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All Outputs (71)

Lovespoon/Llwy garu (2021)
Journal Article
Morgan, C. (2021). Lovespoon/Llwy garu. Writing in Education,

Microclimates (2021)
Morgan, C. (2021). Microclimates. [digital gallery]

Contribution to #WalkCreate digital gallery curated by Dee Heddon et al

Representing Happiness: A comparative study of media coverage of the World Happiness Report (2021)
Porto Carreiro Neves, R. (2021). Representing Happiness: A comparative study of media coverage of the World Happiness Report. (Thesis). Keele University

Alongside the rise of positive psychology in late 20th century, happiness has become a topical and heavily debated part of public and academic discourse. Although the concept has been discussed in philosophical terms since antiquity, it is now linked... Read More about Representing Happiness: A comparative study of media coverage of the World Happiness Report.

An Allusion to Don Juan: Reappraising Branwell Bronte's Byronic Self-Fashioning (2021)
Journal Article
Shears, J. (2021). An Allusion to Don Juan: Reappraising Branwell Bronte's Byronic Self-Fashioning. Brontë Studies, 30-46.

In January 1847, Branwell Brontë wrote a letter to his friend J. B. Leyland quoting from Lord Byron’s satirical epic Don Juan. This was an unusual choice of allusion given that the topic is Byron’s feelings of longsuffering that Branwell usually rela... Read More about An Allusion to Don Juan: Reappraising Branwell Bronte's Byronic Self-Fashioning.

Speculating About Society, Analyzing the Individual: Where Freudian Accounts of Antisemitism Go Wrong (2021)
Journal Article
Kauders, A. (2021). Speculating About Society, Analyzing the Individual: Where Freudian Accounts of Antisemitism Go Wrong. Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung, 47(1), 30-46.

In January 1847, Branwell Brontë wrote a letter to his friend J. B. Leyland quoting from Lord Byron’s satirical epic Don Juan (1819–24). This was an unusual choice of allusion given that the topic is Byron’s feelings of longsuffering that Branwell us... Read More about Speculating About Society, Analyzing the Individual: Where Freudian Accounts of Antisemitism Go Wrong.

The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950 (2021)
Journal Article
Janes. (2022). The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950. Journal of Social History, 55(3), 695-723.

The records of student societies show that cross-dressing was a very popular practice at Cambridge University from the second half of the nineteenth century not only in drama but at a wide range of social events. Male and female students were segrega... Read More about The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950.

Home Nursing, Gender and Confederate Nationalism in the American Civil War, 1861-65 (2021)
Journal Article
Brill, K. (2021). Home Nursing, Gender and Confederate Nationalism in the American Civil War, 1861-65. Nursing History Review, 30(1), 95-118.

This article provides the first extended analysis of Confederate home nursing in the American Civil War (1861-65). Home nursing was an integral component of Confederate health care outside of the regulation of the Confederate Medical Department and r... Read More about Home Nursing, Gender and Confederate Nationalism in the American Civil War, 1861-65.

Autobodies: Detectives, Disorders, and Getting out of the Neighborhood (2021)
Journal Article
Peacock. (2021). Autobodies: Detectives, Disorders, and Getting out of the Neighborhood. European Journal of American Studies, 1-22.

This article explores two detective stories featuring protagonists with neurological conditions. Lionel Essrog, the narrator of Jonathan Lethem’s Motherless Brooklyn (1999), suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome, and Mark Genevich, hero of Paul Tremblay’s... Read More about Autobodies: Detectives, Disorders, and Getting out of the Neighborhood.

The ‘curious effects’ of acting: homosexuality, theatre and female impersonation at the University of Cambridge, 1900-1939 (2021)
Journal Article
Janes. (2022). The ‘curious effects’ of acting: homosexuality, theatre and female impersonation at the University of Cambridge, 1900-1939. Twentieth Century British History, 33(2),

The University of Cambridge educated a significant proportion of Britain’s elite in the early twentieth century. The homosocial environment of the colleges was similar in many ways to that of the single-sex public boarding schools which many of the u... Read More about The ‘curious effects’ of acting: homosexuality, theatre and female impersonation at the University of Cambridge, 1900-1939.

Religion on an Ordinary Day in UK News: Christianity, Secularism and Diversity (2021)
Journal Article
Poole. (2021). Religion on an Ordinary Day in UK News: Christianity, Secularism and Diversity. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 179-202.

This article examines representations of religion on an ordinary day in British newspapers, 17 September in 2013, 2014 and 2015, as part of an international comparative study. Taking as its sample The Times, the Metro and a local newspaper, the Manch... Read More about Religion on an Ordinary Day in UK News: Christianity, Secularism and Diversity.

Religion on an Ordinary Day: An International Study of News Reporting (2021)
Journal Article
Poole, E., & Weng, E. (2021). Religion on an Ordinary Day: An International Study of News Reporting. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 165-178.

This article provides an introduction to an international study of religion on an ‘ordinary day’ in the news. Taking as its sample newspapers in the UK, Finland, Australia and Canada on 17 September in 2013, 2014 and 2015, the study aimed to provide... Read More about Religion on an Ordinary Day: An International Study of News Reporting.

Rethinking Gender, Citizenship, and War: Female Enemy Aliens in Australia during World War I (2021)
Journal Article
Bright, R. (2022). Rethinking Gender, Citizenship, and War: Female Enemy Aliens in Australia during World War I. Immigrants and Minorities, 40(1-2), 13-58.

Enemy aliens were undesirable migrants in Australia during World War I, right? Yet enemy alien women who sought naturalisation were largely successful. Using the concept of ‘desire’, this article uses quantitative and qualitative material from women’... Read More about Rethinking Gender, Citizenship, and War: Female Enemy Aliens in Australia during World War I.

Inclusivity in Module Design and Assessment Methods in the Humanities (2021)
Journal Article
Brill. (2021). Inclusivity in Module Design and Assessment Methods in the Humanities. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This article will evaluate the inclusivity of design and assessment methods of AMS 30043: Violence and Power in Antebellum America. This module explores issues of power and belonging from the end of the American Revolution to the American Civil War.... Read More about Inclusivity in Module Design and Assessment Methods in the Humanities.

Agency, Free Will, Self-Constitution: New Concepts for Historians of German-Jewish History between 1914 and 1938? (2021)
Journal Article
Kauders, A. (2021). Agency, Free Will, Self-Constitution: New Concepts for Historians of German-Jewish History between 1914 and 1938?. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook,

This article discusses recent work on German-Jewish agency between 1914 and 1938. To find out whether ‘agency’ might be a helpful category for examining the crises facing Central European Jewry in this period, the article addresses the subject from t... Read More about Agency, Free Will, Self-Constitution: New Concepts for Historians of German-Jewish History between 1914 and 1938?.

1. Modern English. 2. The regenerating city: space, hauntings and youth culture in the post-millennial Manchester novel (2021)
Gufar, S. (2021). 1. Modern English. 2. The regenerating city: space, hauntings and youth culture in the post-millennial Manchester novel. (Thesis). Keele University

My thesis investigates space, hauntings and youth culture in Manchester with two projects: a novel and a critical dissertation.

The novel is a coming-of-age story that takes place in Ashton-under-Lyne. Modern English explores the experience of gro... Read More about 1. Modern English. 2. The regenerating city: space, hauntings and youth culture in the post-millennial Manchester novel.