambers of Commerce networks enhance rural SME performance?: An empirical analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28(2), 368-385.

Local Chambers of Commerce networks provide small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an opportunity to access essential information and networking with other businesses, resulting in improved business performance. However, rural SMEs... Read More about Does membership of local Chambers of Commerce networks enhance rural SME performance?: An empirical analysis.

Cultivating a culture for reading within Higher Education (2021)
Journal Article
Lee, R. (2021). Cultivating a culture for reading within Higher Education. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This is a reflective piece from an individual who attended the Becoming Well Read Symposium 2021. The reflections are centred around three interlinked considerations regarding the challenges and opportunities for cultivating a reading culture within... Read More about Cultivating a culture for reading within Higher Education.

Academic Staff Using University Website Profile Page for Academic Digital Branding (2021)
Book Chapter
Mogaji, E. (2021). Academic Staff Using University Website Profile Page for Academic Digital Branding. In Improving University Reputation Through Academic Digital Branding (30-46). IGI Global.

The growing interest in the internet and other digital technologies transforming the practice of education has led to the emergence of novel uses of new media for engaging with stakeholders. This study explored the web profile academic staff in Niger... Read More about Academic Staff Using University Website Profile Page for Academic Digital Branding.

Exploring the critical nexus between authoritarian leadership, project team member's silence and multi-dimensional success in a state-owned mega construction project (2021)
Journal Article
Zaman, U., Florez-Perez, L., Khwaja, M. G., Abbasi, S., & Gohar Qureshi, M. (2021). Exploring the critical nexus between authoritarian leadership, project team member's silence and multi-dimensional success in a state-owned mega construction project. International Journal of Project Management, 39(8), 873-886.

State-owned mega construction projects are greatly driven by the top-down authoritarian leadership that ironically restricts two-way communication and free flow of ideas. Prominent studies have highlighted various critical success factors of project... Read More about Exploring the critical nexus between authoritarian leadership, project team member's silence and multi-dimensional success in a state-owned mega construction project.

Shadow of Your Former Self: Exploring Project Leaders’ Post-Failure Behaviors (Resilience, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy) in High-Tech Startup Projects (2021)
Journal Article
Zaman, U., Florez-Perez, L., Farías, P., Abbasi, S., Khwaja, M. G., & Indra Wijaksana, T. (2021). Shadow of Your Former Self: Exploring Project Leaders’ Post-Failure Behaviors (Resilience, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy) in High-Tech Startup Projects. Sustainability, 13(22), Article 12868.

Globally, demands for sustainable strategies in the ICT industry have attracted greater momentum as high-tech projects continue to fail in large numbers. Recent studies have underpinned project resilience as a major factor for overcoming these increa... Read More about Shadow of Your Former Self: Exploring Project Leaders’ Post-Failure Behaviors (Resilience, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy) in High-Tech Startup Projects.

Demand, dysfunction and distribution: The UK growth model from neoliberalism to the knowledge economy (2021)
Journal Article
O’Donovan, N. (2023). Demand, dysfunction and distribution: The UK growth model from neoliberalism to the knowledge economy. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 25(1), 178-196.

Theories of ‘growth models’ explain capitalist diversity by reference to shifting drivers of aggregate demand in different national economies. This article expands the growth models framework beyond its conventional focus on debt-driven and export-dr... Read More about Demand, dysfunction and distribution: The UK growth model from neoliberalism to the knowledge economy.