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The role of benevolent human resource attributions in reducing occupational stress: empirical findings from the emerging market (2023)
Journal Article
Hameed, A., & Khwaja, M. G. (2023). The role of benevolent human resource attributions in reducing occupational stress: empirical findings from the emerging market. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 14(3),

Stress levels in the organisations have been increasing which has been damaging employee's wellbeing and causing serious illnesses. Mutual gains model of human resource management endorses employee's well-being in the organisational sphere. The study... Read More about The role of benevolent human resource attributions in reducing occupational stress: empirical findings from the emerging market.

Employee stress management and well-being while working from home during the pandemic: the role of involvement HRM practices, self-efficacy and hope (2023)
Journal Article
Hameed, A., & Khwaja, M. G. (2023). Employee stress management and well-being while working from home during the pandemic: the role of involvement HRM practices, self-efficacy and hope. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 22(2),

Researchers have highlighted that as work from home (WFH) mechanisms have progressed during pandemic COVID-19, there is a likelihood that occupational stress levels may arise considerably. Mental health of the employees may deteriorate due to work r... Read More about Employee stress management and well-being while working from home during the pandemic: the role of involvement HRM practices, self-efficacy and hope.

The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment (2023)
Journal Article
Oliva, F., Agnes, M., Strollo, F., Danieli, R., & Maffulli, N. (in press). The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment. M.L.T.J. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 13(04), 660.

Introduction. The diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), also known as Forestier-Rotès-Querol disease, is a systemic pathology characterized by the diffuse ossification of the ligaments of the spinal column. It can be linked to several meta... Read More about The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment.

Quadriceps Tendon Tears Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review of the Literature (2023)
Journal Article
Oliva, F., Marsilio, E., Cuozzo, F., & Maffulli, N. (in press). Quadriceps Tendon Tears Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review of the Literature. M.L.T.J. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 13(04), 667.

Introduction. Knee extensor apparatus tears are uncommon conditions, affecting middle aged men more than women. Quadriceps tendon ruptures are usually described as an acute consequence of a trauma that could be characterized by a direct or indirect m... Read More about Quadriceps Tendon Tears Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review of the Literature.

Restorative Power of Empathetic Communication for Participatory Governance and Community Well-Being (2023)
Journal Article
Sharma, H., Jain, V., Mogaji, E., & Babbili, A. (2023). Restorative Power of Empathetic Communication for Participatory Governance and Community Well-Being. International Journal of Communication, 17, 7115–7138

Our study unravels the interrelationship between empathetic communication, participatory governance, and community well-being during crises such as the pandemic. Existing research has solemnized the role of empathy in communication during an organiza... Read More about Restorative Power of Empathetic Communication for Participatory Governance and Community Well-Being.

Empirical Study of the Evolution of Python Questions on StackOverflow (2023)
Journal Article
Syam, G., Lal, S., Chen, T., & Sangeeta, S. (2023). Empirical Study of the Evolution of Python Questions on StackOverflow. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal (EISEJ), 17(1), 230107.

Background: Python is a popular and easy-to-use programming language. It is constantly expanding, with new features and libraries being introduced daily for a broad range of applications. This dynamic expansion needs a robust support structure for de... Read More about Empirical Study of the Evolution of Python Questions on StackOverflow.

Improving assessment and feedback literacy within the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SNaM): Supporting students in preparing for their summative care plan assessment with the use of group tutorials (2023)
Journal Article
Mumvuri, J. (2023). Improving assessment and feedback literacy within the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SNaM): Supporting students in preparing for their summative care plan assessment with the use of group tutorials. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Critical thinking and high-level communication are vital for professional nursing practice. The
experience of writing assignments and receiving feedback during undergraduate nursing studies
helps to develop both these skills. Boud and Associates... Read More about Improving assessment and feedback literacy within the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SNaM): Supporting students in preparing for their summative care plan assessment with the use of group tutorials.

Introducing Patchwork Assessment into Natural Science curricula (2023)
Journal Article
Rogers, S. L., & Knight, P. G. (2023). Introducing Patchwork Assessment into Natural Science curricula. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Patchwork Assessment (or Patchwork Text Assessment) is an alternative to exams or traditional coursework, and may be particularly appropriate for introduction as part of a module being redesigned for flexible digital delivery. It involves students cr... Read More about Introducing Patchwork Assessment into Natural Science curricula.

Developing Innovation in Assessment in History ISPs (2023)
Journal Article
Talbott, S. (2023). Developing Innovation in Assessment in History ISPs. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Since the academic year 2021-22, a project has been underway to innovate assessment in History
Individual Study Project modules at Keele. This includes a second-year dissertation preparation
module, and the final-year dissertation. In the context... Read More about Developing Innovation in Assessment in History ISPs.

Assessing the (Legal) Essentials: A Reflection through the Prism of Self-Determination Theory (2023)
Journal Article
Coyle, S. (2023). Assessing the (Legal) Essentials: A Reflection through the Prism of Self-Determination Theory. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This is a reflection on the teaching and assessment of the Legal Essentials module, in terms of its role
in preparing Level 4 students for the rest of their Law degree. Legal Essentials is designed to provide
a grounding in legal skills and the l... Read More about Assessing the (Legal) Essentials: A Reflection through the Prism of Self-Determination Theory.

Creation of a Novel Collaborative Resource for Sharing Scholarship (2023)
Journal Article
Door, R. (2023). Creation of a Novel Collaborative Resource for Sharing Scholarship. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

The growing number of teaching and scholarship positions in academia encourages staff to formalize their
scholarship practice. Such creative practices do not easily fit within the rigid structure of traditional journal
articles and therefore the... Read More about Creation of a Novel Collaborative Resource for Sharing Scholarship.

What Have You Learned? Matching Academic Content to Employability Skills in an Economics Undergraduate Programme (2023)
Journal Article
Sousounis, P. (2023). What Have You Learned? Matching Academic Content to Employability Skills in an Economics Undergraduate Programme. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

In economics and social sciences in general, it is often difficult for students to connect theory with
practice and identify how material that is being taught, develops discipline-specific skills, and
importantly, in this context, employability (... Read More about What Have You Learned? Matching Academic Content to Employability Skills in an Economics Undergraduate Programme.

Leaving Egos Outside: A 'Reverse Mentoring' Study of BAME Psychology Students and Senior University Leaders (2023)
Journal Article
Waddington, K., Husbands, D., & Bonaparte, B. (2023). Leaving Egos Outside: A 'Reverse Mentoring' Study of BAME Psychology Students and Senior University Leaders. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This Highlight article describes a small pilot study of a ‘reverse mentoring’ study in a UK university,
involving five undergraduate Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) psychology students who
mentored five senior leaders. Inverted commas wer... Read More about Leaving Egos Outside: A 'Reverse Mentoring' Study of BAME Psychology Students and Senior University Leaders.

Evaluation of online project-based induction activities in Forensic Science (2023)
Journal Article
Cartwright, V. (2023). Evaluation of online project-based induction activities in Forensic Science. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

A new project-based induction was designed for 2020. The induction was a fully online project for
welcoming our first-year students. The aims of the activities were to concentrate on a smooth and
successful transition into higher education, intro... Read More about Evaluation of online project-based induction activities in Forensic Science.

Genetic Loss of miR-205 Causes Increased Mammary Gland Development (2023)
Journal Article
Cataldo, A., Cheung, D. G., Hagan, J. P., Fassan, M., Sandhu-Deol, S., Croce, C. M., …Iorio, M. V. (in press). Genetic Loss of miR-205 Causes Increased Mammary Gland Development. Non-Coding RNA, 10(1), Article 4.

MiRNAs play crucial roles in a broad spectrum of biological processes, both physiological and pathological. Different reports implicate miR-205 in the control of breast stem cell properties. Differential miR-205 expression has been observed in differ... Read More about Genetic Loss of miR-205 Causes Increased Mammary Gland Development.

Clinical effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for the management of anxiety in community dwelling people living with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Nimmons, D., Aker, N., Burnand, A., Jordan, K. P., Cooper, C., Davies, N., …Walters, K. (2023). Clinical effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for the management of anxiety in community dwelling people living with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 157, 105507.

Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity (2023)
Journal Article
Rashal, E., Santandrea, E., Ben-Hamed, S., Macaluso, E., Chelazzi, L., & Boehler, C. N. (2023). Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85(3), 705-717.

We examined the effect of combined top-down and bottom-up attentional control sources in easy and difficult visual search tasks. Applying a new analysis on previously acquired data, we focused on the sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN... Read More about Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity.

FireNet-v2: Improved Lightweight Fire Detection Model for Real-Time IoT Applications (2023)
Journal Article
Shees, A., Ansari, M. S., Varshney, A., Asghar, M. N., & Kanwal, N. (2023). FireNet-v2: Improved Lightweight Fire Detection Model for Real-Time IoT Applications. Procedia Computer Science, 218, 2233-2242.

Fire hazards cause huge ecological, social and economical losses in day to day life. Due to the rapid increase in the prevalence of fire accidents, it has become vital to equip the assets with fire prevention systems. There have been numerous researc... Read More about FireNet-v2: Improved Lightweight Fire Detection Model for Real-Time IoT Applications.

Optimising physiotherapy for people with lateral elbow tendinopathy – Results of a mixed-methods pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (OPTimisE) (2023)
Journal Article
Bateman, M., Skeggs, A., Whitby, E., Fletcher-Barrett, V., Stephens, G., Dawes, M., …Hill, J. C. (2024). Optimising physiotherapy for people with lateral elbow tendinopathy – Results of a mixed-methods pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (OPTimisE). Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 69, Article 102905.

The OPTimisE intervention was developed to address uncertainty regarding the most effective physiotherapy treatment strategy for people with Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy (LET). To assess the feasibility of conducting a fully-powered randomised controll... Read More about Optimising physiotherapy for people with lateral elbow tendinopathy – Results of a mixed-methods pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (OPTimisE).