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All Outputs (64)

On the refined boundary condition at the edge of a thin elastic strip supported by a Winkler-type foundation under antiplane shear deformation (2024)
Journal Article
Prikazchikova, L., Nolde, E., Miszuris, W., & Kaplunov, J. (2024). On the refined boundary condition at the edge of a thin elastic strip supported by a Winkler-type foundation under antiplane shear deformation. International Journal of Engineering Science, 205, Article 104152.

The derivation of the boundary conditions is the most challenging part of the asymptotic techniques underlying low-dimensional models for thin elastic structures. At the moment, these techniques do not take into consideration the effect of the enviro... Read More about On the refined boundary condition at the edge of a thin elastic strip supported by a Winkler-type foundation under antiplane shear deformation.

Dynamically relevant recurrent flows obtained via a nonlinear recurrence function from two-dimensional turbulence (2024)
Journal Article
Redfern, E. M., Lazer, A. L., & Lucas, D. (in press). Dynamically relevant recurrent flows obtained via a nonlinear recurrence function from two-dimensional turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 9(12), Article 124401.

This paper demonstrates the efficient extraction of unstable recurrent flows from two-dimensional turbulence by using nonlinear triads to diagnose recurrence in direct numerical simulations. Nearly recurrent episodes are identified from simulations a... Read More about Dynamically relevant recurrent flows obtained via a nonlinear recurrence function from two-dimensional turbulence.

Interpretative Attention Networks for Structural Component Recognition (2024)
Journal Article
Uniyal, A., Mandal, B., Puhan, N. B., & Bera, P. (2025). Interpretative Attention Networks for Structural Component Recognition. Pattern recognition, 63-77.

Bridges are essential for enabling movement during environmental disasters and serve as crucial links for rescue and aid delivery. Effective bridge inspection and maintenance are more critical than ever due to increasing severity and frequency of env... Read More about Interpretative Attention Networks for Structural Component Recognition.

Multimode long-wave approximation for a viscoelastic coating subject to antiplane shear (2024)
Journal Article
Erbaş, B., Itskov, M., Kaplunov, J., & Prikazchikov, D. (2024). Multimode long-wave approximation for a viscoelastic coating subject to antiplane shear. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 75(6), Article 234.

A general asymptotic approach involving multimode long-wave approximations is illustrated by a 2D time-harmonic scalar problem for the dynamic antiplane shear of a viscoelastic coating. For the first time, a 1D equation of motion with the coefficient... Read More about Multimode long-wave approximation for a viscoelastic coating subject to antiplane shear.

Unlocking Trust: Advancing Activity Recognition in Video Imagery (2024)
Journal Article
Yousuf, M. J., Lee, B., Asghar, M. N., Ansari, M. S., & Kanwal, N. (2024). Unlocking Trust: Advancing Activity Recognition in Video Imagery. IEEE Access, 12,

Anonymous activity recognition is pivotal in addressing privacy concerns amidst the widespread use of facial recognition technologies (FRTs). While FRTs enhance security and efficiency, they raise significant privacy issues. Anonymous activity recogn... Read More about Unlocking Trust: Advancing Activity Recognition in Video Imagery.

Emotion Classification on Software Engineering Q&A Websites (2024)
Journal Article
Awovi Ahavi-Tete, D., & Sangeeta, S. (2025). Emotion Classification on Software Engineering Q&A Websites. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal (EISEJ), 19(1), Article 250104.

Background: With the rapid proliferation of question-and-answer websites for software developers like Stack Overflow, there is an increasing need to discern developers’ emotions from their posts to assess the influence of these emotions on their prod... Read More about Emotion Classification on Software Engineering Q&A Websites.

Minimising cybersecurity risk exposures in industrial control system environments: a techno-human vulnerability analysis approach (2024)
Journal Article
Ani, U. D., Watson, J., He, H., Radanliev, P., & Epiphaniou, G. (in press). Minimising cybersecurity risk exposures in industrial control system environments: a techno-human vulnerability analysis approach. Journal of Cyber Security Technology, 1-40.

Organisations operating IoT-enabled industrial control systems (ICSs) are concerned about growing cybersecurity risks and impacts to their systems. Cyber-attacks on ICSs demonstrate that technology alone is neither a problem nor a solution to the gro... Read More about Minimising cybersecurity risk exposures in industrial control system environments: a techno-human vulnerability analysis approach.

BioRxToolbox: A computational framework to streamline genetic circuit design in molecular data communications (2024)
Journal Article
Durmaz, M. G., Tulluk, N., Aksoy, R. D., Yilmaz, H. B., Yang, B., Wipat, A., …Tugcu, T. (in press). BioRxToolbox: A computational framework to streamline genetic circuit design in molecular data communications. Synthetic Biology,

Developments in bioengineering and nanotechnology have ignited the research on biological and molecular communication systems. Despite potential benefits, engineering communication systems to carry data signals using biological messenger molecules an... Read More about BioRxToolbox: A computational framework to streamline genetic circuit design in molecular data communications.

Developing classification and regression based machine learning algorithms for bank loan approval and stock market prediction problems (2024)
Mistry, K. A. J. Developing classification and regression based machine learning algorithms for bank loan approval and stock market prediction problems. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Developing machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict unseen data based on the trends of existing data has always been very challenging. Its technology demand to be applied to a wide range of problems is very high and is only expected to rise. Altho... Read More about Developing classification and regression based machine learning algorithms for bank loan approval and stock market prediction problems.

Optimized punching shear design in steel fiber-reinforced slabs: Machine learning vs. evolutionary prediction models (2024)
Journal Article
Albostami, A. S., Mohamad, S. A., Alzabeebee, S., Al-Hamd, R. K., & Al-Bander, B. (2025). Optimized punching shear design in steel fiber-reinforced slabs: Machine learning vs. evolutionary prediction models. Engineering Structures, 322, Article 119150.

This research paper focuses on utilizing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (MOGA-EPR), and Gene Expression Programming (GEP) to predict the punching shear strength of Steel Fibre-Re... Read More about Optimized punching shear design in steel fiber-reinforced slabs: Machine learning vs. evolutionary prediction models.

Evaluating the Performance Resilience of Serverless Applications using Chaos Engineering (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Zayed, A., & Al-Said Ahmad, A. (2024). Evaluating the Performance Resilience of Serverless Applications using Chaos Engineering. .

This study explores the use of chaos engineering in evaluating the performance and resilience of serverless applications, which are built as complex distributed systems subject to different types of failures and errors. By intentionally injecting con... Read More about Evaluating the Performance Resilience of Serverless Applications using Chaos Engineering.

Low-frequency propagating and evanescent waves in strongly inhomogeneous sandwich plates (2024)
Journal Article
Prikazchikova, L., Rege, A., Kaplunov, J., & Prikazchikov, D. (2024). Low-frequency propagating and evanescent waves in strongly inhomogeneous sandwich plates. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 75, 1-14.

The paper aims at studying dispersion of elastic waves in a sandwich plate with the parameters, characteristic of aerogel core and hard skin layers, typical for aerospace applications including optimal design of fuselage structural components. The pr... Read More about Low-frequency propagating and evanescent waves in strongly inhomogeneous sandwich plates.

Using rapid reviews to support software engineering practice: a systematic review and a replication study (2024)
Journal Article
Pizard, S., Lezama, J., García, R., Vallespir, D., & Kitchenham, B. (2025). Using rapid reviews to support software engineering practice: a systematic review and a replication study. Empirical Software Engineering, 30(1),

A few years ago, rapid reviews (RR) were introduced in software engineering (SE) to address the problem that standard systematic reviews take too long and too much effort to be of value to practitioners. Prior to our study, few practice-driv... Read More about Using rapid reviews to support software engineering practice: a systematic review and a replication study.

Version reporting of wearables in clinical trials v1 (2024)
Digital Artefact
Ahmad Khattak, K., Woolley, S., & Collins, T. (2024). Version reporting of wearables in clinical trials v1. [protocol]

This study involved the extraction and analysis of version reporting information from completed and reported entries for wrist-worn wearable intervention studies.

Modeling of equivalent strain in 2D cross-sections of open die forged components using neural networks (2024)
Journal Article
Jagtap, N. V., Reinisch, N., Abdusalamov, R., Bailly, D., & Itskov, M. (2024). Modeling of equivalent strain in 2D cross-sections of open die forged components using neural networks. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 9, Article 100152.

Open die forging is one of the oldest manufacturing methods known to remove defects in the ingot resulting from the casting process. The improved properties of the final component are highly dependent on the strain distribution. Alt... Read More about Modeling of equivalent strain in 2D cross-sections of open die forged components using neural networks.

Wrinkling of differentially growing bilayers with similar film and substrate moduli (2024)
Journal Article
Shen, J., Fu, Y., Pirrera, A., & Groh, R. M. (2024). Wrinkling of differentially growing bilayers with similar film and substrate moduli. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 193, Article 105900.

Growth-induced surface wrinkling in constrained bilayers comprising a thin film attached to a thick substrate is a canonical model for understanding pattern formation in many biological systems. While the bilayer model has received much prior attenti... Read More about Wrinkling of differentially growing bilayers with similar film and substrate moduli.

AI security and cyber risk in IoT systems (2024)
Journal Article
Radanliev, P., De Roure, D., Maple, C., Nurse, J. R. C., Nicolescu, R., & Ani, U. (in press). AI security and cyber risk in IoT systems. Frontiers in Big Data, 7, Article 1402745.

Internet-of-Things (IoT) refers to low-memory connected devices used in various new technologies, including drones, autonomous machines, and robotics. The article aims to understand better cyber risks in low-memory devices and the challenges in IoT r... Read More about AI security and cyber risk in IoT systems.

Self-induced transparency of long water waves over bathymetry: the dispersive shock mechanism (2024)
Journal Article
Sheremet, A., Qayyum, R., & Shrira, V. (2024). Self-induced transparency of long water waves over bathymetry: the dispersive shock mechanism. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 997,

The shoreline hazard posed by ocean long waves such as tsunamis and meteotsunamis critically depends on the fraction of energy transmitted across the shallow near-shore shelf. In linear setting, bathymetric inhomogeneities of length comparable to the... Read More about Self-induced transparency of long water waves over bathymetry: the dispersive shock mechanism.

Analytical and numerical study of anti-plane elastic wave scattering in a structured quadrant subjected to a boundary point load (2024)
Journal Article
Nieves, M., Kisil, A., & Mishuris, G. S. (in press). Analytical and numerical study of anti-plane elastic wave scattering in a structured quadrant subjected to a boundary point load. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480(2299), Article 20240099.

We verify the recently developed method by Kisil (Kisil 2024 SIAM J. Appl. Math. 84, 464–476 (doi: 10.1137/23M1562445)) through its application in the study of the anti-plane dynamic response of an elastic square-cell lattice quadrant having a free l... Read More about Analytical and numerical study of anti-plane elastic wave scattering in a structured quadrant subjected to a boundary point load.

A systematic literature review on software applications used to support curriculum development and delivery in primary and secondary education (2024)
Journal Article
Agbo, B., Morris, C., Osman, M., Basketts, J., & Kyriacou, T. (in press). A systematic literature review on software applications used to support curriculum development and delivery in primary and secondary education. International Journal of Educational Research, 7, Article 100385.

The evolution of educational software applications has revolutionised teaching and learning methodologies in primary and secondary education over the past decade. This paper conducts a review of primary studies based on N = 21 paper... Read More about A systematic literature review on software applications used to support curriculum development and delivery in primary and secondary education.